Chapter 11 - Paxton Lenox

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I walked into the classroom and turned to my left.

Pastol was seated behind his desk. He was typing a few things on his keyboard.

I made my way towards the back of the classroom. Faye was already seated in her seat. She had Hannah on the desk. I took my assigned seat beside her.

"Hey." I turned to face her.

"Hey. Here's your daughter." She handed Hannah to me.

"Was she any trouble?"

"Cried a couple of times."

"At least we're done with this assignment."


She didn't say much after that.

I didn't know if she was thinking the same thing as me. Would we still hang out after the assignment was over? I know we had a date coming up but what about all the other times? I hoped we would. I really enjoyed hanging out with her.

"Alright, today is the last day of your project. It's now over," Pastol spoke, when the final bell rang. "I will start calling names. When I do call your name, come up here with your robot baby and the bottle."

Some people nodded their heads.

"For the time being, go ahead and get with your partners. Just chat amongst yourselves, until I call you up."

I turned to face Faye, again.

"So do you think we did good?"

"I'm pretty sure we'll get a good grade," she answered.

"Alright. Lenards, Lenox, you're up next," Pastol called out.

Faye and I stood from our seats. We walked up to the teachers desk. I handed him the doll and the bottle.

"Let's see how you both did." He plugged in the USB cable to the slot behind the dolls back. "Ninety-two percent. Not bad. You may go back to your seats now," he spoke, writing our score down. "Manning and Newton, you're next."

Faye and I walked back to our seats.

"We did good," I spoke.

"Yeah, we did."

"Looks like we'd be great parents." I smirked.


I looked over at her. She wasn't paying any attention. She was too busy writing things down on the paper before her.

"Hey, I heard Abigail went to jail."


"I got expelled for punching a teacher."

"That's cool."

"Our date's been cancelled."


"Faye, I think you're so beautiful."


"Faye," I spoke. "Faye," I repeated.

"Huh?" She didn't look up.


She turned to face me. "What's up?"

"Did you not hear anything I said?"

"What? What did you say?"

"Nothing. What are you so focused on, anyway?"

"I'm just finishing some homework."

I sat up a bit more in my seat. "Faye Lenards does homework?" I joked.

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