Chapter 31

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Matt dropped me off at home at about 9 o clock. I took off my makeup and changed into my pajamas.

I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone to see 3 messages.

2 from Hannah and 1 from Matt.

I opened Hannah's first.


Hannah: Hey bitchacho

Hannah: You back from your date yet?

Hannah: Send me the deets!

Me: Best date ever! He took me to a fancy restaurant and then we went to a beautiful lake to just gaze at the beautiful sunset and the wonderful blue sky. It was perfect.

Hannah: Im so glad you had fun! Matt's a good guy.

Hannah: Did you finally get your first kiss little miss virgin?;)

Me: omg I hate you

Me: but yes

Me: I did and it was perfect <3

Hannah: aww my bff is all grown up:')

Me: shut up

Hannah: ;)

Me: I'm glad it was with him and not some jerk

Hannah: me too, I would beat that jerks ass

Me:hahaha funny, you couldn't hit a fly

Hannah: bitch wanna fight

Me: sure ik ill win tho so get outta here

Hannah: whatever juju

Hannah: imma be nice for a day and not fight you cuz you just had your first date sooo

Me: haha thanks

Me: even tho i'd win, you not fightin me is very appreciated.

Me: Im getting tired. Text ya later. Night

Hannah: K Night hoe!


The other message was from Matt. I opened the message.


Matt: I had fun tonight;)

Me: Me too:)

Matt: Does that mean a second date?

Me: Yes of course. Just not tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm busy those days.

Matt: How bout' Friday?

Me: Im free then

Matt: Great it's a date

Me: Cant wait;*

Me: It's getting late, I'm going to go to sleep. See ya at school.

Matt: Ok sweet dreams babe x


My heart fluttered at his words and I couldn't stop smiling.

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