Chapter 15 - Paxton Lenox

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I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my hips. I walked into my bedroom, picked out some clothes from my closet, and quickly got dressed.

I wore black jeans and a simple gray shirt. I towel dried my hair then put on my black pair of vans. I checked my phone and noticed that it was getting close to the time I needed to pick up Faye.

I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys then headed downstairs.

I locked the front door behind me and walked out over to my Jeep. I quickly got in and drove to Faye's house.

I couldn't deny, I was a bit nervous. I didn't know if Faye would enjoy the party. She had never gone to one before. It could go either way. She could enjoy parties or hate them. I hope it wasn't the latter. I didn't want her to have a crappy night.

I was glad the week flew on by rather quick. Faye and I spent more time together. We hung out everyday at lunch and most days after school.

The more I got to know her, the more I was drawn to her. I started to like her even more. She was an awesome person. We never ran out of things to talk about. Sometimes, I would even catch myself thinking about her nonstop. I couldn't wait until the next moment I saw her. Her beautiful face. Those beautiful aquamarine eyes.

I knew she was known as the "bad girl," but she really didn't like anything associated with that title.

At school, if a kid got threatened by me, she would tell me to take it down a notch. Telling me I shouldn't be so mean. She even got me to apologize a couple of times.

I don't know what came over me, but I started to listen to her. I swear she was turning me into a big softy. She was really turning me into something else. And she didn't even realize she was doing it.

I pulled up in front of Faye's house. I got out of my Jeep and walked up to her front door. I rang the door bell. Moments after, the door opened.

"Hey," I spoke.

"Hey." She smiled.

I'm glad it wasn't her father who opened the door. The other night when I dropped her off, after our date, he seriously looked like he wanted to kill me. I'm not even joking, if looks could kill...I mentally shook the thoughts from my head.

I smiled at Faye.

She wore black jeans and a black shirt with a gray jacket over it. She also wore black combat boots to complete her look.

"You look nice," I spoke.

Nice? Really? That's the best I could do? Mental slap for that. Honestly.

"Thanks. You look good, too."

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah." She closed the door behind her.

We walked over to my Jeep, and I opened the door for her. She thanked me and got in. I walked around and got in the drivers seat.

I turned on the engine and drove.

"Excited?" I asked. "It's your first party."

"Kind of. Hopefully it'll be fun. Please, don't ditch me to find people or anything like that."

I turned to look at her, for a brief moment. She was serious. Why would I even think about ditching her?

"Faye, I won't ditch you." I reassured her.

I turned on the radio so we could listen and continued to drive, thinking about what Faye had said. Why would that even happen?

I looked at her for a brief moment. She was humming to the music. She looked happy.

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