Chapter 38. Inquiry

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"Don't just stand there. Say something."As Renata give a stiff hand up, Josiah gaze slid to Laith and linger for a second than necessary. Shivers of unknown origin rake her spine. She tries to dismiss it as soon as it appears. There's more present matter she must address.

"Satisfied?" Josiah reach to tap Renata Phantom insignia of five red claw marks without averting his eyes from them. "And before you make any baseless accusation, I can assure you she and the others are here voluntarily."

Like hell they are, Laith said inside but she wisely keeps her mouth shut.

"I will never accept that! Alex spit. "Ren, it's your brother. It's Alex. Come here. Let's go home," he pleaded. His sister just stare blankly, done her headgear, and step back.

"I guess that means that she's staying," Josiah smirked.

"What did you do to her?!" Alex shout.

"Don't be so melodramatic," Josiah drawled. "Your sister choose to repay me after I save her life."

"Don't bullshit me! She's fine--"

"She's not fine. She's never fine. If she is, then she'll never have to rent a kidney in the first place."

"And you think that give you the right to control her? Turn her into a puppet like these Phantoms?"

"Of course. Phantom work for me now."

Laith can't hold her scoffed. Well isn't that convenient, you megalomaniac with illusion of grandeur. It's easy to see that both the Phantoms and the renters are enslaved by some kind of unnatural means. No doubt, it's gotta be that damn Cerberus implant. Laith sure what method did he use. The problem is she didn't have any idea how to fix it. But she won't rest until she finds a way.

Josiah let out a long sighed. "Let's forget about all of this nonsense. It's getting tedious."

Alex growled as he once again move towards the young CEO. It takes Laith and Camille grip on each of his wrist and Arden full body block to halt him.

Arden quickly whispers, "I know that you want to take your sister with us, but we're at disadvantage here."

"Have patience," Laith adds in low tone. "Now that we know for sure that he's one of the hellhound head, we'll be back to chop it off. We'll rescue her." She glanced to the figures suspended on the tubes. "We'll rescue all of them."

Josiah interrupted their little discussion with another long sigh. "Unlike all of you, I do have other matter to attend to. Are we done here?"

"Not by a long shot," Laith hastily replied. She cursed herself when Josiah eyes slid to her and stick. Setting aside her instant dislike for this man, she braced herself and said, "What about these renters?" She inclined her head slightly to the tube. Why you keep them here?" Laith pause to take a breath. "You want to turn them into your personal dogs too?"

Josiah raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, that's right. We know about the implant you install on your merchandise. And its relation to the tech you use to force these renters into submission." Laith hold her eye contact. "The only thing I don't understand is your motive. Why do this? What do you hope to achieve by controlling these people?"

"Ah, to answer your questions, I need something in return. I want to spend a little quality time with you, Reclaimer Wolf." He smiled in anticipation. The look had Laith tensing with dread. "If you agree with that, I promise to answer all your questions. I'll even release your friends. They'll be escorted out, alive and unharmed."

The resounding scoffed around her can only be translated as rejections. On the other hand, Laith is more interested in why Josiah looks so eager to meet her. The way he acts, like he's had been waiting forever for her, is unnerving.

"You must be kidding." Laith can tell Arden fought to keep his voice mild, to keep his rage masked. "She is a Reclaimer. A Reclaimer on a case in which you're a person of interest. I think you understand why we won't ever let you take her."

"For the last time, a person of interest of what? Face the fact, Enforcer. You got zero proof." Josiah coldly dismissed everything and smile sincerely, or at least he tried to. "Now, Reclaimer Wolf, please come this way. Don't worry. I promise to release you, alive and well, in a few days."

She will never be fooled by that fake, insufferable smile.

Arden opened his mouth to speak but Laith beat him to it. "Thanks for the offer but I must decline." No offence to Arden nice gesture, but she can stand for herself.

A brief genuine disappointment crossed Josiah's face. Hey, look at that. He didn't expect her refusal. Is he really expecting her to tuck her tail and give in? Guess again, pompous ass. She didn't take orders well, especially one that came from someone like him.

The problem now is she has to play the game well so they can bid time until they could escape. From the way she sees it, they had the upper hand. Josiah employees, for better or worse, can only reach on his order. So, there are four of them against him and his pets. Laith smile inward. Game on.

"I can always kill them, then take you in by force." Josiah shrugged. "Is that what you prefer?"

Laith felt Arden tense beside her. She also felt his arm moving, sliding at his side. Damn it, don't you try taking that big gun out. Keeping her actions slight, she reached back with one arm to secure his hand right where it were. At the same time, she slid him a look that say trust me. It was little far fetch, given the fact that they still haven't come up with a plan to escape.

"And why you do that? Why the interest in me?" she redirect his claim, tone devoid of anything except genuine curiosity. "You know I won't follow you blindly. I'm interested in the reason you came to meet us in person. It only cemented my suspicion."

"What kind of suspicion are we talking here?"

"You got no intentionof letting anybody get out of here alive."    


Video : Skillet - Monster

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