Part 12

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One and Only - Chapter Twelve
Lauren's POV
It was eight in the morning-prime breakfast time for Camila and I before work-and she still wasn't out of her room. I knew I upset her last night, but it really had nothing to do with me not wanting her. Frankly, I was a little surprised we were even together. It was all so sudden. One second, she was engaged and moving about three thousand miles away from me and now we were together. I knew she said she never loved Adam, but she was going to marry the guy without a second doubt before I made her question it. He was everything Camila ever wanted, minus the ability to actually make her come. I still laughed at that. But, overall, the fact that he was Camila's dream guy was what was putting me off of the idea of ripping Camila's clothes off. All I had to offer her was the sex.
But I couldn't tell her that. I couldn't tell her that I thought she was using me to make up for the passion she lacked in her relationship with Adam. I didn't know how I was going to get over this, though. Every time I looked at the brunette I thought about dropping everything just to relieve my desires. What I said to her was true-I'd never wanted someone so much before in my life.
My thoughts were interrupted as I looked up to see Camila enter the living room. She was already dressed for work wearing a short cream colored dress matched with a thin black belt that outlined her tiny waist. Her hair was slightly curled, her make up bringing out those warm brown eyes I loved looking into. The sound of her simple black heels brought me back from admiring the sight of her.
"I made you breakfast." I said, watching as she poured herself a cup of coffee.
"Not hungry." Camila replied, staring at her phone.
"You look lovely."
She glanced up at me, cautious of the compliment. "You should get ready." Camila sounded irritated that I was even trying to speak to her after last night.
I rolled my eyes, even though she was right. I was still dressed in some old t-shirt. "I would have been ready by now if I wasn't waiting for you to come out of that room and stop being such a child." My words surprised her. They surprised me, too. "You should head off to work, though. I'll probably be late." I spoke, a tone of hostility in my voice, before I walked to my room, the door shutting a little harder than I intended. Okay, so who was being the child now? Probably me.
I dressed as quickly as possible, taking a cab as Camila took our car to work. The traffic was extreme and I knew my boss was going to have a field day with my tardiness.
When I arrived, I tried as sneakily as possible to sit down without him knowing, but as planned, his voice silenced the office. "Ms. Jauregui, I'd like to see you." I sighed, all eyes on me, before I got up doing the walk of shame to his office. Once I shut the door, he smiled smugly at me. "You're late, Ms. Jauregui."
"I apologize. I won't even try to come up with a good excuse. I took too long making breakfast at my loft-lost track of time."
"Camila Cabello, your roommate as I'm told, arrived right on time." He crossed his arms, challenging me.
"She decided to forego the breakfast."
"Good choice on her part."
"I agree." I cleared my throat, the office making me uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, Mr. Clarke. It won't happen again."
He nodded. "Thanks for your time and honesty. I trust you'll be more punctual from now on."
"Yes, sir."
"Okay." He leaned back in his chair. "Back to work."
I left immediately, all of my coworkers eyes still glued to me. Normani held a thumbs up in question, asking if it went okay. I sent her a thumbs up in response and everyone went back to their normal routine.
Camila gave me an apologetic look as I sat down in my seat. "Lauren, I'm sorry." She frowned. "I was being really insensitive this morning."
"Mr. Clarke says you made a good decision on skipping breakfast this morning, so at least there's that."
"You told him you were late because of breakfast?"
"Yes, Camila. We had an actual conversation. Believe it or not, some people still like to talk to me, even when it's not in the best circumstances." I answered.
Before she could respond, the girls surrounded us.
"How did it go in there?" Ally put the back of her hand to my forehead. "You seem okay."
"Ally, I don't have a fever." She withdrew her hand and the girls waited for my briefing. "He just told me not to be late anymore."
"That's it?" Dinah asked, unamused.
"That's it."
"So, why were you late?" Normani chipped in.
Camila sank further into her seat. I glanced at her before I replied. "I overslept." The lie slipped out of my mouth.
"Really?" Dinah looked at me. "Camila told us you were late because you made her breakfast and were waiting for her to come out of her room so you could eat with her, like always, but that she was being a child and staying in her room to avoid you, even though you did all that for her."
"Dinah." Camila seethed.
"Aw, Mila. She just lied to cover up you being a complete jerk this morning, even though she's mad at you." Dinah cooed. "That's so cute. She didn't want us to think you were a terrible person."
"That is pretty cute. Camila, I think you have some apologizing to do." Ally said.
