Part 3

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One and Only - Chapter Three

Camila's POV
I woke up to the absence of Lauren's body next to mine. The feeling I got from that made me feel uncertain in a way-something I had never felt before. I brushed it off, getting up to tug on a t-shirt from her closet. It made me uncomfortable showing so much skin in front of Lauren who was absolutely impeccable.
Walking to the kitchen, the half-clothed brunette was making breakfast-pancakes, to be exact. She had her iPod tucked into her bra with her earphones in, but of course her dancing wasn't embarrassing. She was swaying her hips, sensually moving to the music I couldn't hear. I blushed, feeling my body clench-and that made me blush even more. I was losing my mind if I was reacting that way to my best friend. Plus, I had a fiancé. My mood suddenly dropped, remembering all of the things I had told Lauren last night. Shit.
She turned around but wasn't startled at my presence. Removing her earphones, she smiled radiantly at me. How could someone look so breathtaking in the morning? "Morning, Camz." She placed some pancakes onto a plate. "Look at me! I made breakfast."
"I see that. How early did you wake up?"
She frowned before turning back around to make more. "I didn't really sleep all that much." I nodded. Lauren rarely slept. If she wasn't entertaining guests in her bedroom, she was in her study... or with her emotional roommate, I guess. "Did you sleep well?"
"I always sleep well when I'm cuddling with you."
"Careful, Camila. One might think you're flirting." She chuckled, her back still facing me. "You look really cute when you sleep."
"Careful, Lauren. One might think you're flirting." I mocked. "Also, a little creepy."
She turned around and shrugged, and I smiled. The famous Jauregui shrug. Lauren did it all of the time and I thought it fit her perfectly. "Are you seeing Adam today?"
"Nice segue." My smile vanished. "I think so." She leaned on the counter, her green eyes staring at me. "I know what you're thinking and I don't want to talk about it."
"You wanted to talk about it last night, so, there's still a part of you that wants to discuss it."
"No, Laur. I was tired and he said something that rubbed me the wrong way." I shook my head. "Please don't bring it up, especially to him."
She looked at me for a bit, debating on whether or not to let it go. Finally, she nodded. "Okay, but I want you to tell me if you're unhappy or still having doubts." Lauren pointed the spatula at me. "Understand, Cabello?"
I smirked. "Are you worried about me, Jauregui?" She smiled, rolling her eyes and lowering the kitchen utensil.
"You leave me no choice. Bursting through the door, interrupting my love affair with Rebecca."
"Rachel." I corrected her, amused at her joke. "She seemed pretty angry. Looks like you two are broken up?" I sounded hopeful and I didn't know why. Lauren could date whoever she wanted.
She took a bite from her pancake, shrugging again. "Rachel has had the night to think it over and I'm pretty sure she's going to ask me to forgive her, but you know as well as I do that I don't do repeats. Anyway, she was fun while she lasted, but I have a date tonight."
I gaped. "How? You haven't even left the house since last night. It's literally eight in the morning."
Lauren sipped her coffee, her silky hair cascading down to her chest, covering her bra. "It's with this girl-she's a CFO, so her schedule was really busy. I forgot that we had made plans a while back and it popped up on my reminders this morning. I would've called it off if I were still with Rachel, but now I'm a single lady." She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "She's really hot."
"How old is she?" A CFO? That's quite an accomplishment for someone around our age.
"Not as old as Mark." She admitted. Mark was thirty-four-eleven years older than her. My face showed an expression of disgust at the mention of him. "She's twenty-nine."
"Showing interest in the older ladies, huh? Guess there's no hope for me, since I'm younger than you." I feigned disappointment and she laughed. "Are you bringing the Mrs. home tonight, then?"
Lauren pondered the thought, "Only if she wants to come home with me."
I scoffed. "Have you ever met a girl that hasn't wanted to come home with you?"
A confident smile flashed across her face. "Okay, then yes, she'll probably be coming home with me."
"What time?"
"Is there a designated time I need to be home, Mom?"
I rolled my eyes. "Adam doesn't like it here for me when you bring girls home. He says they're 'too loud'."
She snorted. "Maybe he's insecure with his own self. Do you scream for him?" I blushed. "Anyway, you're not twelve, Camz. I don't know why he treats you like it." Lauren looked at me more seriously. "Unless it really does bother you?"
