Part 5

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One and Only - Chapter Five
Gabrielle's POV
I woke up in my own bed for the first time in weeks. It wasn't unusual waking up alone as Lauren never stayed long enough with me in her bed for her to fall asleep, so the feeling wasn't completely new. I did miss the smell of her, though. It was something I had grown to love. I had grown to love lots of things about the sexy brunette lately, though, a smile forming on my face just thinking about her. I was getting to the age where I had accepted the fact that I had married my career-I was twenty-nine-but then Lauren came along. She was so different, unlike anyone I had ever met before in my life. I am in love with her.
The usual gratification and pride I had about my apartment here in New York were almost nonexistent now. The expensive place used to mean the world to me, but it was nothing compared to the warm woman that was across the city. I had never planned to like her this much-like I said, I had already accepted that my career was to be my love interest in life-but there was something brilliant about her. I was aware she "didn't believe in love" but I wasn't going to accept that. She was capable of falling in love with someone, and I was going to make that someone me.
I tried to push the thought of her already being in love with her roommate out of my head. They were extremely close and, I hated to admit it, sometimes, I got a little jealous. Not only does Lauren bring her up in almost every conversation, but the two weeks Camila was at Adam's, I thought my girlfriend was going to die. You could literally feel how much she had missed her at home, especially when they reunited in the study. How is it that she gets to go in there and be all cute with my girlfriend, and I can't? The fact that they were embracing each other so closely didn't ease my jealously, either.
I remembered hearing the last bit of their conversation, which sounded really serious. Just another thing for me to be upset about-Lauren never talked seriously with me. I didn't know anything about her life besides the stuff that had to do with Camila. I had to remind myself that they're best friends and I'm just some girl she's been dating for a couple of months but oh, how I wanted to be so much more than that.
Camila seemed to like me, though, and that was a huge plus in my relationship with Lauren. I could tell that Camila's opinion of me meant almost everything to Lauren. I wouldn't doubt that Lauren had dropped a few girls just because her precious roommate didn't approve, so the fact that I got along with her was extremely important.
I decided to make my way over to their loft now since Lauren and I had a lunch date in an hour or so. It would be interesting to see what they were up to now that Camila was back in the home. Okay, so, I was nosy, but I believed I had every right to be. There was something that wasn't quite right to me about how close they were. Maybe I was just possessive.
When I arrived, the door was unlocked. I heard music and realized that Lauren was probably in her study. She always played The Eagles when she was writing. This time it was the song 'Too Many Hands'. I smiled when I heard her laugh-she was in her room. I made my way over to it, peeking in. My smile disappeared.
They were cuddling. She never-and I mean never-cuddled with me. Not even after sex. Camila was sitting in front of her, between her legs, as Lauren's arms were wrapped around her waist. I noticed Camila's hands were overlapping Lauren's, her fingers lightly tracing the back of Lauren's hands. They were giggling about something, I don't know, but I didn't like it.
I walked in, clearing my throat. "What's going on here?"
Lauren just grinned at me. "Hey, Gabrielle."
Camila met my eyes, jumping out of Lauren's embrace, "Hey!" She exclaimed. "We were just talking." She hugged me, Lauren behind her, waiting to greet me.
Lauren kissed me quickly, but I pulled her back. I kissed her pretty forcefully, gauging Camila's reaction. When I pulled back, Lauren smirked at me, her breath short after our embrace. Camila looked uncomfortable, not able to meet either of our eyes. That just gave it away. Camila liked her. She liked my Lauren. I could see it in her face. I grimaced.
"Happy to see me?" Lauren laughed, Camila still looking at her feet.
"Always." I replied.
She turned to Camila. "Are you coming with us to lunch?"
Every fiber in my being prayed that she wasn't coming. No, I could not take that. I was relieved when she declined Lauren's offer.
"No, that's your date."
"Oh, we don't mind. Right, Gabrielle?" She turned to me expectantly, and I gave a fake smile.
Camila shook her head anyway. "Um, I'll call Adam."
I noticed the way Lauren's face dropped.
"Oh, okay." My girlfriend's voice was unsteady. "Well, have fun." She walked out of my arms, my grimace deepening. Lauren hugged Camila tightly, pulling away after a couple of seconds. It felt like forever to me. Their faces were closer than I liked when Lauren spoke again. "I'll see you later, yeah?" Camila nodded and Lauren kissed her on the cheek. I didn't think I could clench my jaw any tighter. "Love you." She said. I was wrong about my jaw.
