Chapter 23. Future Plans

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For Laith, the shared eye contact was the final warning bell. She could feel it in her gut. It was more than enough to confirm her suspicion all this time. That there's a chance she's the one related to all of this. Sure, the one responsible for sending them here was Arden old friend, but the bait was designed to appeal more to her, not him. She's just too distracted to see. All the things that happens from the moment she stepped into that room, to this Scavenger meet and greets has been too coincidental. Too precise.

Tons of scenarios flooded her brain, but Laith put a lock on it. She flexed her hands as she fought for control. Calm down. It's only a confirmation of suspicion, not a clear cut fact. They still need a boatload of proves. Because, sure, she got a super shady past, but it's not she's the only one. She's not that special. It's not like she can fly or shot laser. There must be some reasonable explanation. She just needs to find for it. Right now, it's time to get a grip with reality. Pulling away from her own mind at that moment was one of the hardest things she had ever done. But she did, reluctantly, forcing her eyes open, looking straight into the shocked depths of her companions.

"Now, it's our time to ask. I only got one question. Who send you on our way?" Trevor cold eyes turned sub zero.

Ely scrunched her nose. "Is it the lady with a red hair and a name that sounded more like a title?"

Arden glanced at her before nodding. "Yes."

"Well, I guessed that concludes our friendly chat," Ely piped with a cheerful smile.

"Wait a minute," Laith informed her tensely, knowing better than to share any further suspicions with the Scavengers. "We still not convince that Scavengers are not at least aware of what's going on. I thought you had the best snooping system in place."

"We do. But we should care why?" Trevor voice came over with a stern, cranky tone.

"You should. We won't stop coming until we're satisfied." Alex move toward Trevor at the same time Arden move to partially block him. They shared a tense stance for a split second before Alex finally stilled.

"Good luck then. We won't be easy to spot next time," Ely said with a glee that for some reason seems awfully familiar to Laith. It annoys her faster than anything she ever encounters.

"And here I thought that you guys are more than just lowly scum." Laith joined the fray. "The tidbit of human trafficking doesn't do you any good anymore? Should we invite our friends from organized crime to come by?"

Trevor narrowed his eyes at them, but Ely was the one who came up with a comeback. "Big sis, you may already encounter a number of our colleagues, but know this, not all of us was ever given a choice and that every group have our own way of conducting business. Believe me when I say that for every atrocious man that ever walked on this Earth, we're not the worse of them. In fact, all of our happy and free clients out there can beg to differ." How her smile never falters even when she talked with hunted eyes is a testament in its own way.

"All of the potential organs renters out there also can beg to differ." Laith put a smile of her own. "And how about the organs you rip from who knows where so they can be sold on the black market?"

"We never ask your approval. And never will." Trevor dismissed the argument at once. "Leave, now."

"Please cooperate just for another couple of minutes more. It's for your own benefit too." Here he comes, Arden the voice of reason. He gave Laith the narrowed eye treatment, again.

She sighed before deliberately moves at snail pace to an upright position, and then groaned softly as her abused body protested the effort. Oh hell, now that hurt. She glanced at her companions and realized that they too look haggard. Better to remember that they are also playing on enemy turf here. Maybe it's not such a good idea to antagonize them after all. Looks like times up. Better make it fast then.

"Share with us everything you have on her, including the footage when she comes to meet you," Laith said loudly so everybody could hear.

"Sorry, but nope," Ely replied. "We need to look into them first."

"Make a copy and then we'll be gone faster than the wind."

There was silence across the space at the heel of her demand. Laith won't let these clues to slip from their fingers. The Scavengers contacts in the private and government sector put them in a place where they can, and will use that power to stone wall everybody.

"Damn," Trevor cursed. "You're not going to give up do you? I'm not going to tell you again. Leave now or--"

"We can give a copy to you," Ely cut in. She then glanced at Trevor. "This is the fastest way to get rid of them, T." Silent massages seems to pass back and forth between the two of the before Trevor finally gave a rough sighed. He then mumbled several instructions to his comm and e-Link. He tossed a couple more harsh sentences. After a brief paused, he grunted something and then turned back toward them.

"Done. You can escort yourself out now. Pick any car parked outside. Their system is open."

"Take the car," Ely encourages. "No need to be so alarmed. We had a deal remember? It's complete and now you are free to go."

"It's far from done," Alex cuts.

"We're done. We have no interest in whatever games you guys are playing. Leave before I change my mind," Trevor voice sound annoyed.

Before anybody else's could speak, Arden and Laith turned to drag reluctant Alex down the short distance it takes to be outside. They then all but dump him inside the nearest car available, before taking the front seat themselves. They can only stare at the rapidly shrinking structure in the distance as the car speeds down the snow covered road.


"Well, that's nerve wrecking." Ely jumps down from where she sits and proceeds to dust herself. "Aren't you going to tell her?"

Trevor shakes his head slowly. "No. I'm still hoping that she will never remember." It takes all his will just to act as a stranger to her. Her unexpected visit almost derailed their master plan.

"But, boy. She's as sharp as ever, huh?" Ely giggled, but then her expression turned murderous. "The ones behind all of these cases she's been assigned to, is it them?"

"Most likely. They're closing in on us."

"We need to crush the other party. Fast."

"We'll deal with them later. We get careless this time. But, our order remains unchanged. We have to wait."

"Well, whatever. Here I am, hoping for a big reunion. She doesn't even recognize us." Ely pout, but her mood became sunny again.

"It's understandable. She's lost a lot." Trevor glanced at the girl. "You know the rules. Even with this unexpected development, we can't afford to wait any longer." A rare genuine smile that made an unwanted way at his face prompts the girl to stare at him. "We'll see her soon enough. Either she wants to or not, no one can escape the past."


Are they allies? Or enemies? The mystery continues...

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Video : Bring Me The Horizon - True Friends

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