Chapter 15. Trading Secrets

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Laith can practically see the woman was as gleeful as a kid lost in candy land. She covertly listens to Queen and Arden conversation as she flexed her fingers, checking the leather bands that held the small knife sheath below her wrist. It's not entirely a bad to the bone scenario. For once, her right shoulder finally regains some mobility, thank to advances in medical field. In fact, the wound started to itch, just like her nose. A tell tale sign of a fishy deal about to be presented.

She hadn't offered these insights to him, Laith thought with a spurt of amusement. But then again, she suspected the woman, sorry, Queen, was after a hell of a lot more than a simple extension date. The cunning conniver was after a bit of collecting intel on her own. For whom, though, that's the million dollar answer. She's not going to disclose it voluntarily although there's a chance that maybe if they cooperate, she'll slip up. It's better for them to stay on their best behavior and played along for now.

There's only one problem though. Her patience is wearing thin. Throughout the conversation, maintaining her nonchalant attitude was easy. Keeping her temper down was another battle entirely. This is supposed to be a simple grab and take. Instead, it turns out to be a lengthy bargain. Laith sighed as Queen rose to her feet, her eyes narrowing on Arden. About damn time.

"I could tell you that my card will provide valuable rare insight," she confided so sweetly it'll give you a toothache. "I have in my possession a solid intel," Queen said with a very thin hint of desperation this time.

Now it caught her attention. Laith glanced at Arden and then back at Queen. "Spill at least some part of this so called valuable intel first. Then maybe we can talk about buying you another day."

"Can't we at least reach some preliminary agreement first? I seem to be the only one laying all the chips on the table."

"Or, you can kill us. Problem solved." Is this woman for real? The woman actually has the nerve to bat her eyelashes at Arden? Laith almost rolled her eyes. Almost. "Come on lady. Trust us or kill us. Take your pick."

Laith can tell by the look that woman keeps giving her that Queen was obviously expecting so much less from her. She wanted to laugh. Laith was surprised to realize how easily everybody seems to forget the fact that she is a Reclaimer. Not that she mind it. This misconception aids her on multiple occasions, for sure. Or maybe they want to fool themselves into thinking that if they refuse to acknowledge her then she will melt into the floor. Tough luck, although, Laith gave the woman some credit. When most people will react with either hides in fear, or put their best fight, Queen chooses to bargain with her instead. OK, with Arden, but still. That's also the reason why she can't resist the urge to poke.

"Although, if you chose to get rid of me, my friends will keep turning up at your door. One after the other." Arden stared at her for a minute. "Just saying." Laith shrugged.

Arden cleared his throat, as though he might be reluctant to continue. "What kind of preliminary agreement are we talking about here?"

"Well." Queen scrunched her perky little nose as she glanced at Laith before turning back to Arden with an innocent smile. "For a start, a truce. I really like my lung, you know."

"Truce, huh?" Laith lean forward as though she considered the offer seriously. "How do you think my superior will react if I actually agree to that?" She puts her chin on her interlinks fingers, looked up and then smiled as though she had nothing more on her mind.

"Well, it would be an acceptable outcome if you actually come back with a bigger fish. Let's say, the smoking gun to solve all these cases. Missing organs and renters can't be good for business, right?" Queen waved that pitiful thin hand. "So, do we have a bargain here?"

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