Chapter 5. Tedious Task

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~ Arden ~

The walls seems to be painted in red. Amazing, in sick kind a way, but still. Adjusting his light, Arden probes his gloved hand at the blood smear. He can't help to wonder what crazy knick knacks would commit a brutal crime, then sticks around to decorate it? The kind that he hunts from tonight's on, apparently. Thinking that it's about time to wrap things up, he comes back to the ground floor only to realize that his partner was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she left to talk with her friends; hopefully she comes back with something.

A sudden barrage of ruckus nicked at him. A barrel of footsteps and a sound scuffle comes from the entrance door. Turning his attention, Arden strategically calculates his movement before peering from the side. His eyes landed on a figure in the center of inner foyer, a man, from the looked of it. The stranger stood about six feet tall with even gait and broad body. The odd thing though, he just stood there, not really doing anything except staring into space.

Preparing his side arms, Arden was just about to warn the man when a second, much smaller figure rams into the stranger, taking both of them down. Efficiently, the second individual was able to restrain him without much problem. The stranger didn't put a grain of resistance, understandable perhaps, given the state of the horror fest he walked in.

"It's rude to enjoy the show without giving a feedback," Laith said as she slowly peeled away from the still form on the ground. A fourth and fifth shadows takes form in the entrance. They glanced at the scene and then at him.

Arden shrugged before holstering his gun and moving closer. He then sat down on his haunches. A dark grey uniforms and silver shield removable neck insignia tattoo, he's a Vanguard then.

"What can I say, your technique was flawless. Putting that aside, you guys know who he is?" Arden asked nobody in particular.

"The missing person brother," the two people hovering near Laith answered at the same time.

Arden frowned. He turn on his e-Link and skim through some data. The first picture showed the missing person in this case, Renata Grim. She got a long brunette hair and hazel eyes. Single, eighteen, work as a system engineer at a nearby power plant. Living at this address with her only family member, an older brother named Alexander Grim.

Next was the brother picture. He's nineteen, a Vanguard stations at 2nd District 37th base not far from here. Arden compares the picture to the man on the ground and decided it match up to the tee. The same dark brown hair and eyes. The same outfits and grim expression. Even the way he wear his insignia is eerily same.

"It's him all right. And we restrained him why?" Arden extends his hand to remove the restraint, only to be stopped by a hand on his wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. At least not until he calms down," Laith said after releasing his wrist. She sticks her thumb over her shoulder.

Arden straightened and walked to poke his head from the one of the open windows. After some brief observation, he realizes that three Enforcers were being treated by medics at the parameter line. One was daze sitting, the second was lying flat on the ground and the third was being carried. He then walked back to the merry little group before setting down on his haunches once again.

Arden peers at the rigid form. "I see. He chose to barge in rather than invited in. It's still doesn't feel right though. He seems calm now so maybe we can release him." He snapped open the restraint and reached to help Alexander. Another pair of hands joins in. After some struggle, they manage to carry him outside.

He seems to retain some of awareness as soon as they clear the door. They proceed to sit him on the porch stair. He then put his head in between his hand and just sits there. After that, a long quietness ensued. Everybody seems to wait for somebody to say something, anything. Guess that's his role. Arden exhales a sigh before sitting not far from Alexander and linking his finger together.

"Mr. Grim, are you OK? Can I get you anything?" Arden inquired only to be answered by the sound of leaves blowing. "Sorry that we have to restrain you back then." More silent treatment. This is useless, Arden thought. He needs to use a more direct approach.

"Mr. Grim, did you have any idea where's your sister might have gone?" he tried again, firmly this time.

Alexander slowly turned his head toward him. "She's not inside?"

"No. The house is empty," Arden replied.

"What... What about..." He cleared his throat before trying again. "What about the blood?"

"We can't say for sure, the test result was not conclusive enough," Laith offered her answer from where she stands next a white pillar.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Alexander stiffens and snapped his head at Laith direction.

Arden readies his cuff, just in case, before continuing. "It means this is an open missing person case Mr. Grim. We appreciate your cooperation."

Alexander tried to change his posture. It takes a lot of effort, Arden can tell. "I don't know much. When I left this morning, she still asleep in her room upstairs. Night shift, I guess."

"She got a lot of those night shifts?" Arden press.

Alexander nodded. "She said they paid better. She used to be a sickly kid. That changes since she finally able to rent a kidney. It's expensive, but she was so happy," he whispered then shook his head. "It all changes when she says she needed to take a kidney loan to pays for the rent fee."

"You said she took a kidney loan? When?" Arden moved closer. The others did too.

"A little over a month ago."

"Which didn't make sense if you ask me." Laith adds. "She has a decent job. It's not much but I'm sure she makes more than enough to rent a kidney."

Alexander nodded. "I offered to help, but she refused and choose to take that loan instead." He suddenly turned to look directly at the Reclaimers. "Come to think of it, this morning I received a message from her saying that she need to do some check up. She said she got a call from you guys that her kidney was behaving rather strange lately."

Arden sifted his position to partially block Alexander view. "I'm sure it's just a routine check. It's a new kidney after all."

The interview lasted for a few minutes more without any further useful information. After confirming Alexander whereabouts for the whole day, Arden told Alexander to contact him if anything new comes up. He then asked Alexander to leave everything to him. At first he looked really reluctant, especially after knowing that the Reclaimers will take part is this case. But, after some assurance he begrudgingly agreed to leave. Not before throwing some threat though, especially to the Legend twins who has been tasked as his personal escort for tonight.

"You got some interesting friends," Arden said without releasing averting his eyes from the three people leaving the compound.

"You can say that again." Laith walked past trough him and straight to their car. "Still want to go to the other scene or you want to call it a day?" she asked as soon as he entered alongside her.

Arden put his palm on the dashboard and fired up the engine. "Let's called it. I just received the details and 3-D scans of the other scene. I need to look at it first. It will still be a tedious task either way."


At last, my merry band of wayward main characters is here. Introducing Alexander "Alex" Grimm. Stay tune for more.

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Video : Muse - Uprising

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