"I think you guys should leave." She boldly stated. They rolled their eyes before getting up and returning to their desks. Camila just stared at me. "I really want to kiss you right now."
That caught me off-guard. I narrowed my eyes at her. "You're very confusing."
"Am I?" She smirked. I tried to force myself to resist the charm.
"First you leave our bed, then you so obviously don't want to speak to me, and now you want to kiss me." I leaned back in my chair.
"Well, you're very frustrating."
"Am I?" I smirked back at her.
"You are. You very rarely tell me everything you're feeling about a situation concerning us, and that's... frustrating. But," She continued, "you're also really attractive all of the time and you always protect me. I don't know what to feel about you-whether I should be mad or completely in love with you and-" She stopped abruptly, her eyes wide.
She didn't just... No. There was no way she just said that. Well, technically, she didn't actually say she was in love with me. She said she didn't know if she should be-which she shouldn't. The blush on her face was undeniable, though, so I decided to just ignore the mishap. "Well, unless you want to give up making out with me all of the time, I'd suggest you would throw the whole idea of being mad at me out the door."
She relaxed. "What about you? Aren't you mad at me?"
"I don't get mad." I smiled. "But you're going to have to wait until we get home to kiss me. I don't think Mr. Clarke would be so happy to see us embraced like that during work hours, especially not after-" I stopped.
Camila gaped at me. "After what? Did he catch you making out with someone here?"
"Not exactly."
"Oh, my God. He caught you having sex with someone." She covered her face, mortified.
"No. He caught me after having sex with someone."
"What does that mean?"
"He caught me leaving right after another girl left this empty conference room. I gave nothing away while she was a mess-her hair, her skirt, everything." I waved my hand in the air, dismissing the memory. "If he caught me having sex here, I'd be fired, but he had no proof, so."
"Who was it?"
"Oh, Camz, I'm not telling you." I chuckled.
"Oh, Laur, you better." She straightened up in her seat. "Because if you don't, I'll ask every girl here."
I gasped. "You wouldn't."
"I would."
After debating the threat, I finally shrugged, discreetly pointing to Mr. Clarke's assistant. It was Camila's turn to gasp.
"You slept with Adriana?" She asked, shocked.
I nodded, trying not to grin at the memory. Adriana. What a mighty fine woman she was.
"Explains why she's always on you. Well, great. That does nothing for my self confidence. I was hoping it was going to be Carol or something."
"Carol?" I snorted. "She's, like, forty and has six kids, as well as a husband."
"Well, next time you fuck someone, it better be either me or Carol."
I laughed. "You don't have to worry, Camz. Adriana and I were a one time thing. We didn't even go on a date."
"We've never been on a date, either."
"I cook you dinner every night and we go out for lunch almost everyday. I've taken you on lots of dates."
"All the more reason to fuck me." She spoke softly, just before Adriana came over to us.
"Camila, Mr. Clarke would like you to make copies of these." Adriana's hand rested on my shoulder.
Camila noticed the contact. "Isn't that what you're supposed to do? You know, as his assistant?"
Adriana glared at her and Camila got up, no doubt annoyed by my previous confession. The assistant bent down over me, her breasts in close proximity to my face. "We should go out sometime."
I grinned, "I'm sort of seeing someone."
"Sort of?" Her eyes gleamed with desire, her hand moving to my thigh. I nodded, and she tilted her head. "Who are you sort of seeing?"
Camila came back over to us, practically throwing the papers at Adriana. "The copy machine is broken." Her voice sounded angry-probably was at the sight of Adriana's hand.
The girl didn't budge though, expecting me to answer her question. I obliged, knowing that if I didn't, Camila was going to murder me in my sleep. "I'm seeing Camila."
Adriana's hand was quick at her side before she stood all the way back up. "I thought she was straight."
"That's really none of your business." Camila asserted. Adriana gathered her scattered papers, an embarrassed look on her face, before she left us. Camila glared at me. "The copy machine was working just fine. It was when I noticed her hand creeping up your thigh that I hit it. I'm pretty sure I broke it."
I rose my eyebrows in amused surprise. "You broke company property for me? How romantic."
"I can't believe you told her we were seeing each other."
"Why?" I asked, suddenly panicked. "Was I not supposed to?"
"No, no." Camila reassured me, a smile on her face. "I just... well, I was glad to see how flustered she got when she found out you're mine."
I couldn't help but giggle. "You're evil, Cabello. Evil and all mine."