I shook my head. "I'm pretty much used to it. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've adapted to tuning it out. Years of practice pays off." She chuckled, and I continued. "Just forget I asked. Adam can deal with it."
"No-no, Camz. I don't want to add any more problems." Lauren sighed, her expression solemn. "I know that you living here with me puts a strain on things, mostly because he doesn't like me, but I don't want to do that anymore. I'll try really hard, okay? Just text me when you're on your way home, and I'll have it all settled."
"Lauren, it's fine-"
"No, it's not, Camila. I want you to be happy-need you to be. I can tone it down, okay?" She looked concerned.
I hadn't meant to worry her. What I said to her last night really stuck and now all I wanted was for her to forget about it. I decided to walk around the counter, facing her. "You're a part of my world, Laur-let's face it, you're most of my world. I don't want you to 'tone down' anything for me or Adam. What he says to me about us hanging out-it doesn't phase me because you're my best friend and I refuse to live without you." She hugged me and I kissed her cheek quickly. "Now, get over yourself and you go out there tonight and seal the deal. I'll be cheering for you silently while I'm at some restaurant having an overpriced dinner." Her laugh was melodic in my ear and I immediately relaxed, not wanting to let her go. "Let's call in sick to work today." I held her close.
"We've done that quite a bit in the past-I think they're catching on to us being lazy employees."
I groaned. "We'd better get ready then."
"Race ya there."
Lauren ended up winning the race because 1.) I can't run and 2.) ... I can't run. She was full of it when we sat down across from each other and I was debating on whether or not I should make an effort to turn my desk away from hers. She made me feel like a complete child sometimes. I was glad when our coworkers showed up to visit.
Dinah made me scoot over in my chair so she could squeeze her way next to me. "Why the long face, Mila? Did you and Lauren finally-"
Lauren threw her head back in laughter when I interrupted. "Dinah, no! You ask us this almost everyday."
"It's bound to happen someday."
"They've worked here for a little over a year, DJ. I think your little fantasy is not happening." Normani stepped in, her manicured hand resting on Lauren's shoulder.
"Anyways," Ally began, eyes bright with enthusiasm, "I think the question here was: what's wrong, Mila?"
Lauren smirked at me. "Camz is mad because we raced to work and I won."
"You raced to work? This adult thing isn't working out for you two." Normani laughed.
I huffed. "Lauren had an unfair advantage."
"Which was?" Dinah inquired and I pursed my lips.
"She gets clothes on and off way faster than anyone I've ever seen in my life-plus, she can actually run without tripping, falling, or dreaming about pizza."
"Admit it, Cabello; you're a sore loser." Lauren chuckled along with the girls.
I put a hand in the air, silencing her. "Back to important events, how are all of you?" I asked, looking at the three girls surrounding us. We hadn't known them that long, only a year or so, but they were good friends. I thanked God they were all married, too, because I knew Lauren would've attempted to make a move on all of them. I was pretty sure she was the reason we didn't have many other friends besides ourselves, but of course, I didn't mind.
"I'm important." Lauren mumbled under her breath, but Dinah began talking about her baby shower, and Ally about her two kids, and Normani about her honeymoon she had just gotten back from. It overwhelmed Lauren, I could tell, but the next few questions were going to overwhelm me the most.
"When are you and Adam getting married?" Ally asked.
"Do you want kids?" Dinah pried.
"How many? I want three." Normani spoke.
My throat dried up as I tried to speak and I looked at Lauren for help. She leaned forward in her seat, redirecting everyone's eyes to her as I evened out my breathing. I didn't know what came over me, I was usually so good at answering those questions. I could see the worry in Lauren's eyes as she glanced at me.
"Whoa, guys. Give her some room to breathe. You're all too obsessed with Ms. Camila Cabello's life here."
Dinah scoffed. "It's not going to be Ms. Camila Cabello for much longer."
Ally grinned at Lauren. "I know what this is about. You feel uncomfortable when we talk about commitment. About how one day you'll end up just like us, married with kids."
I almost giggled at the look of distaste that painted Lauren's face as Ally spoke. "Uh, sure." She answered them. "I'm really uncomfortable hearing about my doomed fate as a wife and mother." Lauren shuddered.
Normani shrugged. "The wife part isn't so bad."
