Chapter 30. Retreat

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Arden arrived at the 2nd district station at exactly one pm. After the fiasco they cause last night, it's amazing the higher up wait this long to question them. Not that he's complaining. In fact, thanks to that, he and the rest of the group were able to come up with some agreement. It's a good thing they agree to retreat and think back their approach. They also agree to keep the fact that their target was hiding inside Ranbax facility a secret. At least they can confirm who to trust.

Because, holy hell, if there were an even the slightest indication that Ranbax was involve then they better move with more caution.

For now, they just have to play a fool, gather the truth and be patience. The moment they got a conformation they needed, they're going to burn every single one of them.

"I guess my advice fell on deft ears," Head Enforcer Julia Rodriguez told him as soon as he enter her office and close the door.

"Ma'am. Sir." Arden gives her and Senior Enforcer McDermott a quick salute.

"I wish I can pretend to be deaf too," Enforcer McDermott bit out from where he stands, looking outside by the window.

"For me, I would prefer he hadn't left to inform me a little early and in doing so had given me the material I needed to come up with some explanation," Enforcer Rodriguez leaned forward at her chair as she gesture him to take a seat.

"I'm very sorry. Last night events were unfolding too rapidly." Arden was clearly apologetic.

"I know." Enforcer Rodriguez smile coldly. "This report paints it clear."

Arden winced internally. Walking as silently as he can, he made the journey across the small office floor. Who know it can be just as difficult as hiding the fact that he was there very reluctantly.

"I'd advise you to think very carefully the things you're going to say from this point on," she advised his soon after he take his seat. "Because, trust me, I have no intention to tolerate this much of pain in the ass if you came back empty handed."

"We did make some progress." Arden nods his head as he met her calm gaze. "But, we think is better to hold some of it for now until we know more."

"Why should we trust you?" His superior linked her fingers tightly at the table in front of her while sending him suspicious stare. "All of you gone dark without saying a single word, not even your supervisor. Who, by the way, standing furiously not far from us."

"Bah. Just ignore me," Buck growled low as he turned his head towards him. "They're doing it all the time anyway."

"All that I can say that we stumble upon something significant." Arden looked straight at his superiors. "We can't give any details yet only because we need more time, just to be sure. Once we do, the two of you will be the first to know."

Arden straightens his body, watching his superiors carefully. He could sense they're growing wariness wages war with logical minds. And despite the former risks, he can see that the promise of rewards starting to win. But as they formed their decisions, he can't hold back his inner doubts.

Arden tried to look at them more deeply. He should make use of this opportunity. Did they involve in this? Do they now something? Now that he knew there's a chance corporation like Ranbax was involved, there no way in hell that they're not going to use their far reach influences.

"I never take you for a fool, Rush," she assured him smoothly. "And I will not start now. But, do not take me for one either. Let's say I'm willing to give you more time to investigate. That doesn't mean I will tolerate any more mishaps. What kind of guarantee you can offer me?"

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