Chapter 46

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JuJu's POV

I woke up the next morning, dreading going back to school. I don't know why I'm jealous, it was just one kiss, it didn't even mean anything.

I mean... It meant something to me, but obviously not to him.

I got up and got my clothes for school. I threw on a plain white sweatshirt and light blue shorts. Once I put on my white converse, I headed out the door to go to school.

I got to school and saw Johnson in the parking lot; I was about to walk up to him until I saw Gilinsky pull up in his car. A frown came upon my face and I turned my feet, walking the other way.

"JuJu!" Jack G called my name, but I ignored him.

"Julia!" This time I heard footsteps behind me, and my instinct was to run, so I did. I ran as fast as I could to the girls bathroom and luckily he didn't catch up to me.

"Oh, it's you," I turned my head to see Monica speaking to me, the girl who was making out with Jack yesterday.

"Monica," I said casually, looking at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked okay.

"Stay away from Gilinsky, he's mine and he'll never like you," she said, in an annoying high pitched voice.

"Don't worry, he's all yours," I said, rolling my eyes and walking out of the girls restroom.

I walked out and headed to my locker, then to my first class. When I got to my locker, I saw Hannah there waiting for me.

"Hey, you ready for first hour?" She said, with a smile on her face.

I was about to say yes until I realized that Gilinsky is in my first hour and I'll have to face him again.

"I guess," I sighed, unhappily.

"Are you okay?" Hannah asked, with a worried expression evident on her face.

"Yeah, just a little bit tired, gonna fall asleep in class and the teacher is most likely gonna catch me. Not excited for today," I said with a small, fake laugh at the end, hoping she'd buy my lie.

"It's okay, I'll make sure she doesn't notice," she said with a wink, and then we headed off to class.

I walked in with my books and sat in a corner seat in the front, so that only Hannah could be sitting next to me.

It's only been about a minute since I sat down and I could already hear the voice of the person I didn't wanna face, today. Jack G and Johnson were laughing as they walked in, and sat right behind me. I felt a tap on my shoulder, but I didn't turn around to see who it was because I already knew.

"JuJu, please don't ignore me," Jack G whispered, his face really close to my left ear.

"What you saw last night... It... It was a mis..." I interrupted him.

"It's fine. I wasn't upset about that, you can kiss and make out with whoever you want. It's not like we're dating. I just needed some time alone because I've been having some problems at home," I lied with a straight face and in the most convincing way.

"Oh... Do you want to talk about it later, today?" He asked, believing my lie.

"No. I want to be alone, today. Thanks," I said, turning my head away from him.

I heard a big sigh from him, but luckily he didn't say anything else.

Throughout the rest of the class, it was boring and normal, but I could hear a couple whispers coming from the two seats behind me, talking non stop.

"Could you guys please be quiet. You're distracting me, I'm trying to listen," I asked, rudely.

"Sure. Sorry," Johnson apologized.

The rest of the class time was quiet, and then 25 minutes after I told them to shut their mouths, the bell rang...

Jack G's POV

After JuJu told me that she was having problems at home, I got worried. I really wanted to be involved and help her out with whenever she needed. I know this may sound selfish, but I was really hoping she was mad about seeing me and Monica. Not because I want to hurt her, but because then I'll know if she might have feelings for me, but she definitely doesn't.

A voice interrupted my thoughts, "What's with the tension between you and JuJu?" Johnson asked.

"Nothing. Just problems at home, she wants to be alone." I said, quietly and calmly.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"Then what'd she see last night? I know she went to your house because me and Nate were kinda the ones who told her you had feelings for her and..." Now it was my turn to interrupt.

"You what?" I whisper-yelled, if that's a thing.

"Sorry, man it kinda just slipped out and we thought she knew especially after she told us about your little kiss." Johnson said, defending his actions.

"It's fine." I said, not answering his previous question.

"So... Are you gonna answer or am I gonna need to ask Julia myself?" He asked.

"She... She saw me and Monica sort of... Making out." I said, guilty, not wanting to talk about it.

"Wait, what?" Johnson said, with furrowed eyebrows. "What happened to you liking her?" He emphasized the "her" in his sentence, her being JuJu.

"I saw her with Matt and they were hugging, I kind of jumped to conclusions. I mean it looked like she forgave him and..." I said, remembering what I saw and how sad it made me.

"She forgave him, but they aren't back together. She told me yesterday when she was looking for you." Johnson said taking me by surprise.

"What?" I said.

"Yeah," he patted my shoulders, "if she likes you back, you fucked up badly."

"Fuck, I know." I said, rubbing my face with my hands due to stress.

"Talk to her." Johnson said.

"She won't talk to me and.." I was interrupted by a voice that I adored.

"Could you guys please be quiet. You're distracting me, I'm trying to listen," JuJu said, turning her body around to tell us.

"Sure. Sorry." Johnson said before I could answer.

She's either upset with me or with problems at home... Or maybe both...

Whatever it is, I gotta speak to her...

Tutoring My Bully // J.G.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora