One and only

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One and Only - Chapter One

Camila's POV
She was beautiful. My roommate, that is. It was known from the day I met her as she had a gift of making whoever she was speaking to feel like the most special person on the planet. I had never figured out why she chose to spend most of her time with me-why I, Camila Cabello, the average girl, was chosen as her best friend-but I knew I was lucky. I had seen the sides of her that so many had pleaded to know once before. She was Lauren Jauregui: strong and irresistible; but only I knew the times she was breaking. Only I knew when she felt at her worst.
Being friends for seven years, I think-ever since I was fifteen-we were inseparable. In high school, in college, and even at our job. My desk was even facing hers as we sat across from each other. I knew she could feel me staring at her from the way she smirked as she sipped her morning coffee.
"People are going to think you're in love with me if you keep staring at me like that." She joked, her eyebrows raising with her smug expression.
My small laugh filled the quiet office. "As if they don't already."
I guess my laugh sent a signal through the workplace because moments later, our secretary, Rachel, immediately appeared behind Lauren. "Hi, Lauren." She whispered in her ear. Rachel glanced up at me. "Cristina." She spoke, her eyes daring.
"It's Camila." I reminded her.
Lauren gave me a wink before getting up and leaving with the keen girl. I rolled my eyes as this was not a rare occurrence-in fact, it happened often. I knew exactly where this was going. Lauren had had many office romances in the past, and I mean with everyone. The only people she hadn't been with included myself and anyone who was married. I admired her eagerness, but as her best friend, I felt like she deserved more. She deserved someone more. The thing is, she didn't want more. She was perfectly content with the way things were in her life, or at least that's what she told me. She didn't keep girlfriends for more than a month at the most-if she even decided to date them. There were lots of one night stands in between relationships, and there was no gender specified. She had no preference if it was a late night thing, but from my own observations, she was the most drunk when she brought home a boy. To say I'd walked in on her a few times would be an understatement. I probably know the look of her naked body more than I know my own. The first few times I saw her in college, I was embarrassed, but what surprises me now are the nights she does have clothes on. She was very confident and I often found myself wishing I was that way, too.
Lauren came back about half an hour later with Rachel following. The two girls looked immensely different-Lauren's hair neatly groomed, her lipstick still defined in its perfect lines, while Rachel's hair was a mess, her makeup smeared across her flushed face. I had rarely seen the beautiful brunette to be a mess after sex-or a mess on any occasion, really. She was the definition of flawless. Lauren's elbow rested on her desk as she made a fist with her hand and placed her chin on it, smiling at me.
"Have fun?"
Her emerald eyes sparkled into mine. "I love my life."
I laughed incredulously. "So, are you dating her, or what?" I questioned, referring to Rachel. They had been together a lot lately, whether it was at work or at our loft. She grinned at me and I had a hard time believing someone could look that perfect.
She leaned back in her chair and shrugged. "She's nice." I nodded. "If you must know, Camila Cabello, you nosy, nosy girl-yes, we're dating."
I shook my head with a chuckle. "Oh, boy."
"Maybe this one will be..." She looked off dramatically into the distance. "...the one."
"Shut up." I threw my pencil at her and she laughed. "You're a heartbreaker, Jauregui."
She smirked at me. "You can't tame this beast."
"I bet I can."
Lauren and I both looked up to see one of our coworkers standing near our desks, his eyes hungry as they took in Lauren's appearance.
Lauren scoffed. "Ew, Mark."
He leaned in close to her ear and whispered something that I couldn't quite hear, but from the way Lauren's face twisted up, I expected it to be something unpleasant.
"You're such a bitch when you aren't drunk." He stood back up, refraining from leaning over her again.
"And you're really disgusting when I don't have alcohol in my system." She cocked her head to the side, faking a smile. "You should be an example to children when they're taught not to drink. One mistake of a night and they'll end up with a creep who won't leave them alone."
He chuckled, brushing a strand of hair behind Lauren's ear. I couldn't help but cringe at the sight. "I should be an example?" He smirked. "Says the office slut."
Lauren moved away from his touch, her confident smile never faltering. "I know a lot about you, Mark." His face dropped. "You seem to think that I can't remember the things you tell me when I'm drunk."
He tore his penetrating stare away from her and walked off.
I frowned when I saw the way Lauren's smile faded. There had been a few times where I came home only to see him in her bed, and not once was she sober. Mark was a weakness to her, and those didn't come often for Lauren. Of course, she would never let him know that. She would never let anyone know that Lauren Jauregui had a weakness.
"Are you coming home with me?" I asked Lauren as everyone was packing up in the office.
She raised her eyebrows again. "You're so forward. At least take me out on a date." She chuckled when she saw me roll my eyes. "I won't be home for-"