Ally and Dinah squealed. "Yet!" They shouted out simultaneously, and I squirmed. The two girls started sharing stories about the horrible times in their marriages-all of the fights, arguments, disagreements, about how sometimes you 'just want to give up and get a divorce'. I shut my eyes thinking maybe I could block them out, too, but it didn't work. This definitely wasn't helping with my doubts.
"Just you wait, Mila. Once you're in, you're in for the long run." Dinah laughed and Ally nodded her head.
"But it's all worth it when you really love the person, and you love Adam, right?" Ally more stated than asked.
"Right." I breathed.
The girls switched to another topic, but I had lost track of what the conversation was even about anymore. Suddenly, it felt almost impossible to swallow. I found Lauren's eyes looking into mine. She nodded every so often when the girls addressed her, but her eyes never left me.
Rachel came over to us and the girls and I looked up at her, Lauren still staring at me. "Can I talk to you?" Noticing all of the girls around us, she added, "Alone." Rachel looked at me. "Nice to see you when you aren't crying, Camila." Ally, Dinah, and Normani all glanced at me and Lauren eventually decided to break her gaze, getting up from her seat. She adjusted her light-blue blouse and black pencil skirt to perfection in a fraction of a second before walking behind wherever Rachel was leading, her black pumps clicking on the hard floor.
Dinah nudged me as the girls closed in on me. "What's up with that?" She asked.
"And-" Normani began. "We want the truth."
"I was a little upset last night, over nothing, really, and I walked into Lauren's room to talk to her..." Dinah covered her mouth, her eyes glimmering with amusement, "I should've known Rachel was over, but I guess I hadn't thought about that. Anyway, long story short, I walked in on them and Lauren kicked her out." They laughed, but I didn't think it was funny.
"Was Rachel pissed?" Dinah questioned.
"To say the least." Answering her question, Ally studied me.
"Well, it's not like she should be surprised Lauren picked you over her." She said, and the other two girls nodded. "She'd pick you over anyone."
I smiled at the thought. "Yeah, I know." The faint sounds of her black pumps were returning. "I'd pick her over anyone, too."
"We know." Dinah groaned. "That's why I'm saying you two should fall in love already."
She appeared again, turning around a corner. Lauren smiled at me.
"Who should fall in love?" She sat back in her chair.
"You and Camila." Normani rolled her eyes. "You're practically already there."
"I bet Adam's jealous." Ally giggled and I saw Lauren frown, her eyes once again moving to me. I looked away.
"Camila has found a guy who loves her; I'd never take away from that." My gaze dropped to the ground and I stared at my feet. She must've sensed my discomfort because she spoke again. "Don't you all have work to do? Stop interrogating my secret love affair with Camila." She joked. I felt Dinah get up from beside me.
"Lucky for you," Dinah began, "we have tons of work to do."
Ally leaned down next to me. "If you ever need help with the wedding, let me know. I'll be more than happy to assist." She grinned.
"Adam's not really letting me make any decisions on this one, he's a bit insistent that things go the way he envisions them to." They all stared at me like I had said something unacceptable, their faces sad.
The three girls left and then it was just Lauren and I. "So," she began, "anything you want to discuss?"
"Please just drop it."
"You promised you would tell me if you're having doubts again, and it didn't look like you were too excited speaking of your fiancé."
I huffed. "What goes on in my relationship with my fiancé is between me and him-not me, him, and you." I realized it was hurtful, but she showed no signs of offense. She never did. Instead, she gave me a knowing look that said "you know I'm right" and continued her work.
Lauren and I walked home together without a word and I had not a doubt in my mind that she was giving me the silent treatment for my snappy attitude earlier today.
When we walked in our loft, I decided to break the silence. "Are you mad at me?" I asked, my voice surprisingly scared. I couldn't help myself, Lauren's inability to commit frightened me sometimes. I felt like at any moment she could just go without a word. She hadn't answered my question when she poured herself a drink.
Taking a sip of her wine, she spoke. "I don't get mad."
I nodded-it was true. In the seven years I had known her, she had not once ever been mad. She was cool, calm, and collected twenty-four seven. "Irritated, then?"
"Not irritated." She blinked at me.
"Can I ask what you're feeling towards me?"
"You just did." She replied and I glared at her. I was not going to play this game. She noticed my expression and set down her wine. "I'm concerned." Oh, boy. Here we go. "Concerned because I don't want you to make a mistake-one that will leave you unhappy forever."
I sighed, "Lauren-"
"No, Camila. This isn't just some friendly get-together we're talking about. This is your wedding. You're signing documents, attached to this man for the rest of your life."