Sitting in my study, Desperado by the Eagles filled the room. I was writing when I thought back to what Camila said to me at work: "We've never been on a date, either." That confused me as I thought we spent lots of time together. Those were dates, right? What did she want in a date? I decided to get up and ask her myself.
Opening the door to our room, I saw her laying down, a book in hand above her. I smiled to myself, unable to resist the urge to climb on top of her and kiss her senseless. It took her by surprise at first, but she quickly became accustomed to it, releasing an "mmm" into the kiss. Her hands tossed the book somewhere to the side before she wrapped her arms around me. Once I felt her smile, I pulled away. "I'm taking you on a date."
"A date?" She smirked.
"A date." I confirmed. "So, get ready." I quickly moved off of her before she could pull me back down and ran into the living room, awaiting my date's appearance.
Camila walked in the living room a couple of minutes later, casual attire on. I beamed. She was beautiful.
"So, where are we going, date?" She asked. I completely blanked.
"Aren't you supposed to tell me?"
"Lauren!" She whined. "You're supposed to pick somewhere."
"Well, excuse me. I guess you'll have to pick this time."
She pondered the thought. "I've always wanted to go to Union Square Cafe."
Oh, boy. "Are you sure? Because we can go somewhere else."
Camila huffed. "You're the one that told me to pick."
"No, you're right. We can go there." I grabbed the car keys, holding her hand in mine.
We were discussing what to order when it happened.
"Lauren Jauregui?" I heard a voice from behind me say. Oh, my God. No. Absolutely not. She came into my line of vision, throwing her arms around me. "Hey!" She practically screamed the greeting. When she noticed Camila, her mood changed.
Could we really not go to just one place without running into someone I used to date?
"Hi, Josie. I didn't know you still worked here."
Camila rolled her eyes.
"I haven't seen you in forever, Lauren." She placed her hand on the side of my face, rubbing the pad of her thumb on my cheek. I decided now was a good time to introduce the two.
"This is Camila, and Camila, this is Josie."
Camila smiled at her politely as Josie looked her up in down in judgment.
"We used to date." She pointed out. I witnessed Camila take a deep breath, trying to steady her temper.
"Briefly." I mentioned.
Josie glared at Camila, studying her, before she pointed to a booth. Oh, no. "She fucked me in that booth over there." I covered my face in shame. This wasn't happening. There was no way this was real. Anytime, I was going to wake up and this would all be a dream. Right?
"Is that so?" Camila said. "She didn't mention that." I glanced up at her and she was fuming.
"Best sex of my life. You would know though, right? I mean, it's Lauren Jauregui." Josie rubbed my back, daring Camila to say something in return, but my date just sat in silence, uncomfortable and mad. When it got awkward enough, Josie spoke again. "Anyway, enjoy your date." She smiled sweetly. "Bye, Lauren." She sent a wink my way, walking out of the cafe, swinging her hips purposefully.
"So," I began, "what pasta are you ordering again?"
Camila exhaled angrily. "I don't know if I should be mad at you or not." She took a moment to think it over before she threw her menu at me. "I made up my mind. I'm mad." She got up, walking out.
I left a tip on the table before I followed her outside. I walked to the car, slipping inside the drivers seat. "Don't be mad." I pleaded, looking to my side.
"Too late."
"You didn't want to order your food?" I asked, trying to use something that appealed to her.
"And sit in the same place where you had sex with someone that wasn't me while I'm eating? Jesus, Lauren, where haven't you had sex with someone?"
I thought about it. "My study."
She suddenly lunged forward, placing both of her hands on the sides of my face, kissing me deeply. I felt her tongue in my mouth almost immediately which drove me to pull her on top of me. Her hands knotted in my hair, driving us closer as she tilted her head, exploring my mouth vigorously. After a while, she pulled away, our breathing mixing together in the small space. She gripped my chin with her hand. "You're mine." Camila growled. "And if you're fucking anyone else in a booth, it's going to be me."
I couldn't resist. "Or Carol?"
She giggled lightly, a sign that I was at least forgiven for the moment. "Or Carol." She confirmed, pecking me on the lips before she returned to her seat. "That was a horrible first 'official' date."
"Hey!" I frowned. "That was the best first 'official' date I've ever been on."
She arched an eyebrow. "Because you got to rehash the memories of booth fucking?"
"No," I chuckled, grasping her hand. "Because it was with you." I planted a swift kiss to the back of her hand before I started driving us back home, a sigh of contentment leaving my still-tingling lips. Home-with Camila. I loved that this was my life.

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