Chapter 38 - Faye Lenards

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"Faye," my mother spoke, walking into my bedroom. "I have some mail for you," she said, handing it to me.


"Your father and I are going out. Behave yourselves, when Paxton comes over." She gave me a stern look.

"Yes, mom. I know."

"Alright." She walked out of my bedroom.

I put the mail in the corner of my desk, since I was sitting on the chair by it.

"Hey, Mrs. Lenards," I heard from the hall.

"Nice to see you again, Paxton."

"Same here."

I continued to finish some of my homework.

"Hey," I heard.

I turned towards the direction of my door to see Paxton walking in. He wore black jeans and a navy shirt.

"Hey," I spoke.

I stood up from the chair and reached up to hug him. He reached down and kissed my lips.

"So what are you doing?" he asked when we pulled away. He walked over to my bed and sat on the edge, while I sat back down on my desk chair.

"Just finishing some homework. So what's new?" I looked over at him as he was tossing his phone up in the air.

"Your hair color," he pointed out. "You dyed your hair. Again."

"Yeah, last night. See." I held up my hands to show him. "I wanted to see how green would look. I know it's a bit weird."

"It's not weird. It's different. It looks good on you."


"Why did you dye it again, though? You only had the pink for like a day."

"I know, I know. I just had the hair dye and I really wanted to see how I would look with green."

"But doesn't it damage you hair even more?"

"Yeah...but the pink was such a light color that it didn't take long for the color to be stripped. I dyed it green after that."

"But all those chemicals can't be good for your hair or you. You know, inhaling them all."

"This is the last color I'm dyeing it for a bit. The next color will be brown for prom."

He nodded.

"So what else is new?"

"I was talking to Cara. She told me she got asked to prom."

"Really? How did the guy do it?"

"He went on the school announcements and asked her."

"That's so cute." I smiled.

"Not as cute as your boyfriend performing on stage in front of the whole school." He winked.

Jokingly, I rolled my eyes.

I stood from my chair, walked over to him, and sat on his lap. I wrapped my left arm around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah. Not as cute as my boyfriend."

"Because I'm the best." He smiled.

Again, I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, Lenox." I got up from his lap, walked over to my desk, and grabbed the mail.

The first one was an advertisement for a perfume brand. I grabbed a white envelope. On the front it had UCI's logo on it. I think it was from the admissions office.

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