Rachel appeared again. I was starting to wonder where she was even coming from. "She's coming with me. You spend enough time with my Lauren, Caitlin."
I grimaced. "It's Camila."
"Right." She didn't even look at me.
Lauren moved out of her grasp, causing her to frown. "I'll see you at home later, okay?" I nodded and she kissed me on the cheek. "Don't wait up, Cristina-wait, Caitlin-no, wait, it's Camila." She laughed and I couldn't help but laugh with her. She picks the worst girls, and she knows it. "Love you, Camz."
"Yeah, whatever." I smirked. "Love you, too."
Rachel glared at me when they left, and I could feel my smirk growing.
Lauren's girlfriends were usually jealous of our relationship, and I guess I didn't blame them. They wanted to be as close with Lauren as I was, but there was no way that was happening any time soon for them, and they knew it. I'd only ever heard Lauren say 'love you,' to me, and it made me feel special-especially when she said it around her annoying girlfriends.
I decided to walk home. Lauren and I shared a car since we were usually always together, going to the same places, but Rachel had taken my 'best friend' seat in the car today, and I couldn't help but laugh thinking of what Lauren was dealing with right now. I didn't mind walking, though, because our home was conveniently ten minutes away from the office.
Our loft was really nice, considering we made plenty of money at our jobs. It didn't hurt that Lauren's inheritance (her father had passed away and left everything to her-he hadn't had a wife ever since Lauren was a small child and Lauren's mother had never really been a part of her life) was almost too much to fathom. It was what we had always dreamed of as children. I smile fondly at the memories of us pretending to be adults, creating accounts on real estate websites so that we could gaze at the lofts that were over ten million dollars. We didn't have a ten million dollar loft, but it was a little less than half. I can't say anything other than how comfortable we are in our finances and that living with her is the absolute best thing in my life. Regarding company, we are rarely alone, but that's only if Lauren has a girlfriend at the time. She's had so many that I've lost count and sometimes I don't even remember who they are-whether they're a late-night fling or in an actual relationship with her, but that's not entirely my fault considering she never lets me meet them. She says I get 'too attached' and start 'preaching about finding love' to her, but I can't help it. I'm a big believer in true love but she won't hear anything of the sort: no Valentine's day, no 'I love you's, and definitely no engagement-no marriage. I've never met someone so different from me in my life, but my mother always said to us, "Opposites attract."
Making the big move to New York City had made our friendship stronger, despite my family's beliefs it would put too much stress on us. Living in New York had always been our dream together-best friends with a small apartment. Nothing had changed, really, except the fact that we had a rather big loft instead.
She was the most important person in my life, and I was hers. We were the perfect pair, the dynamic duo-we had seen each other at our worsts and bests, but we still loved each other the same. I loved everything about her: her little shrug she does, the way she's always calm and rational, and the way she treats others. That gift I mentioned before-she is the most attentive person I've ever met. She talks to people like they are her first priority, no matter who they are. It's my favorite thing about her.
I was torn from my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. Lauren was out with Rachel, so it wasn't either of them. Maybe one of Lauren's ex-girlfriends again-they were always coming back to the loft and begging to see her. I got up swiftly from the couch, book in hand, as I answered the door.
"Camila." My fiancé greeted. I got on my tippy-toes for a kiss, but he just brushed past me. "Why aren't you ready?" He seemed dissatisfied. I frowned as he continued. "We're on a schedule. Why can't you get that through your head?" Chuckling, he reached for my book. "What's this? Another book?" I nodded, opening my mouth to speak, but he interrupted me. "Get ready. I'll hold onto this for you."
I made my way into my room as soon as possible, dressing myself quickly. Adam hated waiting. I could hear him flipping through my book pages when I reappeared. He met my eyes promptly, he never looked too long. "What is this book? Lolita?" He scoffed.
"It's-it's a classic." I manage to say.
"It's repulsive. Why are you reading into this? A man taking innocence away from a girl? This is filthy." Adam stood up in front of me. "Are you not satisfied with us?" He questioned, his eyes darkening.
My mouth dropped open. He was so forward in what he wanted to say. There was nothing romantic about it-he was asking me if I was comfortable with our sex life, all because of a book. "N-no... It's a good book, I-I'm perfectly satisfied with us, Adam."
He looked me up and down-not with lust, but disapprovingly. "Then you won't mind if I take it?"
"It's not mine. It's Lauren's." I lied. Me! I lied to my fiancé! I didn't want him taking it, though. I convinced myself that a small white lie didn't hurt.
He searched my eyes-for what, I don't know. But whatever he found convinced him to put the book back down on the counter. "Lauren's a bad influence on you, you know? I'll feel much better when you're living with me in California."
I gulped. Oh, right. California. I hadn't told Lauren about that yet.

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