Chapter 35. Knock Knock

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"Well, we came this far? Have the guts to continue?" When her question is met with a resounding silence, Laith voice the decision. "Guess it's just too tempting of opportunity to pass, huh?" She then directed her gaze at Ely. "You know a way to sneak in?"

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Ely huffed. "Of course I don't. But rest assure, I already found one. Heads up."

Following her directions, Laith peer around the corner where they crutch and hide. Her eyes landed on a temperature regulator patch. It excludes a white smoke and covered with ice crystals. Great, a freezing squeeze hole.

"Or if you prefer, you can test your luck on frontal attack." Ely shrugged. "It's your choice."

"Both are promising," Arden murmured low. "If we can find a way to pass those guys first." He indicates towards the dozen or more so Phantoms guarding the perimeter. "I don't think it'll be as easy as the guys we encounter up till now."

"Wait, shouldn't we confirm first the fact that going in there will actually serve our goal?" Camille states her doubts while her eyes stay on the guards.

"Done that. Unfortunately, the entire section is covered in some kind of signal scramble. So, both our scanner and drones are out of commission. I even have a hard time maintaining this feed." Ely smack at her controller to express her frustration. "I hate these futuristic technologies they possessed."

"Says the one with advance stealth gears. Did you know that Vanguards will kill to have yours and Ranbax's techs?"

"Too bad advances require massive amount money that governments won't approve, huh?" Ely said in deadpan voice. "Hey. The good news is, between the sophisticated jammer and those guys, it's almost a guarantee we hit a jackpot," she happily add a second later.

"So you say." Laith is taken back by Ely split second mood swings. Guess she wasn't as immune as she hope. "In short, we're going in blind then? That brings back memories."

"Hold that thought. Wolf, a word." Arden warned before he grab Laith arm and guide her to the side. "Switch to private comm."

Laith frowned but she reluctantly complies. "What's wrong?"

"You're asking me that?" He begins. "You can't go there. It's too dangerous."

"I'm going." Laith bristled. What's the deal with this sudden protectiveness? "Unless you got any better idea that I don't know about?"

"I don't. But, think for a minute. This whole stint is a mouse trap." He sounds genuinely worried for her safety. It's kinda sweet. Annoying, but sweet.

Laith takes a deep breath to clear her head. "Don't you think I know that?" She tried again, calmer this time. "Still doesn't change the fact that I must go."

"For what? Chasing a couple of organs?" He said in clip tone.

"You don't need to make it sound so callous. It's unbecoming of you." Laith sighed. "I know you understand that we need to find those renters soon. Lives depend on it. Theirs, especially. For better or for worse, I'm their best chance."

It's the unspoken safety net for the industry. Sickening as it maybe, each and every one of the merchandise is equipped with a kill switch. In case the merchandise falls into the wrong hand, the real owner can render it unusable. Of course, it never deters the Scavengers so it's not bulletproof. Besides, if Ranbax is the one responsible all of these anomalies, they must definitely have the means to overwrite it. But, she just can't risk it. Preventing the use of such switch is the reason Reclaimers existed in the first place.

After a long tensed second, she heard a long blow of breath. "Alright, I resign my case. It's dirty play to dangle my conscience like that." He then reached to take her hand in his. Taken a little by surprise, she froze. "Whatever happens, don't do anything reckless, will you?"

Felling a little out of place, Laith can only nod. He released her hand and walk back, leaving her more than a little daze. What just happen? Forget it. It's not the right time and palace to ponder. Shaking her head, she follows him.

Upon seeing them closer, Carlo smirked. "Done worrying? Aren't the two of you sweet?" He mused.

"Zip it." Laith glare at him. "I vote for the freezing hole on the wall route. Thoughts?" She was met with another silence. "Then, any idea how to reach it?"

"More or less. See that pipes bolted to the ceiling? We can cling to it and use it to access the cooler," Alex was the one who answer in a sharp tone.

Laith notice Arden frowned at Alex but decided to keep her mouth shut. Whatever their problem is, she just didn't need more drama. Instead she say, "Let's go. We only have a little time left."

"I leave things to you guys then. Good luck. Ely signing off." She cut her feed.

Agreeing silently, they apt the clock mechanism to the max and begin to move. Using a bunch of creates as leverage; they climb atop the closest and sturdiest looking pipes. Less than a minute later they were moving silently across the distance. Dust was puffing as pipes struggle to hold their combine weigh. Laith can only pray they didn't attract unwanted attention.

The little hidden way across turns out t be little too convenient for her taste. Seated between the wall and the ceiling, it provides a near perfect cover. It also allows them to keep an eye on the guards bellow. Not that it matter. From some strange reason, the Phantoms weren't moving, at all. They stand perfectly still, doing nothing but to stare at space. And here she thought they're supposed to be the world best ops. What a creepy, odd bunch.

It's just another reason why Laith choose this long route rather than a more direct approach. There's no way in the world she was willing to risked exposure. Not this early and not to those guys. In her short life, she met some of the shadiest and dangerous people anybody could think. Most of the time, she just thinks it as side effect of her occupation. Yet, her instinct is screaming to her that something was off with those guys. Something unnatural. Better steer clear than head into collision path.

With her paranoia avoided, they arrived safely at the small opening. As expected, it was covered with sturdy lid but nothing more. Removing the bolts, they crawl inside. It turns out to be confusing at first. They try to make up a way, using as little light as possible. They turn into another shadowed path. There, around the corner not far away and filtering from narrow ledge, was a sign she has been hoping for. Several beams of lights coming from below. Peering through lid as best she can, she confirms that the cost is clear. Taking several deep breaths, she nods at her companion before removing the lid and dive.

Laith lands and crouch at the side of the entrance, just out of sight, huddled in the shadows. Looking around, she soon draws her weapon and held them at ready. She took out her old school back-up phone she kept in case of emergency. This was definitely an emergency, she decided.

The flashing red sign kind.


Video : Grouplove - Let Me In

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