Chapter 19. Open Book

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"Are we there yet?" Even blindfolded, Laith can feel more than one pair of eyes trained at her direction.

"I'd rather not say until we reach our destination, Ms. Wolf." The same voice answers her. In fact, this voice was the only one both she and Arden heard. After offering that ambiguous answer, nothing more was said between them. So, here they are, cramp tight inside what she guessed to be quite spacious vehicle, moving swiftly and silently towards some unknown destination.

Keeping her internal clock running on the background, Laith tries to assess their current situation. First, let's align the facts. They were taken, all three of them, by unknown perpetrators. Then, they were stripped off all their possessions and weapons. Next, they were shoved together into a vehicle, blindfolded and tied. Third, since there's three of them, it's safe to put their opponents number at four. Third, these individuals were pros.

All of these facts were confirmed by her singing jaw, courtesy of her escaped attempt earlier. The move came fast, precise and clean, their kidnapper puts just enough pressure to subdue her temporarily. Last but not least, how they are made so quickly was a testament that Queen set them up. That or she was paid to set them up. Either way, reckoning is due. With all of that taken care of, it looks like for now their best bet was to sit back and enjoy the ride.

The rest of the journey was completed in total silence. After what feels like three hour ride, the vehicle finally slows down considerably before pulling to a dead stop. A couple of muffled movements later, Laith was yanked to stand on some uneven surface. She was given a split second chance to correct her balance before yet again pushed. OK, it seems now they were outside once again. Trudging forward, all that she can register was the sound and the smell around her.

"Put them there," this command came from a different voice. It was followed by another shove. After a short walk, Laith was pushed down to sit. They secure her hands and feet before finally takes off her blindfold.

Blinking several times to clear her visions, Laith focused her attention to spontaneously check her companions and the surroundings area. Arden and Alex looked all right, but not in any better position than her. A quick scan of the room also came up empty. They are now tied to three different poles inside what looked like a big square room full of wood crates with no windows in sight. Aside from these details, nothing else stands out.

Laith then discreetly glanced at one big wood crate. From what little she can see, all of their weapons were tossed haphazardly on top of it. Restarting her e-Link and comm proved to be useless.

A flicker on the corner of her eyes caught her attention. Laith steel herself as she turned her head to focus all of her attention on him. A sense of déjà vu hits her out of nowhere but gone as fast as it came. What was that? She can tell that the man dressed in black cargo pants, boots and a leather jacket is a total stranger. Except for a photo here and there, she never crossed path with him before. As far as what she can salvage from her incomplete memories that is.

Laith shakes her head and gather her attention to the man. He sits on metal chair while the three of them sits on the ground, forming a wide half circle with him at the center. She can't see anybody else. Behind him, the sound of a door being lowered can be heard, enclosing them in the dim lit area.

"Looking for some audience?" the tall man, none other than Trevor White himself, said with a toneless voice.

"With the great Scavenger Trevor White himself? Who doesn't?" Laith shot before she can stop herself. So, he was the one who snatched them. How convenient.

"I can see you're not my fan, Reclaimer Wolf. I also get the impression that both of your companions, Enforcer Rush and Vanguard Grim, agree with you," he said still with that unreadable voice. "It makes one wonder why the three of you goes through all this trouble just to see me." The sounds of light clatter move his eyes.

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