Chapter 1 - Paxton Lenox POV

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First period had just ended. I walked towards my locker, since it was passing period.

Two minutes remained now. I didn't care, though, Mr. Wentz could give me another detention.

He always gave them to me, since I was always late to his class. I actually liked being late to his class. It would piss him off so much, and I always got a laugh out of it. It was so funny seeing teachers get all riled up.

I reached my locker and put in my lock combination. I put away a notebook and took out an English book which I needed for my next class, not that I cared though, but if I didn't take it, I would get another detention. One too many was enough. Even for me.

I looked around. There was now about a minute left of passing period and there weren't that many people left in the hallway.

I heard a couple of guys laughing and looked over to my left. There were a couple of senior jocks messing with a younger boy.

Monday mornings for you.

The senior jocks were always picking on the younger class men because they had nothing else to do. They thought they were better than some people.

They seriously needed to get a life. I guess they picked on them because they were compensating for something. Something rather small, I guess.

I'm a senior, so they obviously don't pick on me. No one in this school would even dare to pick on me let alone put their hands on me. I could easily fight them or seriously injure them. That's why everyone steers clear of me.

"Ha Tony, look at his weird glasses," one jock said.

The kid was wearing a pair of seeing glasses.

"I know, huh, Rick. Aha he's four-eyes," the other jock joked.

Seriously, they couldn't even come up with better jokes. They were pathetic all around.

"Just let me get to class." The kid tried moving around them.

"Not so fast." Tony, I believe, grabbed him from his shirt and shoved him against the hard lockers.

Even I felt that.

"Leaving so soon, four eyes?" The other jock asked.

"Four eyes, huh?" I heard a female voice.

It was Faye.

Faye Lenards.

She walked down the hallway and stood in front of them.

Faye was known as the schools "bad girl." I, on the other hand, was the schools "bad boy," but she and I had never talked even though we had a couple classes together.

No one dared to get in Faye's way or speak out against her. People didn't mess with her, she too could put a good beat down on someone twice her size, or so I've heard. I never paid much attention to the gossip in these hallways.

I took in her appearance. She was wearing mainly all black. Black jeans, black boots, black leather jacket, but she was wearing a grey shirt. Today her hair was purple, like a lavender color.

She was always dying her hair a different color. Sure, it was kind of a weird thing to dye your hair that many colors, but to be honest I don't think I ever noticed a color that looked bad on her.

She was probably 5'7 in height. She had pale skin with aquamarine colored eyes. Her eyes were amazing. The few times we made eye contact they always seemed a bit familiar. Don't know why, don't know how.

They kind of reminded me

"This isn't your business, Faye," Rick hissed at her.

"I honestly don't care if it is or not."

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