Chapter 8. Dealing with Rat

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~ Laith ~

"Are you sure that we're good?" Arden low voice interrupts her thought. Laith nods her head without taking her eyes from the address paper. Geez, that old man played pranks wherever he goes. Giving them this address won't do them any good when the other information's also so archaic. There's not even a GPS coordinate. Thanks to that, now they were stranded inside this 9th District labyrinth lovingly named Orient.

"This part looked shady," Arden yet again tried to smack some sense into her. She chose to ignore him.

"This entire district is shady." Checking her e-Link snapshots against the surrounding area, Laith pointed at the two of them. "And look at us. We're standing like two clueless tourists in the middle of the largest night entertainment district."

Arden eyes stayed on five youngsters standing across the street from them. "My point exactly."

"Maybe they saw your insignia tattoo." She shrugged.

"Yeah, right. Like I'll turn it on here." He stretched his neck. "I didn't see yours either."

Laith smirked. "Don't worry. Cam and Carlo already on their way." She ignored the paper and turns her head to look at him instead.

"So many restrictions this district has against people like us." Arden tsked.

"It can't be helped." Laith crossed her hands. "No matters how the time chance, the kind of entertainment this district offers still ruffle a lot of feathers."

"I understand the need to remain anonymous. Can't have Enforcers disrupting business, after all."

"Not a fan of this kind of establishment, I inclined?"

"Never and ever."

"You have a good head and heart." Laith scoffed jokingly. "That aside, our backups will be able to meet with us a lot sooner if we provide them with GPS though."

"Still no luck finding the address, huh?" Arden point the paper. "Are you sure it's legit?"

"It came from Toda sensei, it's legit."

"I've been wondering, who's that guy anyway?"

"You need to get out more." Laith give him a side glance. "He's one of three coalition member from our side."

"You sure have some people on high places." Arden whistled before holding his hand out, "Can I take a look?"

"It's pretty obscure." Laith handed him the paper. "Besides, it's not like we can ask around." Following his sight general direction, she spots the merry little group. "On a second note, maybe we should."

"Are you crazy?"

"Since long ago. Please stay here and provide surveillance." Laith smile before crossing the street and approached the said group. Soon after, she walked back towards him. "Good news. We're close. Let's go."

Arden bemusedly shook his head before following her.

"I saw that," Laith said without turning.

"I hope you would."

Together, they take a long, slow walk through several back alleys. They finally stops at the end of one of those alleys, rendered speechless by one of the brightest rustic neon billboards they have ever seen. Right underneath it, an old looking yet heavily decorated door awaits. Of course, their destination will be mark with the most outrageous billboard ever created, Laith chuckled. She should see this coming. That old man has a warped sense of humor. From the corner of her eyes, she can see that Arden was thinking the same thing. 

Cautiously, they approach the door and knock. Upon hearing the sound of unlocked doors, they step inside. Only to be stopped by the first thing they see, yet again.

Sitting in the middle of the small circular room is a big, ancient, outdoor lamppost wrap partly in what looked like a red Sari cloth. In fact, all the other furniture, heck, the entire room was covered in various color cloths. Even the fireplace that warms the air and basked the room in orange color can't escape from it. The contrast between the shady alley, too cheery billboard and the gaudy interior throw them back. So much so that the both of them automatically draws their gun and aims at the first moving object they see.

"What holy cow of universe! Put that far away from my face!" somebody hissed from behind a small table. Of course the both of them didn't do as they were told. They stared wide eyes at who they guess is the dweller of this unique lair. Laith scoots a little closer. From what she can see, it's a man.

"Mister, are you the owner of this establishment?"

"Yes! Yes, I am! Mr. Toda told me that two people will be coming this way, looking for some information!"

Laith holster her gun and raised her right hand. "That's us."

"What about him?"

Laith looked over her shoulder and raise one eyebrow. Arden shrugged before reluctantly holster his gun. "There. Sorry 'bout that. Now, the information?"

The, err, very small man finally stands and step from behind his hiding place. One long face and small black eyes meet them. He has a slightly hunch back and an uneven gait. After giving them a stinky eye, he slowly walks toward some sort of drawer. Reaching inside, he then put a small QR code on the table.

"Only this much?" Arden said after scanning the code.

"Look pal, that one is free. If you want me to dig deeper, it's not going to be cheap."

Arden frowned. "Ever wonder what happen to individuals who's so blatantly withholding information in front of--"

"We get it," Laith cut in. She then gestures Arden to the side. "What's with you? Where the caution you always talk about?"

"I'm using it. Something about that man reeks."

"Not again. You're not a people person, are you?" Laith sigh. "I know what murkiness smells like. But we still need his cooperation. Just let me handle this."

"Fine. For now."

"Gee, thanks." Laith mock smiled. They then walk back to the small man. "We get you your money when you give us a valuable intel, mister?"

"Call me Ratty.

"OK, Ratty. It's a deal," Laith said as she activates her comm, which has been demanding attention for some time now. "I'll be outside for a minute." She walked away.


It's a little on the short side. Sorry. 

Anyway, thank you so much for giving this book a chance. I would love to hear your feedback, so feel free to comments. If you like this book, please do vote and add it to your library. Thanks again and read on!

Video : Lykke Li - Get Some

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