"I'm perfectly aware of what I'm doing." I glowered. "This isn't high school, Lauren. I'm not fifteen anymore; I'm twenty-three. Stop treating me like I'm such a child."
"Then stop acting like one." Lauren shrugged. My mouth opened at the audacity of this woman and her placid tone of voice was, frankly, annoying me. "You're so caught up in what everyone else wants you to do, what everyone else thinks of your actions, and that's going to hurt you in the end. You want to fulfill people's expectations? What about your own expectations? Don't you want to fulfill those more?" She took another sip of her wine, composed as ever. "Am I just supposed to stand by and watch you marry a man who doesn't make you happy? Is that what you want me to do?"
"Yes!" I shouted. She didn't even flinch. "That's what you're supposed to do! And Adam makes me happy."
"You're so sure of that?"
"Of course I'm sure of that. I love him!" Hearing it come out of my own mouth, even I noticed how unsure I sounded.
Lauren swirled her wine, her eyes never leaving me. "Well, you'd better get ready then. Adam's on his way."
I entered my room swiftly after sending a dirty look Lauren's way and sat down on my bed. I knew I wasn't mad at her-I could never be mad at Lauren-I was mad that some of the stuff she said wasn't entirely wrong. I just wished that my doubts would go away. I wished I could just marry Adam without thinking twice about it and live happily ever after like in the stories. I wished I could get my fairytale. I got up suddenly, a new idea crossing my mind. I was going to make Adam want me.
I swung my closet doors open, searching for that red dress Lauren had bought me a while ago. She had bought me the dress just in case I was ever to change my mind about going to the club with her, but I decided to use it to my advantage tonight. I quickly slipped into it, rushing into the bathroom to spruce up my appearance with the hair and make-up tips Lauren had taught me in high school. Finally, I stepped back, giving myself a mental high-five. Oh, Lauren was going to be proud.
I sprinted into the living room, a smirk on my face when Lauren looked up at me. Her jaw dropped and I could feel my confidence rise with the approval of the Jauregui-ladies extraordinaire.
"Dressed to impress, Cabello?" She spoke when the shock wore off.
"Do you think he'll like it?" I asked.
She nodded, a sad expression on her face. "Of course I think he will. Who wouldn't?" I grinned. "I'm sorry I said all of that stuff about your relationship with Adam. You're right-it isn't my place."
I sat down facing her on the couch, placing my legs on top of hers. "It's okay, I know you're worried. But you don't have to be. And anyway, it sparked this amazing idea I had. I've got to say, I should've went clubbing with you."
"I've got to say," She began, "I agree."
We both laughed for a second until we heard a knock at the door. Our mouths clamped shut.
"I'll get it." Lauren cleared her throat and got up, carefully placing my legs to the side and off of her lap. She strode confidently to the door and I clambered to my feet, smoothing out my dress and waiting to see him. The second Lauren opened the door, he pushed his way past her, looking down at his phone.
"Let's go, Camila." He commanded, too preoccupied with his Blackberry to look up.
Lauren sensed my disappointment as she grabbed his attention away from his technology. "It's nice to see you again, Adam."
He nodded politely at her, then glanced at me. "What is this?" Adam gasped. He walked up to me, shoving his phone in his jacket pocket. "We're not going to a rave, Camila."
I frowned, pulling the hem of my dress down. "I thought you'd like it."
He grimaced at me. "This will not do. Wipe off that nonsense on your face and go change into something more lady-like." I saw Lauren bite the inside of her cheek, holding herself back from saying something insulting to him. "What are you waiting for? You know I can't have you on my arm looking like this."
"Okay... Y-yeah, I guess I understand." I turned back to go to my room and heard Lauren's footsteps following.
"You certainly don't need to help her change, do you, Ms. Jauregui?" Adam scorned.
"I certainly don't think that concerns you, Mr. Russo." Lauren's hand found its way to the small of my back as she led me into my bedroom.
I ripped off my dress as soon as possible, rushing into my bathroom to wipe off the 'nonsense' on my face. I swear to God, Camila, don't start crying. Do not fucking cry right now. I took a deep breath as my face was clean, my eyes dry, and walked back out into my room to see an 'acceptable' outfit laid out for me neatly on my bed. Lauren sat quietly beside it. "Thank you." I barely murmured, slipping on the grey dress. I gathered my hair and moved it to the side. Before I asked Lauren if she could zip me up, she was already doing it. I was so glad to have her.
