Chapter 29 - Paxton Lenox

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This morning, I had received a text from Faye. She told me her mom was going to drop her off at school. I found it a bit odd, considering I was the one who usually brought her to school. I didn't think anything else of it. Maybe her mom just wanted to spend some time with her this morning.

I was currently standing by my locker, looking through it. I looked to my right by the school entrance and saw Faye walking my way.

She wore black jeans and a purple shirt with black converse. She had dyed her hair again. It was now jet black. It looked good on her.

I smiled.

She made her way towards me. She seemed like she was in a rush. She seemed off.

I closed my locker and extended my hands to hug her. She came up to me and shoved me hard against the lockers.

What was wrong? What did I do? She was furious and her eyes were sad.

"You asşhole!" she shouted. "I trusted you." Her voice was now a mere whisper.

"Faye, what's wrong?" I took a step forward, and she took a step back.

"Don't." Her eyes started to water.

I moved my hand to put it on her shoulder, but she took another step back.

"Don't touch me," she spoke. "Don't you dare. We're done." Tears now streamed down her face.

Done? As in over? As in broken up?

There was a small pain inside my chest.

"Faye." My voice was low. I took a step forward.

"Don't, Paxton, just don't." She walked away.

She walked down the hall. I rushed after her.

People were starring at us both.

"Get back to your business!" I heard her yell.

"Faye." I put my hand on her shoulder and stopped her in her step.

She turned around.

"Get your hand off me." She removed it herself.

"Talk to me. What's wrong? What did I do?" I questioned her, searching her face for answers.

"This time, I swear, get away from me. I don't want you near me," she hissed.

I tried to wrap my arms around her, but she pushed me off her and shoved me away.

"Leave me alone!" She stormed off.


She needed time to blow off some steam. She was obviously upset. I had no idea why she was upset. The last time I had seen her was on Friday when I couldn't hang out. I had stuff to do. Over the weekend, I had...more stuff to do. I know I had barely texted her, but I didn't think she would be upset over that. Or maybe she was? No. Faye wasn't like that.

I wasn't sure, but I needed to find out. I racked my brain for other possible explanations, needing to know why she was so upset.

I heard snickers behind me. I turned around, seeing it was Abigail.

"I guess the freak finally dumped you," she sneered.

"She's not a freak."

"As I was saying, she finally dumped you. Who knew Pax was a cheater or at least seemed like one."

I groaned. She was getting on my nerves. I can't believe I ever...

"What on earth are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

She only smirked.

"What did you do?" I took a step forward.

"Oh, moi? I did nothing." She tried to seem so innocent.

"Abigail! What did you do?" I asked her.

"It wasn't me. It was all you! You were the one who kissed me," she spoke.

Kissed? What kiss? The kiss. I remember.

"I guess someone took a picture of us that night at the party. I guess someone decided to send it to Faye. Or maybe I sent it to her. I can't remember."

She seemed unfazed by her own words. She was only looking at her nails, appearing bored.

"Why in the hell would you do that?"

She was a horrible manipulative person. How could she honestly be this horrible and not see it? How could anyone be this awful?

"I don't know, I guess I was bored." She looked up from her nails.

"For the love of...," I walked away.

I needed to find Faye and explain the truth to her. I had to undo the mess Abigail had created.

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