Chapter 12. Unknown Land

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~ Laith ~

Laith hesitated, staring at the door of her bathroom. On the other side, she can positively hear somebody moves around. Who knows that her decision to bail from the hospital will lead to this? She just wants to take a shower in her apartment, damn it!

The good news is she brought her gun and it sits sweetly on the counter, only to realize that her right hand was out of commission for another week. The aftermath of being shot is officially more troublesome than the wound itself.

A sudden flash of memory had her gaze swinging toward the window. A different window, inside a strange room yet familiar circumstances. Shaking her head, she tried to clear her vision. Laith can feel her heart racing. What was that? Did she imagine it? Maybe it's time to cut the medication intake. She didn't have the time for this. Better focus on the intruder and forget the strange vision.

Laith moved to put on her jeans and sweatshirt as fast as she can. Along the way, she successfully bumps her toe on the banister. Cursing under her breath, she balances her gun using her left hand. Readying herself, she was just about to barge out when the sound of knocks froze her.

"It's Rush. Please don't shoot me."

Laith immediately yanked the door, anger erupting through her system then. "Name one reason why I shouldn't?" she hissed. Call her ungrateful, she wasn't going to forgive him for barging in announced, again.

Expecting him to move out of the way, Laith slow reaction landed her straight into a hard body. The sudden stop throws her balance off and prompt Arden to catch her against his chest. He then hugged her close; presumably to help her regains some balance. But, what comes after that will baffle her for a long time later. He actually didn't let go and instead tighten his embrace. Laith can only gasp and falls silent, unsure. A biting awkwardness stretch, until finally the air itself feels heavy. There's only one sound she can her and that's the sound of her heart beatings loudly in her ears.

Laith tried to come up with some lame excuse and she can do nothing but freeze. To make it even worse, she can felt the heat that begins to creep to her face. Please don't blush; Laith repeats those words like a mantra, over and over.

For a long minute, they stayed in that position before Arden finally let her go and take a step back. "I brought eat." He then paused to clear his throat. "Sorry. I mean something to eat. I brought food. And an update. For you," he said very fast.

The sudden burst brought her eyes to his face. She can't believe it. Did the guy just blush and stutter? Both the uncharacteristic display breaks the trance. Laith can't help it. She laughs out loud. Not to mock or anything. The shift happens too rapid, proves to be too much.

"Thanks. For the food and the laughter. Not so much about the barging in part, though." Laith smirk and moved to step around him, what happens just now almost forgotten. Almost. She knew better, was her next thought, not to assume anything. It's just a nice gesture between colleagues, hell, read it as charity. She told herself to not over analyze everything. Just forget and move on.

"You really should change the password. It's way too easy to predict." Arden walks jerkily towards the foods and begun to open the container. She spots a couple of freshly cooked, not the take out kind of foods on the kitchen counter. Today's menu: beef noodles, avocado salads and boneless honey orange fried chicken. "Where are the plates?" he said, more casually this time.

Laith takes out a couple of utensils and mutely passed them, still reeling. "It's not like I don't install any additional security," she finally said after they sit down. She accepts the noodles and begins to dig in, using her left hand awkwardly.

"An antique key, complete with an equally antique key hole." Seeing her struggle, he takes her plates, cuts the noodles using a fork and handed it back to her complete with a spoon. "I pick the lock in under ten seconds."

"It's secure enough, until now." Her temper flares back. "Not everybody still has an antique skill set like yours." Laith pressed her lips, anger robbing her control. She watched his cool gaze and almost lost it.

Arden sighed deeply. "Just be more careful, will you? At the very least, until you're fully healed." There's no returning anger. He seemed perfectly serious.

"Fine," she stated firmly. "And thanks." Laith finish her food quickly and rise to clean the table, only to be beaten by the more than ready Arden, of course.

"Let me." He gave her a hard, fierce look. "This way, we can get down to business faster," he murmured, and glanced at her shoulder before moving to his feet.

Laith blink and nodded silently, by this point all the fight already left her body. She waits, desperately regrouping as she can feel him do the same. She watched as he stored the leftovers in the fridge and dumps the rest. He turned back, his emotion obviously under control as he paced over from the sink area.

"So, the scene of our shootout, Ratty's so called Muse." He picked the seat opposite hers. "Aside from Ratty rambles, Enforcers presents, and the usual destruction, I also found this." He paused to pull a small plastic bag and placed it on the table.

Laith stared before picking it up. What do you know? It's a round metal object, identical to what she found earlier at the Grim house.

"The twins told me that you found something similar?"

"At the Grim residence." Laith rose to search the pocket of her coat, hanged next by a window. Pulling the zip bag out, she compares the two.

"Got it analyze yet?"

"Not yet. I didn't think its crucial evidence at the time."

"Apparently it is now. Better turn it down fast." He moved to stand beside her.

Laith lifts the bags toward the afternoon sun. "To whom, my people or yours?"

Arden gently tapped one of the bags. "Can you bypass the chains?"

"Up to some degree. We can expect something by the end of the week."

"Good. It's decided then. Let's go." He looked alert and anxious.

Laith nodded quickly and ease the bags back inside the pocket before putting her coat. Like him, she got a feeling that something big brewing on the horizon. Some way or the other, they must find a clue soon. They walk toward the front door until Laith suddenly stops.

Keeping his gaze locked with hers, Arden gestured at his ear. "Someone on your ear?" he mouthed.

Laith nodded as she answered it. As soon as the call is cut, her e-Link receives a file and an address.

"Duty calls?"

"You know what they say. There's no rest for the wicked." Laith grimaced and sighed wearily.


A special scene for the two. I hope everyone likes it!

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