Chapter 43 - Paxton Lenox

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There was a bright light. I didn't know what is was. All I knew was that it was bothering me.

When I opened my eyes, I realized it was sunlight coming in through the window.

I checked my phone on the nightstand to my right. It was two in the afternoon. Two? What in the... I had gotten home late, and I had fallen asleep late too, so I guess that did make sense. I had a text message from my mom. She and my dad had gone out and wouldn't be home until later.

I rubbed my face with my hand and took the blankets off my body. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

When I got out, I put on a black shirt and a pair of navy jeans. I grabbed a pair of my vans and quickly put them on. I grabbed the tux and put it in the plastic cover it came in.

Everything I needed was already with me so I headed downstairs, got in my Jeep and drove.

There were a few guys in here as well when I walked inside the shop.

"How may I help you?" The guy behind the counter asked.

"I'd like to return this tux." I put it on the counter.

He unzipped the zipper of the protective plastic. He took the tux out and examined the clothes. He then hung them up on a rack behind him.

"What's your name?"

"Paxton Lenox."

He typed a few things on the keyboard in front of him. I heard the mouse click a few times.

"Alright. You're all good to go. Here's your confirmation receipt." He handed me a white paper.

"Thank you."

"Have a great day."

"Thank you, you too." I walked out of the tux shop and walked down the sidewalk.

There was a smoothie shop. I went inside and ordered myself a mango and peach smoothie.

Smoothie in hand, I exited the shop and went on my way.

There was also a flower shop. There were different bouquets outside in different bins.

I grabbed a bouquet of flowers. It was a variety of flowers. I didn't really know about flowers. All I knew was that they were very colorful. They reminded me of my Faye. I went inside and paid for them.

I exited the shop, made my way back to my Jeep, and drove home.

I parked in my usual spot and walked inside, up the stairs where I laid on my bed. Still tired from prom, my eyes involuntarily closed.

Who knows how long I slept for. It was six by the time I had woken up so I guess I had slept for about three hours.

I grabbed my phone, called Faye, and waited for her to answer.


"Hey, Hon."

"Hey." There was a smile in her voice.

"What are you up to?"

"Nothing much. I was just listening to music and reading. You?"

"Just woke from a three-hour nap. Want me to pick you up, and we can go somewhere?"

"I just wanted to stay in. You're welcome to come over and hang."

"Alright, I'm on my way. Did you eat yet?"

"Not yet."



I sighed. "Alright. I'm going to stop by the taco shop. What do want? Carne asada fries and horchata?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright. I see you in a few."

"I'll be here."

We both ended the call.

I grabbed my keys and everything else I needed then headed downstairs. I got in my Jeep and drove.

"May I help who's next?" The cashier asked, when I stepped in line.

"Hi. May I get carne asada without the red sauce and an horchata?"

"Will that be all?"

"Also, five carne asada tacos and another horchata to-go."

"Everything on the tacos?"

"Yes, please."

I only got five tacos because I knew Faye was going to tell me to help her finish eating the carne asada fries.

"That will seventeen thirty-six."

I took out my wallet, paid, and waited at an empty booth for my food.

When they called my order, I stood and retrieved it, then exited the shop, making my way to Faye's.

I waited for her to open the door, when I arrived.

"Hey. These are for you." I handed her the flowers.

Her eyes lit up. "They're so pretty. Thank you."

She reached up and hugged me.

It was difficult to hug her back with the bag and cup holder in hand, but I managed.

"I also brought you the food you wanted."

"You're honestly the best."

That made me smile.

Faye stepped to the side so I could walk in and closed the door after me.

We walked into her living room and sat on the sofa.

I set the bag and cup holder down on the coffee table.

Faye got up to put the flowers in water then walked back into the living room to sit down beside me on my left.

I leaned forward over the coffee table and started eating my food. Faye sat with her legs criss-crossed. She held the to-go tray in her hands and started eating her carne asada fries.

"I'm so full." She touched her stomach. "Can you help me finish these?"

I smiled, knowing she was going to ask. I knew her so well.

"Of course."

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