Chapter 6

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JuJu's POV

I wake up, opening my eyes, seeing my best friend Hannah sitting right beside me. I smile a genuinely happy smile once I saw her. "Hey, how you feeling?" She asks.

"Better. I don't feel like killing myself, so that's good." I laugh jokingly. I guess I made that joke too soon because once I said it, her smile faded away. Her smile came back a second later but it wasn't one of her real ones.

"I'm glad you're okay." She said.

"Well it's all because of you. You saved me. Thank you." I said.

"Yeah, I'd do anything for my best friend. I don't know what would've happened to me if you were gone. I would've broke down into a billion pieces." She said, putting her head down, playing with her fingers.

"I'm sorry. I was a really bad place and I thought it was the only way to get all of it to stop. All the pain. But I learned that it isn't." I said. She nodded and stood up with her hands on her knees.

"Well, um I wasn't sure if I should've let him stay or not but... There's someone here to see you." She said. I gave her a confused look.

"He?" I asked.

"Umm.. Yeah... Jack Gilinsky." She said and my whole world turned upside down. What if he comes in here to beat me up? Should I even talk to him?

"Okay.. Um.. Let him in." I said.

As she was walking away to open the door, I stopped her and started talking, "Wait!" I said, "Can you stay in here with me, ya know just in case he tries to hurt me." I said playing with my ring.

"Yeah, sure. Of course." She said and then opened the door and left to get him.

Seconds later she came back in, giving me a small smile. Then, she stood next to the door and that's when Jack walked in. He had a dozen of roses and other flowers in his hands. He walked towards me, slowly, and gave me a small smile. I didn't smile back, I just looked down.

"Hey. I brought you flowers." He said and set the flowers down on the small, brown table next to my bed. Or shall I say, the bed in the hospital.

"Thanks." I said with a fake smile. The smile turned into a frown, quickly, once he sat down.

"Um.. Hannah?" Jack turns asking Hannah something.

"What." She says in an angry tone, folding her arms. She hates him, of course, because he's the reason I tried to kill myself. I wonder what she'd do to him if I were actually gone. I stopped thinking and started listening to their conversation.

"Could I talk to Julia.. Alone." He says hesitantly.

Hannah looks towards me for permission to leave. I roll my eyes for a second and then, nod my head giving her permission. She nods her head and then looks back at Jack. "Okay," she says, then turns her head back to look at me and starts talking again, "JuJu, I'll be right outside the door if you need anything." I nod my head and she leaves.

Once she leaves, Jack turns his head back to me and starts talking again. "Look, I am so so sorry. For everything I did and said. I didn't mean any of it. Could you please give me another chance?" He says with sorrow in his eyes.

I don't believe what he says. I roll my eyes and sit up. "If you didn't mean it, then why'd you do it? Why'd you bully me Jack?" I ask angrily.

He sighed, then looked down. "My parents were getting a divorce and that's when I started bullying you." He said.

That was the worst explanation ever. "What does that have to do with me?" I say.

"It had everything to do with you at the time. My parents were getting a divorce when we were in 8th grade." He paused.

Then, talked again. "So were yours." He says a little quieter.

"How'd you know that?" I ask. My dad re-married when I was 7 but they got a divorce when I was 13 years old. I never knew why because when I tried asking my dad he would ignore me or yell at me for asking. I never liked my step-mom and I'm glad they divorced.

"You don't know?" He asks me.

"Know what?" I ask getting annoyed about where this is going.

"My dad," he took a deep breath, then, continued, " was having an affair with your mom." He said.

I felt my heart shatter in a million pieces. How could she hurt my dad like that? He LOVED her. Probably even more than me. I cried a little at the thought of it and put my head down so he wouldn't see that I'm crying.

I wiped my tears quickly and then started talking again. "Um.. Step-mom actually. So.. Why did this give you an idea to start bullying me?" I ask, just looking down at my fingers, not making any eye contact whatsoever.

Even though I'm not looking at him, I can still see him staring straight at me in the corner of my eyes. He looked at me for a couple of seconds and then put his head down.

"I didn't mean for it to go this far. When I started.. I didn't know how to stop. I was always angry because my life hasn't always been great and I guess I just.. Took it out on you. And I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have bullied you for stupid reasons. It wasn't right. But if you could just, please, give me another chance, we can become friends and I promise I won't let you down or hurt you ever again. Please." He begged.

I looked at him and I didn't know what to say. One part of me says I should forgive and forget and just give him another chance to see if he ruins it or not. While, the other part of me says I shouldn't forgive him, he's made my life a living hell and I almost killed myself because of him. I don't know if I should forgive him and see where it goes or if I shouldn't believe him or forgive him for what he's done to me all these years.

This is going to be a hard choice.

My thoughts got cut off by him talking, "Well?" He said as if asking for forgiveness.

I thought about it for a while and then, finally made my decision.

I looked down deciding whether this is the right choice or not and then looked up at him.

When I looked at him, I still saw my bully. The person I hated most.

Now, I know this is the right choice. At least, for right now.

"I can't just forgive you so quickly after everything you've done to me." I paused. I looked at him and he looked like he was about to cry. Then I continued.

"But, I do want to see if you're actually apologizing to me so we can be friends or if it's because you're guilty. So, for right now. I guess I just need time to think about it." I said waiting for him to do or say something.

"Okay. I'll give you time to think about it. But, I just want you to know that.. I want to be friends because you seem like a nice person.. Its just that I never gave you a chance for you to show who you really are because you're always so scared of me. And for that, I'm so sorry." He said and then walked out the door.

Once he left I kept thinking and thinking about what I should do. But there was an equal amount of pros and cons that I listed if I forgave him. Same with if I didn't forgive him too. This is a hard choice. I feel so stressed because I don't know what to do.

I heard the door open and turned my head quickly to see who it was.

It was Hannah. I smiled. I'm glad she's here. I have to tell her what happened.


I told her what he said and what I said and then asked her what I should do. She said she didn't know either. Darn it. At least I got to talk about it with someone. It made me feel less stressed.

She left about 1 hour later because she had to get ready for school. Once she left I took a small nap, I'm leaving today, so I should get a little sleep before I go back home and get back to school.

I drifted off to sleep.

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you guys had a great holiday and I hope 2015 will be amazing for you all and for myself also. Have a great New Year!

Tutoring My Bully // J.G.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora