Chapter 11. Awake and Alive

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~ Arden ~

Arden sips the lead flavored coffee. Well, it's true then. Caffeine has different effects on people. In his case, instead of replacing his energy, it only makes him more alert yet didn't decrease his fatigue. What a strange feeling. It's all good though. He still needs to clarify a few things anyway.

Arden raised his leg and stretched it on the long sofa. He massages his left leg that fell asleep after a dosage of local anesthesia not far from the bed where Laith sleeps. Her complexion is getting better as the time passed by, the doctor assured them. His sight stayed on her for some reason, if only to make sure that the IV running smoothly. When she passed out in the car, he almost lost it. That dark anger, not something he used to.

Three hours after they arrived at the hospital, Laith finally regains her consciousness. The gunshot wound she sustained to the right shoulder is a clean trough and trough. A few bags of blood later, she's good to go. They opted to follow the good doctor's advice to rest the day off instead. So here they are, nursing a bruised ego inside a hospital room.

Camille drags her chair to take a closer look at Laith. "Is she really OK?"

"Don't worry," Carlo said as he finishes his second bag of chips before licking salt from his fingers. "You heard what the doctor says. She's tough."

Camille gave her brother a face. "She still needs to stay here for two or three more days though."

Carlo flops deeper into the chair. "It's a good thing she's being treated in one of the Reclaimers affiliated hospital then." He opens another bag of chips and continues to eat.

Camille shoulders were slumped. "Tomorrow provides enough time to be worry," she said with a tired voice. She then turned towards Arden. "Some trouble you guys fall into. Got some idea who creates the shooting party we just attend?"

A self mocking grimaced broke on Arden face. "Of course, as clear as a day," he told her conspiratorially, piling a lot of horseshit.

"Be more serious." A small smile tilts Camille lips. "Things escalate quickly around the two of you lately."

"Too quickly." Arden got his suspicion, especially since he begins to wonder who he should to trust.

"Spit it out. You think there is a hole somewhere, either from our or your side. Heck, maybe both." Carlo takes a swig from a soda can.

Arden didn't react. "All along, the shootout never seems to slow down yet for some strange reason, nobody attempts to break in." He opted to share some detail, hoping to gauge some response. "They also seem to know our movement inside out."

Carlo faced Arden and looked straight at him. "Been intercept more than once I presume?"

"At least twice as far as I know, factoring the incident at her apartment a few days ago." Arden glanced at Laith. "Still need to confirm it with her though."

"Getting murkier, huh?" Camille muttered and shakes her head. "Got any idea why?"

"These cases you're assigned to must be related somehow," Carlo offers some obvious suggestion.

"Thank you for the not so helpful help, genius." Camille gave her brother a very sweet fake smile.

Carlo on the other hand, smiles back like nothing amiss. "Just stating a fact, sis. No need to be so strung up." He rises to his feet then, only to takes several steps before settling in more comfortably on the opposite side of the sofa.

"I'm sure you are," Camille drawled.

Arden takes a discreet long and good look at the twins as they talk back and forth. Can he trust them? His partner seems to have enough faith. The twins did bail them out not so long ago, albeit the late arrival. What luck, his partner in crime still in a blissful sleeps. Guess he's on his own this time.

"Got any other bright idea?" Arden inquires.

"Sure," Carlo muttered. "Where to start? How about the fact that you blatantly doubt us even after we save the two of you?"

"Oops, I forgot to say thanks. Really appreciate it, buddy," Arden retorted. "I have confidence in you. Not so much on everyone else though."

Carlo snorted, but by then a new voice joins the fray.

"And please enlighten me, since when exactly we're allowed to carry a semi-auto, let alone a state of the art one?"

Arden quickly rose and approached the bed. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?"

Laith sits up and winced a little. "I was. Until I'm bored listening to all of this barter." She accepted a glass of water from Camille and smile gratefully at her. "Well?"

Carlo smirked. "We borrowed it."

"For the longest time possible." Camille grimaced.

"Try forever. Let's see it as our insurance since our jobs were getting a bit more dangerous lately."

As the twin resumes their back and forth bickers, Laith stifled a yawn and glance at Arden, asking him to believe in her judgment about them. And if he read it correctly, she'll explain the basis why to him later, when they're alone. He can live with that so for now he'll wait. Casually, Arden gave a small intangible nod and she returns it.

"I need food. Real food, not the sterile kind." Laith puts the empty glass on the table right by the bed.

"Who's up for pizza?" Carlo crushed the soda can in his hand and throws it into the trash bin. It hit the side and bounces out.

Camille picked up the can and properly put it away. "Be a good boy and order it for us, will you, Carlo?"

"Even though I look like this, I'm still 15 minutes older than you." Carlo muttered as he begins to dial for pizza.

"Too relax, all of you." Arden said as he refills the glass with water and hands it over to Laith, who looked at him with question. He pretended to not realize it. To explain the ecstatic mood he has since she open her eyes earlier will only create more complication.

"It's what we do best." Came the Reclaimers unanimous chorus.


A little peaceful scene. And more development among the characters. Any thoughts?

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Video : Skillet - Awake and Alive

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