"I thought you looked beautiful." She whispered into my neck and the skin there tingled with her words. "And sexy, and hot, and gorgeous, and all of the words that go along with them."
I turned to face her, the closeness of us coming into realization for me, and in that second, I wanted to kiss Lauren Jauregui.
She smiled at me, my desire fleeting, and took my hand, leading me out of the door into the living room. Adam noticed our interlocked hands and his face twisted in disgust. Lauren let go.
"Better." He said. He was on his phone again.
There was another knock at the door. Lauren practically ran to it, desperate to break the silence. "Gabrielle." She smirked in greeting.
In walked an older woman, about Lauren's height. She had jet-black hair, porcelain skin, and full, red lips. Her tiny black dress hugged her figure perfectly. You could see the wealth radiating off of her.
"Hello." She spoke, and even Adam looked up from his phone. Gabrielle was stunning, even beside Lauren who was the most stunning of all. "My name is Gabrielle." She greeted my fiancé and I.
Lauren looked at me expectantly and I stumbled forward, still taken aback by her flawless date. I had felt this surprise once before-the first time I met Lauren. "My name is Camila, hi." I shook her hand and stepped back to look at them together. Even standing by Gabrielle, Lauren looked radiant. They were beautiful together.
"Camila is my best friend and she was just leaving." Lauren grinned at me and I looked at Adam for confirmation.
He took my hand. It felt rough-not like Lauren's soft hands. "I do hope you have fun in your... affairs tonight, Ms. Jauregui." Adam raised an eyebrow, pushing us between the two girls.
"Oh, I don't need your hope to have a good time, Mr. Russo, but you'll need mine." She replied sharply.
He glared at her before swishing us both outside, shutting the door behind him. "What was that in there? Did she dress you that way?" I was going to reply when he interrupted me again. "Honestly, Camila, what were you thinking? We're having dinner with my boss and his wife, I don't need you looking ridiculous." He reprimanded me all the way to the car, all the way to the restaurant, and all the way to the table.
We were met with a man in his fifties or sixties seated next to a woman in her late thirties. Adam's boss stood up to greet us.
"Hello, Adam. Is this your fiancé?" He nodded towards me, not making eye contact.
"Yes, Mr. Jones, this is Camila."
"Hello." I greeted and he grunted in reply. Frowning, I sat down, meeting eyes with his wife.
"I'm Diana." She glanced over to her side where Adam and Mr. Jones were speaking, then back at me. "You're marrying Adam?" She asked, and I nodded.
"Yes, ma'am." I answered, and she laughed.
"My name is Diana."
"Oh, right. Yes, Diana." I corrected myself.
She nodded, evaluating the situation. "Why was he speaking to you like that before you reached the table?"
I felt my face turn red.
"No bullshit, either. Tell me." She looked entertained.
"I-Well... He-he did not like what I was wearing before I changed." I answered and she smirked.
"You and me," she leaned in, "everyone thinks we're living the dream. We're marrying wealthy men only to go off and live happily ever after," I gulped and she continued, "but you and me," she repeated, "we know what a bunch of B.S. that is."
"I'm sorry?" I said, surprised to be hearing this.
She leaned back in her seat. "You're so young, too. What a shame." Diana raised her hand in the air slightly and a young waiter appeared immediately by her side. "We need a bottle of something." I looked at her apprehensively. Adam did not like it when I drank.
"What would you like, madam?" The waiter asked.
She leaned closer as he leaned down. "Whatever will get me drunk the fastest." Diana spoke as if that was the most obvious answer. He quickly stood up and gave a firm nod before walking off. She turned to me. "Welcome to the rest of your life."
I spent the rest of the night listening to Diana's drunken confessions about her marriage and how she knew her husband was having an affair and that she was having one, too, and I was mortified. What shocked me the most was that the two men next to us-my fiancé and her husband-were too caught up in their conversation to even notice what she was saying. Was this what my life was going to be like? Constantly chugging down alcohol to get through the night?
I was pulled from my thoughts when Mr. Jones stood up. Adam met his stance, shaking his hand firmly. He looked at me for the first time the whole night. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Russo." I frowned. We weren't married yet. "You will be a great wife, just like my Diana."
