Chapter 3. Threading the Water

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~ Laith ~

They only just meet approximately one an hour ago. Surely there is not enough time for two strangers to hate one another. Yet somehow, this male rubs her the wrong way. She peeked through the corner of her eyes. This fine species of a man somehow set off her internal alarm.

Oh, he is fine all right. His dark hair is cut rather on the long side. Eyes the shade of gold and strong jaw. A tall, lean muscle body clad in black uniforms that highlights his boyish handsome features. There is a catch though. For all the beauty, there's nothing that this man do that can mask the edged of something dark. Something dangerous. Laith can taste it in the air from the moment their eyes met. She is officially baffled.

"So, first thing first. Since we're going work as partners until God's known when hell freezes over, how about setting some ground rules sound?" the Enforcer suggested from the car seat beside her.

"Ground rules, eh?" she inquired. "Like what exactly?"

"Like who's in charge and safe words. You know, marking territories and such."

Laith change from peeking from one eye to fully turning her head and gave him an open long look. Is this guy for real? Who's in charge and a safe word? Marking territories? What are they? Some kind of S&M enthusiast? Not that she has a problem with them. She just doesn't really care. Besides, she witnesses fair share of pain in her line of work. She preferred to avoid more bloodshed thank you very much.

"Is that look you keep giving me means that it's not okay?" he asked and gave her a curious glance before eyeing the road again.

"A little more explanation is required don't you think?" She raised one eyebrow expectantly. "Like who's in charge of what and why the heck we even need a safe word in the first place."

Another long silence ensued. He sure liked to make her wait. Guess that's a bust. No matter, maybe this waiting game can become their trademark. The weird thing though, given the Enforcer penchant for interrogation and investigation, she secretly hopes he will be a talkative male. She obviously isn't a fan of opening her mouth. Talking exhaust her, unless she used the words to taunt somebody. Taunting art is useful whenever you go because one angry individual equals sloppiness and sloppiness creates opportunity.

"The phrasing does sound vague. Sorry 'bout that." He brushed his hair with one hand before continuing. "What I mean was who's in charge when a certain condition presented itself. You obviously hold a higher rank than me. So, you want to take a lead in everything we do from now on? For the safe words, strictly used to signals each other out should some unforeseen danger arises of course," he said accompanied with a wide smile.

That smiled may look genuine, if she didn't sit right next to him. It failed to reach his dark amber eyes. Did he have a problem with authority? And yet, he works as an Enforcer? Is he always this easy to read? All that questions passed by her mind but she chose to ignore them.

But then again, since this partnership was forced upon them, maybe she needs to make few compromises. Like it or not, it's a done deal. She can't confirm his suspicion no matter how all of this partnership nonsense sounds so bogus. An opportunity to strengthen alliances will never sound genuine, no matter how you mold it. So much for hoping the big shots upstairs will ever offer a believable excuse. Laith can't help the snicker. Man, once a Reclaimer, always a Reclaimer. They will always be a lazy lot.

"We can trade the authority as we go along. It's fine with me as long as we consider each other opinion equally." Laith shrugged, unconcern. "As for the safe words, we can use our last names. It's peculiar yet unsuspicious enough."

"You suggest we should call each other first name without any titles or ranks?" He raised one eyebrow.

"Fine by me. Unless in some kind of formal setting. The bottom line is, read the atmosphere. We'll be all right. I'm counting on you to watch my back from now on, Arden."

"Ah, um, sure. Same here, Laith," he stuttered a bit before clearing his throat.

Their conversation seems to flow more smoothly after that. They make small talk here and there as the car fully autonomous driving system guides them trough the bustling city-state. Laith absent-mindedly diverts her attention outside as the car stops at a red light. Brightly lit skyscrapers crowding the dark moonless sky but the denizen of this waterfront dwelling seem to be living life to the fullest. Quite a few cars stop alongside them. The electromagnetic fence triggered by the red light hum, protecting the pedestrians. By the banks of the water, more people gather to enjoy a late night party. They shout, drinks and throw some punches. Laith can even hear the music and felt the vibration all the way from here. The late hour and freezing temperatures never stop them before. Why start now?

Brightly lit holo-boards competes for attention at every corner, offering the most scrumptious and delectable things (and more), setting a good examples of fire that attract the moth. Spends your money, your body and your soul. The motto of the entire planet. Or maybe it's the opening line in Thaen declaration of Independence? Sounds about right. Thaen is one of the richest and most powerful nations on Earth after all. But with an area roughly 10, 223. 4 sq mi, 20% of it exists as liquid form and a total population of approximately sixty million peoples; it's not exactly a big nation either. It's a good thing their wealth and good political climate, albeit some weird buzz that hit the air lately, can fund both solid military personnel and the shiniest arsenals.

As the car start to move and takes a right turn at St. Lance crossroads, Laith snaps back from her reverie. She observes the GPS panels more closely. 30 miles from the final destination.

"We're going to the crime scene at this hour?"

"I need to see it since you obviously already did. Do you mind?" he asked politely.

"I guess not, the fresher the batter right?" Laith shrugged. "But maybe we can stop to grab a bite first? There's a place I know not far from the scene that serve divine pastas."

"Might as well, since I got the feeling it's going to be a long night." The words just barely passed his mouth before an incoming video call sign pops up on the front glass. Laith answered right away. Enforcer Chang black hair and eyes appears. His youthful face is filled with lines of worry. This can't be good.

"We got an emergency. Five minutes ago, an Enforcer at 2nd district stumbles upon something that looked like a horror scene. The two of you have been ordered to go there immediately," he said as the car begins to adjust at the new directions. "Reclaimer Wolf, two of your colleagues already at the scene." Laith exhale a long sigh before adjusting her seat belt. Things about to go from not good to downright shitty.


I try my best to convey the felling of budding partnership. Did I get it across ?

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Video :  Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps

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