Part 36

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One and Only - Chapter Thirty-six
Camila's POV
The past two weeks had been the best of my life. The world seemed brighter with her around. She was the reason the sun rose in the morning and she was the reason it set at night. I didn't remember ever loving something or someone as much as I loved her. And knowing that she loved me back... well, that was indescribable.
Almost losing each other had lit a fire between us-some sort of new unfaltering passion for one another. It wasn't perfect but it was more than enough and I was grateful she called herself mine.
I pulled myself out of my thoughts and turned around to see Lauren waiting for me by the door, clutch in hand. We were going out for dinner tonight as an actual date-a little something to celebrate our journey together. "Yeah," I said, a genuine smile tracing my lips. We wandered into the elevator, our hands interlocked, and waited in silence as it got to the ground level. "So," I spoke, getting her attention as we walked down the street, "what's going on at work?" Lauren gave me a questioning look. "You get home so late now, so we don't really get to talk about it before..." I blushed, "well, before we get preoccupied with other... activities."
"Maybe if you would come back to work, you would know."
I raised my eyebrows, smirking, "Ah, is someone a little bitter they're stuck at work all day while I stay home?"
"A little," she joked, chuckling before she answered my previous question. "Work has been hectic. We're having this issue with upper management and we haven't been able to fix it yet."
"Is that why you've been staying so late?"
Lauren nodded. "Richard is supposed to hire someone who can actually bring new ideas to the table, but it's taking longer than expected. So, the only person we have right now is Adriana." My girlfriend paused, a nervous look settling over her features. "N-not that we're alone or anything-I mean, Richard is there with us. We aren't-" She huffed. "We're never alone."
I squeezed her hand to calm her down, "I'm not worried about that." She relaxed a bit at those words, not commenting on it further. "How are the girls?"
"Very interested in my love life now that it concerns you." She answered, a hint of annoyance lacing her tone. "It's just not something I'm used to. They think we're moving too fast."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Too fast? We've lived together for six years."
"That's what I said!" Lauren exclaimed. "They still try to drop little hints about it every time I talk to them though. It's so frustrating... Like they think we aren't capable of being near each other."
"We're very capable of that." I winked and she giggled, leaning into me. A feeling of absolute contentment radiated through me just by having her body close to mine. I was learning to appreciate the little things I hadn't before. They were what I missed the most when I had lost her. "Who cares what other people think, anyway? I love you and I want to spend time with you and be with you. That's all that matters to me."
The dark-haired girl grinned, "I love you, too."
I looked over at her, about to reply when I saw a familiar face across the street. "Diana?" I called out, surprised.
The older woman stopped, smiling the moment she recognized me, and crossed the street, the sound of her expensive heels clicking against the pavement. "Camila," she greeted, "you're looking so lovely. Who's your friend?"
"Oh, this is Lauren." I introduced them.
"Nice to meet you, Lauren." Diana held her hand out and Lauren shook it. "Where's Adam?"
I faltered, noticing the way Lauren grimaced at the mention of him. "We... aren't really together anymore."
"Really? That's great!" She placed a hand on my shoulder and rubbed it briefly. "I'm sorry to say that he was such an uninteresting man, but he was. I can assure you that you made the right decision."
"I know I did." I lightly laughed, "How are you?"
"I could be better. I'm off to see my girlfriend." Diana beamed, eyeing Lauren for a second before looking back at me. "There are so many beautiful women in New York."
"How's your husband?"
"He's actually out of the country on business. I'm assuming he's fine." She chuckled, "Anyway, I've got to get going. It was nice meeting you, Lauren, and nice running into you, Camila."
"The pleasure was all mine." I said, kissing her hand as a farewell. Lauren glared at her as Diana went on her way.
"You don't kiss my hand." She complained.
"I kiss the parts that matter," I replied.
"Who was that?"
"Adam's boss's wife."
"She has a girlfriend?"
"Her husband does, too. I know, it's crazy." Lauren nodded, as if she was considering the information. "She's actually kind of hot, isn't she?"
Her mouth dropped open. "Excuse me?"
"Hey, just speaking the truth."
"Hmpf." She walked ahead, silent.
I kept close behind her. "Laur, are you really mad? Come on." When she didn't reply, I wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing us to a stop. She let out a giggle, and I whispered into her ear, "You can't be mad at me."