"I love you, too." Camila smiled sadly.
It was like they couldn't bear to be apart for more than a second. I was never like that with any of my friends. Surely, there had to be something there. Camila liked her, but I refused to believe Lauren felt the same way. Lauren liked me. I was her girlfriend. Not Camila.
Lauren took my hand and, once we were out of the loft, was now seemingly ecstatic to see me. "You look beautiful." She told me. I squeezed her hand tighter, thanking her.
"I missed you." I said, and she grinned.
"Really?" I nodded. "You can't go through one night without missing me?" She joked.
"Well, can you?" I asked.
"Can I what?"
"Go through one night without missing me."
Lauren smirked at me and I knew she wasn't going to answer me seriously. "I am capable of lots of things, Gabrielle."
"So, the answer to my question is yes."
She paused, her eyebrows furrowed. "You that know I'm not looking for anything too serious."
"Neither was I." I reminded her. "But-"
She interrupted me. "Good; I'm glad we're on the same page."
I just left it at that. The tone in her voice told me to. It was commanding-she was not asking for more feedback on the topic, so I let it slide. I don't know why I felt like I didn't have a say in my own relationship with her, but I did. I guess it's the effect she has on me. What Lauren says, goes. It seemed like she was used to it being that way.
When we got back to the loft, it was a little after eight in the evening. We had stayed out later than we'd originally planned, but of course, I didn't mind.
Lauren unlocked the door, both of us walking in. I noticed Adam sitting on the couch, quickly glancing over at my girlfriend to see a confused look on her face.
"Why are you here?" She asked, a little hint of hostility in her voice. I knew she didn't like Adam, but really, who did? Even Camila seemed resistant toward him.
"We stopped by so Camila could change for dinner and gather some of her things. She's coming over to my place to stay the night." He answered. This was the first time I had ever seen his face completely-his Blackberry nowhere in sight.
"What?" Lauren looked shocked. "Why?"
Adam chuckled. "Because she is my fiancé and we like to spend time together. Maybe she's adjusting to when she is going to finally move out of this place, away from you." He smirked and Lauren's eyes were blazing with anger. "Who would you spend your nights with then? Camila won't always be here to comfort you. She has a life now-a family to start." His eyes flitted to me then black to Lauren. "Maybe you'll be smart and keep this one, but who are we kidding? We all know what type of person you are, Lauren."
She remained completely oblivious to the insults he had just thrown her way, still preoccupied about Camila leaving again. I watched as she walked into the hallway where Camila's room was, off to go speak with her best friend privately. I was boiling at the thought, an idea popping into my head. "What's the deal with them?" I asked Adam. Maybe I could get some answers from Camila's fiancé-there had to be a reason he didn't like Lauren so much.
He looked at me. "Jealous?" He asked.
"Should I be?"
Adam studied me, his forehead creased. "I have met you before, yes?"
"Um, yeah-about a couple of months ago."
His eyes widened. "That's right!" Another chuckle escaped from his mouth. "I can't believe you're still here."
"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly offended.
"It's just that Lauren gets around a lot. Being around her for four years, I have seen a lot of faces."
"Well, she's with me now." My tone was sharp.
"Oh, lucky for you." He retorted sarcastically.
"So, should I be worried? About her and Camila?"
"Worrying won't help you."
"Are you worried?"
He looked at me, astonished. "Of course not! Camila loves me."
It was my turn to laugh. "You're so sure of that?"
Adam was glaring now. "Careful," was all he said.
I was in too deep now, my jealousy of the situation coming alive. "She's doesn't even talk about you."
He frowned. "She doesn't?"
"No! All she does is cuddle up with my Lauren."
"You have no right to be telling me this."
I couldn't believe he was still so hesitant to give me any more details on it. "You aren't curious about the fact that your fiancé is all up on my girlfriend?"
He cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "I am not too fond of your girlfriend, Miss Gabrielle, and she's not too fond of me. I would rather not discuss your relationship with her."
I laughed. "You are so blind. You really think she loves you."
"I am an engaged man." He said, straightening his posture. "What are you? Lauren's toy?"
"I am her girlfriend." I answered, almost at a hiss.
Another chuckle. "Yes, we will see how much longer that lasts."
