Chapter 20. Possibilities

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At first, Arden was too shocked to realize what just happen. Did that girl just hit Laith with the butt of a gun? His second reaction was trying his hardest to catch himself. He took a deep breath. He then reminded himself that the hitter is a child, she can't hit that hard. He focused on the thought. Calmly take a distance and analyze everything.

A feat Arden knew he would never be able to do. The moment he sees blood trailing from Laith's head, his heart begins pumping fire to his vein, and dyed his vision red. He cursed silently, breathing out roughly as rage swamped him. He should have known that someone like Queen and all these douche bags can never be trusted. When they get out of this mess, they would pay. It doesn't' matter the other party is a woman or a child. He would make certain the recipients suffer slowly.

Arden bites his tongue until he can taste blood. The rage he felt nearly choked him. One important fact had shown itself to him then, just how much Laith means to him. How much he detests the timing of this revelation came second to the fact that he will do anything to keep her safe and how hard he will make sure it's done.

"Hey, buddy, hey! Yes, you brat! I'm talking to you!" Alex growls cuts trough Arden's train of thought, and he knew the other man could sense his fury. He can see similar fury reflected in the other man's eyes too. They may be reluctant allies, but at that moment they just become trusted comrades.

"Please call me Ely, big brothers," Ely said cheerily as she turned her face toward them. She then released Laith to move closer. Arden can see Laith slowly shaking her head. She's conscious then. Good.

"Don't worry. I just got a couple of questions," Ely continues as she stopped not far from Arden. "For every answer that makes me happy, big sis there will be spare. Play me and she'll be given a reward." She points Laith and smile brightly. "So, are we ready?"

Arden understands why Alex stiffened. What kind of realization that hit him, the reason why terror washed through his eyes. The fact that his sister might, at some point, cross paths with the kind of angelic looking psychopaths like her makes Arden nauseated too.

Alex glanced at him before answering. "We're ready."

"Eh? No protest of any kind? So boring, you guys." Ely's pursed her lips. The psycho kid actually has a nerve to pout at them. "Fine then. Let's test it out. First question, who send you on our trail?"

Arden paused. Aren't they working for Queen? Or maybe they were being set up like them too? Let's try lying for now. "Nobody. We find a trail all on our own," Arden said with the best earnest look he can muster.

"Wrong answer, big brother A. I can tell you are lying through your teeth." Ely's shakes her head. "I'm disappointed both at the lie and your sucky lying skill." Arden stiffened as Ely slowly look back and forth between him and the still dazed Laith. She take a step forward before turning back and resume her position, standing not far from them.

"I'm feeling generous today, so I let that one slide. Try me again and see where it leads her," she said with that same innocent smile, but now Arden can also see a spark of madness in her eyes. What did these guys feed her?

"I won't repeat the question. Who?"

Long tensed silence ensued and grows until the air itself felt heavy. They definitely can't tell her, because he knows that disclosing even the slightest information will be a tale tells sign of weakness. And yes, the psycho kid will smells that. Their type often does. Yet, he also knows that this stalemate won't last forever. Her patience will runs out soon. Arden can also feel that Alex begins to crumble under the threat of violence directed towards Laith.

The more Arden sweats, trying as fast as he can to come up with something, the bigger Ely's smile become. The girl smile just turned into a smirk when an unlikely hero shows up.

"Ely, down girl."

The three of them watched as Trevor reenters the space. Ely moved away to stand at his side. Arden shot both of them a look that speak volumes as the Scavenger surveyed them, linger a second longer at Laith, before slowly comes back towards him. A long sigh can be heard throughout the structure soon after. Yeah, that's right. I got news buddy, thanks to the psycho kid, you can kiss our cooperation goodbye, Arden thought.

"I guess a nice chat is impossible now, Enforcer?" Trevor asked Arden then, referring, he guessed, to Laith's condition.

Arden met his stare and swears he can see a regret flash in the man's eyes. Why the sudden change of heart? A minute ago he acted high and mighty, but now he's willing to talk? Well, what the hell. Let's worry about it later. "It depends." Arden decided to takes the chance. It doesn't mean he won't wring both this man and the girl necks as soon as he's free. But, he's willing to cooperate for now.

The other man raised one of his eyebrows. "On what?"

"A few met conditions."

"You don't seem to realize what kind of--" Ely tried to butt in only to be silenced by a side glance from Trevor. The girl shut her mouth and back down. The exchange didn't escape Arden. Maybe he can use it later, somehow.

"Let's start with this. I will tell you the real reason why we're looking for you. In return, you will allow my friend to check her conditions." Arden can't trust himself to be distant this time. He can barely hold his temper in check as it is.

Trevor response was to move towards Laith, readjust her binds and gently help her up. He then guides her to sit closer to Alex. After a moment of silence, Arden finally receives a nod from Alex, signaling that she's okay.

"Done. Your turn."

Arden let out a small sign of relieve before nodding back at Alex. "We're searching for you because we have a reason to believe that you're somehow tied to the recent strings of missing rent organs and persons." He said to Trevor. Now that he knows that she's all right, he can finally refocus on their main objective. "We have proof that at least one of them contacted you before she disappear. A young woman name Renata Grim." He bluff.

Arden can tell for sure the man in front of him suddenly stiffens. A look of suspicion enters his eyes. "Yes, maybe we do know her. Eighteen, brunette, nerdy, Renata Grim. She's missing. So?

"You know you're a person in interest yet didn't bother to check the details? How typical Arden thought, but on the outside, he only shakes his head. "Moving on, that's her brother you tied there." He tilts his head towards Alex. "He came all this way, believing you got something to do with her disappearance. On which you confirm just now all by yourself."


A little development. Minuscule in fact but, I promise there'll be more XD 

Anyway, as usual, thank you so much for giving this book a chance. I would love to hear your feedback, so feel free to comments. If you like this book, please do vote and add it to your library. Thanks again and read on!

Video : Little Big Town - Girl Crush

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