"And why not?"
"Because I love you and you can't be mad at the people who love you."
She smiled, tilting her head back and giving me a quick kiss. "Fair enough."
"So... do you think Diana is accepting applications for a new mistress?" I quipped.
She hit my arm playfully in response, our laughing mixing together through the air. "I'm gonna kill you." She joked. I kissed her in response, finally moving to rest my chin on her shoulder as we walked. I didn't think I could ever get tired of having her in my arms. I frowned when she yawned and moved back to walk beside her. "Still not sleeping well?"
"I never sleep well," Lauren chuckled, grasping my hand. "Don't worry about it."
"Too late."
She gave me a reassuring smile, but I could see the faint dark circles under her eyes despite her concealer. "Camz, I'm fine."
"What's the longest you've slept this week?"
Her face fell and she looked forward. "I guess, like, three hours-"
"Three hours? Jesus, Lauren. Why aren't you sleeping?"
"You know me, Camz. I've always had trouble sleeping-"
"No," I rejected that, "it's never been this bad. Is something bothering you? Is it me? Should we have stayed home? Maybe we are moving too fast-"
"Stop," she interrupted. "It's not you. I'm glad we're going to dinner. We are moving along just fine." My worried expression met her gaze and she stopped walking. "It's not you," she repeated. "One o'clock is usually the time I get home, right? And then we usually have sex," I turned pink at her frankness, "and then we cuddle until you fall asleep, and that leaves only a small amount of time before it's five in the morning, which is when I have to wake up in order to be at work by six."
I huffed. "So, is that your new work schedule then? 6 A.M. to 1 A.M.?"
"Until we fix that issue with upper management... yes," Lauren said. "Look, I'm going to figure it out and before you know it, I'll be able to wake up with you and eat breakfast with you and then we'll go to work together and eventually leave together-just like we used to."
I relaxed at that and we continued walking, a comfortable silence settling over us. It had been such a long time since that had been our schedule. Sometimes I wished we could just go back to when we had first started dating. I would have done so many things differently. I know she would have, too.
I thanked the waitress who brought us our food before I turned to Lauren. "I've never been here before. How'd you find it?" Lauren got quiet for a second and I understood. "Which ex-girlfriend works here?"
"Actually, his name was Stephen and he used to own it-but he doesn't anymore. I checked." The ivory-skinned girl nervously laughed, taking my hand in hers across the table. "It's really nice, though, isn't it?"
I nodded, looking around. There was live music playing, dim lighting for privacy, and a quiet murmur in the place from the other happy couples surrounding us. "I'm glad we're here. I was starting to miss what you looked like in actual lighting."
"Well," her eyes glimmered flirtatiously, "do you like what you see?"
"Mhm," I smirked, looking past her at the table behind her. "Those rolls look really good."
Lauren laughed, rolling her eyes at me. "Just eat your pasta." I happily obliged, putting a generous amount into my mouth and grinning as my girlfriend watched, amused. "That's a real good look on you. I think the sauce dripping down your chin really ties it together."
Her phone began to ring as I was wiping the excess food off of my mouth. "Who's that?" I mumbled.
She didn't reply to me, answering the call instead. "Richard? ... Right now? ... I know they're waiting but-" I heard his volume increase as if he was getting frustrated with her, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Lauren gave me a guilty look and I was preparing to be disappointed. "Can't it wait?" I heard a very distinct 'no'. "Well, I'm in the middle of something really important."
I took the napkin out of my lap and set it on the table. "Hey," Lauren looked at me. "It's okay, we can go out some other time." I whispered. She held my gaze, a contrite expression painting her face, and remained quiet. I could hear Richard trying to figure out if she was still on the phone. "It's okay." I said again.
"I can't come in right now. Richard, I've got to go." She hung up. I couldn't help but smile, which she returned.
"How mad is he?"
Lauren shrugged, "Pretty mad. But I work over a hundred hours a week for him, so he can't afford to lose me." Something in her eyes gave away a hint of mischief before she said, "I'll be right back."
I watched, confused, as she got up and eventually walked out of my sight.
It wasn't long before I heard a familiar song being played by the band and Lauren reappeared, simpering at me. It was Fade Into You by Mazzy Star, the one song we slow danced to at prom.