Diana rose to her feet shakily, rolling her eyes. "Yes, Camila. You will be just," pause, "like," pause, "me."
I blinked at her, the smell of booze filling the air. "It's an honor, really, to meet you both. Thank you."
Mr. Jones waved his hand as if dismissing me and Adam gripped my shoulder, leading us away. "She's an embarrassment, isn't she?" He looked at me, referring to Diana. "You'd never embarrass me that way."
We walked to the car as he spoke about his admiration for Mr. Jones and when we got in, I spoke. "Are we going to your place?"
He shook his head. "No, Camila, I am taking you home. As much as I hate leaving you there with Lauren, I've got work to do. I don't have time to spare." I looked out the window, disappointed. He must've noticed because he took my hand in his. "Next time, okay? Don't be upset."
I turned to face him as his eyes were on the road. Him saying that used to work on me, but for some reason, it didn't tonight. I don't know if it was because he completely disregarded me before dinner or if it was because I had seen how Diana was, but I took my hand back, placing them in my lap. I remembered to text Lauren that we were on our way back because if he did hear her and Gabrielle together, he would take me home with him. I didn't want that now.
When we got to the loft, he insisted on walking me back inside. I was nervous because Lauren hadn't texted me back and I knew she had to have been with Gabrielle. Knowing Lauren, they probably didn't even leave the house for their plans. I opened the door with my key slowly and, to my surprise, saw Lauren sitting alone on the couch.
Adam smiled sardonically. "Lonely night, Lauren?"
She smiled right back, Gabrielle walking out of Lauren's room in her t-shirt and her panties. Adam's face flushed and I held back my laughter. "Lonely night? Not at all, Adam. In fact, I had a great night as you might have guessed by now. Can you say the same?"
He grimaced, pulling me closer. "Camila and I had a lovely night out with Mr. and Mrs. Jones, isn't that right?" He glanced at me and I nodded. "Anyway, I have work to do, so I must get going."
"Aw, that's a shame." Lauren tilted her head to the side, feigning a pout.
Adam ignored her as he turned to me. "Good night, Camila. Go to sleep as soon as possible. You don't want to be staying up too late. You do have work tomorrow."
"Good night." I said and he left without another word. The new girlfriend was standing still in the room and Lauren was looking at me, amused.
Gabrielle was surprisingly easier to approach now that she was wearing Lauren's t-shirt with her hair up and make-up off. "Sorry, I'll leave you two alone." She started walking back in Lauren's room.
"No, Gabrielle, wait." Lauren spoke. "I want you to properly meet someone." I looked at Lauren in shock. She got up from the couch and put her arm around the black-haired girl's waist, leading her to me. "I know you already met but... Gabrielle, this is Camila. Camz, this is Gabrielle."
I shook her hand again. "Lauren must really like you. She never introduces me to any of her girlfriends."
Gabrielle laughed, a nice sound flowing through the air. She was almost as perfect as Lauren. "They don't need to meet you when Lauren never stops talking about you. I feel like you and I are practically best friends with how much I've heard about you."
I raised my eyebrows at Lauren. She still looked as flawless as she did when I left earlier. Her hair was kept up, her smile lighting up the room. "You talk about me?" I grinned.
"I kind of have to... I warn them," She smirked, "of my crazy roommate."
Gabrielle giggled, "Oh, she does not. Trust me; only good things."
I nodded, butterflies in my stomach. Lauren talks about me. Good things. "You're probably the only sane girlfriend she's had." I didn't have much to compare that statement to, though. I hadn't ever really met a girlfriend of Lauren's. I was glad to meet this one, though. She seemed good for Lauren-laid-back, beautiful, the list goes on.
"Oh, really?" She turned to Lauren, and I was about to delve into the stories, but my Lauren stopped me.
"Let's not talk about my past relationships with my current girlfriend, hmm, Camila?" She sent me a look that said 'shut-up'.
I nodded and Gabrielle spoke again. "That was Adam, right? Your fiancé. You guys have been together for years, huh? How many?"
"Wow, Laur, you do talk about me." I laughed, happy to answer the girl's questions. "We've been together for four years." She blinked at me and Lauren looked away, something clearly bothering her.
"Ever since you were eighteen?" She gaped. "I'm impressed, Camila. He's the one, huh?"
Lauren grimaced and I feigned a smile. "Yep! He's the one."
He was the one, wasn't he? I used to be so sure.

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