I suddenly felt the need to defend myself and my relationship with Lauren. "It will last a long time. I'm in love with her."
He grinned at me. "Is that supposed to shock me? You aren't the first random girl to confess love for Ms. Lauren Jauregui."
I grinned right back, as sinister as I could. "And I won't be the last. Just ask Camila."
Before Adam could reply, Lauren walked in. It looked like she was sending me a dirty look, but I wasn't sure if that's just how her intimidating eyes worked. Camila was following her, smiling at Adam. I rolled my eyes. Oh, brother. Let the acting begin.
Adam pecked her on the lips lightly and the whole room was shocked, Camila beaming up at him. "You look beautiful." He complimented.
She turned to me and I gulped, a little bit of the guilt starting to weigh in. "Jeez, Gabrielle, what did you say to my fiancé to get him to say such lovely things?"
I faked a smile to her. "Just some things to get him excited for your wedding." He scowled at me and Camila spoke again.
"I am so glad we're all here together. You and Lauren are perfect for each other." She gleamed.
"Yes, Lauren, quite the lady you have here. What an exceptional woman." Adam said, causing me to glare at him.
"Thank you." I forced out. "You are both great for each other, too. There is so much love in your eyes-I can feel it."
Adam winced slightly, his expression sad as he turned to Camila. "Let's go, darling."
She nodded, turning to Lauren. "See you later, Laur I love you."
Lauren kissed her on the cheek, smiling at her. "Love you."
Camila sent me a small wave before the engaged couple walked out of the loft, Adam glancing nervously at me before the door closed.
I smirked, closing my way in toward Lauren. "So," I began, "what do we have planned for tonight? We have the whole loft to ourselves."
"Don't touch me."
"Oh, don't be ridiculous." I laughed.
"I am serious." That caught my attention. "You know," she continued, "I do not particularly like Adam, but Camila does."
"He's a nice guy." I replied, my hands fiddling together.
"Do you think I'm stupid?" She asked me. My eyes shot up to meet hers.
"What?" I gasped.
"I heard you." She seethed. Oh, shit. I felt my mouth open in surprise. "I heard you talking to Adam like that and I'm thankful that Camila didn't. You had no right to say those things. That is not your place."
"You talk to him like that all of the time." Even I was taken aback by how bold that was of me.
"I have never questioned Camila's love for Adam in front of him like that. Did you see what that did to him-the hurt in his eyes? What you said to him is going to create a whole new set of problems for Camz."
"Oh! I almost forgot. Camila is the only person that matters here."
Lauren smiled at me. Not once had she rose her voice in this argument. "She's important to me."
It was making me angry at how not-angry she was. "Aren't I supposed to be important to you?"
"Do you want to be?"
"Yes!" I exclaimed. "I love you!" She stifled a smile. Not the reaction I was hoping for. "If you want us to continue, you're going to have to lay off of Camila, and she's going to have to lay off of you. The touching and cuddling and kisses on the cheek-no more. I won't have it."
"Gabrielle, I know you are used to taking control considering your position as a CFO, but around here-I'm the boss." Lauren crossed her arms, an eyebrow raised at me. "Sit down." She gestured to the couch. I sat down immediately. "This was fun, Gabrielle, really. You're a beautiful girl, but I will not stand here and listen to you give me a set of rules-things I can and cannot do with my best friend of seven years. How long have you and I been together? A month?"
"Two!" I yelled. How could she still not know?
Lauren nodded. "Two months. Well, I am pleased to hear that you have such strong feelings for me, but I don't return them."
My heart broke. "You love Camila, why not me?"
She ignored me, changing the subject. "I'm making some dinner if you want to stay."
"No, I don't want to stay for dinner!" Was she really asking me this right now?
She sauntered into the kitchen, carefree as always. "You are free to go." She dismissed me, but I wasn't going to accept that. Not yet.
I stood up, walking over to her. "Just answer me this." She glanced up at me, waiting. "Do you have feelings for her?" In her expression, I knew the answer.
"Like I said, you're free to go."
"You do!" I gasped. "And you can't stand it!"
Lauren scorned me. "Gabrielle. Leave-now."
I nodded, turning myself back towards the door. Just as I was about to leave, I spoke. "I really do love you, Lauren."
"Thanks." She said.
I hope she flinched when I slammed the door shut.

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