Chapter 25. New Directions

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"Neutralize them?" she asked for clarification. "Why we want to do that?"

She watched his feature tighten, then glanced up to see the muscles in his jaw ticked in anger.

"They took somebody from their home and paint it red. Don't you think they're a little bit dangerous?" That was definitely an impatient edge in his voice, she decided.

Laith shook her head. "Didn't you hear what I say? Our informants are missing. M-I-S-S-I-N-G, and yet you want to focus on this tidbit detail instead?" She can't contain the expiration from spilling trough her voice.

Silence filled the room. Anger, hot and distracting, wrapped around her. Hers and his. Scratch that, she could feel the tension radiating from everybody now.

"Did the two of you always this intense?" Carlo voice cut through the thick atmosphere. Laith shifted her focus to him, but she keeps watching Arden carefully.

"We aren't," she assured him with a rally fake innocent smile. "Tucked away somewhere is our usual nice and pleasant self. Let's move this little gathering forward so I can return to be her, or I might be forced to do something deplorable."

In her peripheral visions, she can see Arden lips thinned. Laith turned away from him completely. She didn't want to acknowledge his concern for her, although frustrating, is also sweet at the same time. Damn, she wished he hadn't so genuinely cared about her. Some people just too good for their own good. In the end, her civilize side wins. Life just wasn't fair.

"Don't worry. I will never put the case or myself in jeopardy," Laith reluctantly adds. "I know this because the Enforcer you ask to keep an eye on Ratty informed me."

"That's supposed to make it OK?" he reminds her.

"It addresses the problem." Laith shrugged, projecting nonchalance.

His growl of disapproval was faint but deep. It surprised her that the sound came from a guy like him. And here she thought he was one of those avoid conflict whenever possible type.

"Relax, Rush," she bit out, a little resentful that his disapproval successfully compelled her to defend her action. "I run into nothing dangerous. Let's move on already."

He shot her a brooding look, his amber eyes a shade darker. Laith can't help but admire the way his intense emotion turn him. He had never looked at her quite like that before. Like he has tender feelings for her, was genuinely worried, and didn't care if she saw.

Then just as quickly the look disappears. His gaze became guarded, leveling.

"Sure. What did you find?" he finally said, turning his eyes outside.

"From what I hear, since the last time we saw him, Ratty has been in Enforcer protective custody." She shrugged her shoulders negligently. "I haven't seen him in person since the day I ask him about the Scavengers. Thanks for clearing some stuff at your end, by the way. Especially volunteering to answer questions from High Inquisitor Salazar."

"Why? You're suspicious of him?" Alex rise one of his eyebrows.

"We can't be too careful," Camille was the one who answered. "So far, his conduct came up clean. But, I'll keep digging, discreetly."

"Thanks. Nobody climb up that high without some juicy acts under their belts." Lait leaned back. "But, if it's not related to our cause then it's none of our business."

"Understood." Carlo snickered. "What's with you? You got some buff with the guy? Or maybe with Inquisitors in general?"

"I hate complicated matters. People with that level of power and reach tend to inflict everything they touch with a healthy dose of oppression."

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