When I realized what she was getting at, I shook my head. "Oh, no. No. I'm not dancing."
"Come on, I wanna dance." She held her hand out for me to take but I didn't budge.
"Lauren, you know how awful I am at dancing-especially slow dancing. And nobody else is getting up. I'm not going to dance while everyone watches me."
"People will follow. And I'm a great dancer, so I'll just make it look good for both of us." She grabbed my hand and brought me to my feet, my face flushed in embarrassment. But she wasn't embarrassed-no, she never was. She just smiled at me like she knew everything was going to be okay; like she was so sure of herself.
Lauren led us to the middle of the room, adjusting us so that we were in the correct stance. She held my hand out, her free one resting on the small of my back, and began to sway to the music. I followed, a little bit clumsily, but, to my surprise, it wasn't as bad as it was when I was younger.
"I'm sorry I have pasta breath," I murmured to her.
She laughed softly and I noticed other couples getting up to dance around us. "That's okay. I like it. Ow!"
I gasped, stepping back, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to step on you. See? I shouldn't have come to dance." Lauren caught my arm before I could walk away and brought me back close to her, chuckling.
"Not so fast. We're finishing this dance."
My brown eyes melted into her green ones and I couldn't help but smile at how lucky I was. My hands moved to wrap around her neck and I rested my head on her shoulder. I was convinced that there was nothing better than the feeling of Lauren's arms sliding to wrap around my waist.
"You know what, Lauren Jauregui?" I spoke softly.
"I think you're a secret romantic at heart."
She hummed, waiting a bit before she replied, "Only for you." My heart fluttered as she pulled me closer and I felt her gently place a kiss on top of my head. "It's all for you."
We got home around ten, stumbling inside our loft with our mouths attached. I shoved her against the door, my fingers tangled in her dark locks, and she kissed me hungrily, her hands gripping at my backside.
"Let's take a shower," I breathed against her lips. When she nodded in confirmation, I took her hand and led her to the bedroom, kissing her quickly before I walked in the connecting bathroom and started the water. "Should I undress now or do you want to do it yourself?" I called out, smirking. When I didn't get a reply, my eyebrows furrowed. "Lauren?"
I reentered our bedroom to see her asleep on the edge of the bed. A rush of relief flooded over me. Sleep was good. She needed sleep.
I wandered back into our bathroom and slipped into the shower, my muscles relaxing the moment hot water poured over them.
I'd felt so rested these past two weeks. Being with Lauren without all of the unnecessary fighting was the best thing I could've imagined for my life. Nothing could make me feel the way I did with her. No one could replace that feeling.
I loved her-without question, without doubt. I loved her and she loved me. And I didn't know what our future held. I didn't know if she would still love me tomorrow or the next day or in the next five years, but I didn't care. Because she loved me right now-I was sure of it-and that was a miracle in itself. The Lauren Jauregui had fallen in love... with me. And nobody could take that away from me.
After a while, I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, drifting back into our room to see her still asleep. I smiled at the image. She always looked so beautiful when she was asleep. I think it was because it made her so vulnerable-so unguarded.
I couldn't resist a small peck on the lips.
She blinked her eyes open and I stepped back, a little embarrassed she caught me. "I didn't mean to wake you."
"Of course you didn't." She smirked, "You know, that's borderline stalkerish-kissing unconscious people."
"You always do this." I huffed, beginning to walk out of the room. "You always have to embarrass me."
Lauren jumped up, concerned. "Camila, I'm sorry, I was just joking. I didn't mean for-" She stopped when she saw me smiling.
Her mouth dropped open, her eyes charmed. "You are such a brat."
My eyebrows rose, a giggle tumbling out of my mouth. "You should go back to sleep. I really didn't mean to wake you."
"How can I go to sleep now when you're already undressed for me?" Lauren spoke, closing in on me. I gulped, trying to remain firm. She needed sleep. Not sex.
But her breath was hitting my lips and her hands were grabbing my waist and I was practically trembling when she slowly pulled my towel off only to discard it to the side. She bit her bottom lip as her eyes trailed over my bare body. "Neither of us are sleeping tonight."
And suddenly I was really glad I woke her.

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