Chapter 40. Run

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Arden coughed as he tried to shake last few lingering black dots from his eyes. From where he lies flat on his back, he can vaguely recall that somebody pulls him out of the water just in time. Would it be possible for someone to escape death more than once this often? Dizzy and disorientated, he tried to stand and locate the others, only to fall back down. Shit. He didn't have time for this. They need to move, he thought as the scenery around him begins to settle. Sure, their pursuers were blown by the blast and hit by tons of water but given their disposition, it won't last.

"Hey there, need a hand?" A voice call as a hand was stuck at his face from nowhere. Arden blinked. Trailing up, his eyes lands on two clear blue orbs.

Arden shook his head before slowly pushed himself up. "I'm just wondering how you manage to escape practically unscathed."

"Unlike you, I heed the warning without much protest," is her curt reply. "That aside, are you sure you're Ok?" Arden can see genuine concern reflected on her eyes. "You're bleeding." Something akin to fleeting gentleness passes between them. She reach to touch the shallow gash few inches above his left eyebrow.

Startle by her action, Arden did the first thing he thought himself as child. He back away.

Laith drop her hand and went motionless for so long that eventually, he have to say something. He went to say the first thing that pops in his mind.

"I'm fine. We need to locate the others and move."

"I don't want to say this," she says tentatively, "but I feel like I have to. The others already up and about. In fact, they are walking towards us as we speak."

Cursing himself silently he straightens before turning. Three pair of eyebrows is rise up at them. Arden head throb, partly because he knows his behavior create a weird, awkward mood to settle between Laith and himself. Gee, what's wrong with him? Is he a delicate girl in love or something?

Hey, would you look at that. Talk about realizing something so important at the wrong time and place. Case to the point, almost being blasted and drown does make some things clear sooner than expected. But, it's not like he didn't want to admit he has a felling for her. Arden just didn't make a complicated situation even worse, and also because he don't know how to express his feelings.

Arden just want to tug Laith close and hug her tight.

Again, talk about the worse thing he can think now.

"Um, land of the living to Rush? We really need to be moving. But please, if you rather prefer to stay in fantasy land then..." Laith pat his shoulder and smile. She looks unruffled by his out of place rude behavior, as if telling him that all was under a bridge. "Be my guest."

And just like that, the moment dissipate. Arden laugh awkwardly. "Thank you for the safe, Wolf."

"I'll be stacking the favors," she says, "and collects it later." Her eyes glint.

He shook his head. "Why do I have the felling it's gonna come back and bite me in the ass?"

"Done flirting?" Carlo smirked at Laith. "Aren't you a popular girl? Even Josiah Walker interested in you. Care to elaborate?"

"Beats me." Laith shudder. "I don't think I want to stick around to find out. Got a feeling it'll be bad for my health."

"Suit yourself," Carlo sighed.

"We don't have time for this," Alex said sharply as he glared at Arden.

Cocking an eyebrow of his own at Alex tone and behavior, Arden rein in his temper. Nothing good going to come up from a fight, even though he can sense that the Vanguard is itching for it. Too much adrenaline or maybe he's pissed they were force to abandon his sister. Well, all of that and something else. Arden glanced at Alex direction just in time to catch him eyeing Laith. Guess he's going to take up the brawl invitation in the near future after all.

Arden chuckled instead. "Indeed we don't," he said dryly. "Now that we're out, where should we go?" He looks around for the first time. Walking to the nearest ledge, he was greeted by nothing but water all the way to the horizon. "I'm guessing we're still not from the woods yet?"

"Yep. But, hey, the good news is, we're on the surface now." Carlo raise his hands towards the blue sky.

"Comms up. Ely, can you hear us?"

"For some time now. Wow, you guys actually made it out," Ely said on awed voice as her face pop in their displays.

Arden narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't tell me we do all that just to be stuck at some kind of floating prison?"

Laith grimaced. "I hope not. Ely?"

Ely gives them the duh look. "You guys take a lot to maintain. I need a rise." She sighed before continuing, "Now children, please come this way." She guides them towards a ledge where several ropes were hidden. "Use the ropes to climb down. Your cargo should be safely delivered and tuck nearby," she said moments before Carlo takes a plunge and disappeared from view.

There several tense seconds settle between them before a hand pop and wave them down. Attaching lines of their own, Arden, Laith, Camille and Alex descend. Soon they land on a hidden small platform. Detaching the rope, he didn't even have the energy to be surprise anymore. He opt to crouch and help Carlo pulled a box from under a camouflage cover.

"Not even interested to ask how I'm able to store this here, people?" Ely asked as she instructs them to put one of their thumbs to unlock the box.

"I'm guessing you pay, threaten, or convince someone on the inside to store this for you." Laith offered up her take. "After all, there's bound to be someone not so loyal to the cause in every stronghold."

"There's a reason why the word ex exist." Arden cut. "That being said, is that a light wingspan unit? The so called FSU?"

"Heck yeah. I always want to try one of these." Carlo smile as he assembles the fold-able light aerial assist unit. "Come on, grab one. There's enough for everybody. We're going to have a blast!"

Of that, Arden sure. What can top break in, a gunfight and FSUs? A game of shake off the cat in the sky, of course.


Just two more chapters. Stay tuned.

Video : The Nearly Deads - Never Look Back

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