Part 41

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One and Only - Chapter Forty-one
Lauren's POV
"Oh, my God."
We had just eaten dinner, Camila and I now upstairs after venturing off in search of her old bedroom, and I was busy reminiscing when she caught my attention. "What?" I asked her, turning around to see her looking at a photo on the wall. She stepped out of the way and I gaped, moving closer to get a better look. "Was that prom?" She nodded and we both giggled at the picture. "You were the hottest date a girl could ever have," I smirked, sending her a wink.
Camila rolled her eyes playfully, "How would you know? You spent the whole night with that girl, Ali, in some bathroom stall."
"Oh, yeah!" I exclaimed, recalling the memory. "Good times, good times...."
Our eyes flitted to different ones as we looked at all of the times we had together before we went off to college. We'd come so far since then and yet I wouldn't mind going back.
I heard the door swing open, Camila and I spinning around to see who the intruder was.
"Does everyone have their clothes on?" Sofia nearly shouted, her hands covering her eyes.
"Not for long!" I joked.
"Lauren!" Camila scolded.
The youngest girl groaned, "Ew!"
I pulled her hands away from her face, trying not to laugh at her mortified expression. "I'm just kidding, Sofi. We aren't animals, you know."
"Well, I know Camila isn't."
I snorted, remembering that she was just on her knees for me in a dirty airplane bathroom just a few hours ago. "Are you sure about that?"
"Okay," Camila stepped in, her cheeks tinted red. "Let's talk about something else, perhaps?"
I decided not to scar Sofi any more than she already was and changed the subject, "How's life been down here, Sof?"
"It's great," she beamed, leaping into multiple different stories that began to overlap. I tried to keep up, but I was mostly just amazed at how much this thirteen year old girl had going on in her life. She was so open and animated and I loved her for that.
I was learning about how stressful Pre-Algebra was when Sinu called Camila downstairs, the brunette leaving Sofia and I with each other.
"Now that we're alone," she said, quirking her eyebrows up at me, "I just want to say that if you break her heart, I'll have to beat you up. I know you and I are, like, best friends but... you gotta do what you gotta do."
I held back a giggle, "I completely understand."
"It's just that I've never seen her like this. She looks... happy. Like, seriously happy."
"You've never seen her happy?" I asked.
Her face fell for a split second before she shrugged, "Not for a long time." There was a beat of silence before she said, "She's totally in love with you, you know that?"
I felt my heart rate increase as I stared down at her and she matched my gaze with a serious expression. "Do you think so?"
"Of course I do," she spoke, incredulous. "Don't you?"
"I hope so," I breathed, hesitating as I tried to decide whether or not I wanted to ask her something important. "Hey," I gulped, "if I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anyone?"
She looked unsure, "You didn't kill anyone, did you?"
"Jesus, Sofi. No! What kind of person do you think I am?"
"Just making sure," she said, holding her hands up in defense.
I laughed, shaking my head at her antics. "You don't have to worry about that... or do you?"
"Yeah, yeah," she brushed my harmless teasing off. "You would never kill me. I'm way stronger."
"So, what do you have to tell me?"
"Promise you won't tell?"
"Promise," she smiled.
I walked closer to her, leaning down a little so that she could hear me whispering. "I wasn't going to tell anyone, but you're obviously way smarter than I am and I need your opinion." I moved to take the velvety box out of my jacket, feeling like I was going to faint, and a gasp filled the air. My shaky hands opened it to reveal the ring. "What do you think?"
"Oh my God!" Sofia screamed, jumping up and down, "Oh my God, oh my God!"
She accidentally bumped into me, causing the ring to fall out of my hands, and both of us gasped this time as we dropped to the floor to look for the small piece of jewelry that had costed me over one hundred fifty thousand dollars.
My breathing stopped when I heard the door open.
"Is everything okay?" Camila asked, sounding confused. "What are you two doing?"
Thankfully, I wasn't facing her. I shot Sofia a look that said 'make something up'.
"Um... uh..." she began. I closed my eyes when she stood up, praying she would just play the whole thing off. "I dropped an earring."
"Oh, do you need help finding it?"
I heard her walk toward us and we both screamed, "NO!"
She stepped back, "...Okay."
And there it was. A little sparkle that caught my eye, just under the bed. I quickly grasped it and got to my feet, holding my hands behind my back as we all stood there awkwardly.
Camila narrowed her eyes as she stared at both of us, "What's going on?"
"Nothing!" We both said in unison.
Now was not the time to discover how bad Sofia and I were at lying. I gripped the ring in my fist, dying to put it back safely. "You know, I'm so thirsty. Camz, do you mind getting me a glass of water?"
She just nodded. "Sure, baby. I'll be right back."
We didn't move a single inch until she was out of sight, presumably downstairs.
Sofia spoke first, turning to me, "That was close."
"Oh my God, I think I'm gonna throw up." I took a deep breath to calm myself.
"I can't believe you're going to propose."
"Should I? What do you think? I mean, is it okay? I want your permission." I rambled on.
"What do I think?" She scoffed, "I think yes! Are you crazy? You have my permission and more. Let me see it again!" She nearly squealed.
I gave her a serious look, "Don't knock it out of my hands."
"I'll try not to," she said, a little embarrassed. I put it back in the box as I showed her and she covered her mouth, "Ritani... Lauren, if you can afford a ring this expensive, we're going to have a little talk about what you're buying me this Christmas."
I couldn't help but nervously giggle, my eyes searching her for a negative reaction. "Is it okay? Do you think she'd like it?"
Her eyes moved from the ring to meet mine, "Of course she will. You could give her a ring pop and she'd love it."
"I think I'm going to ask her before we go back to New York," I revealed.
Sofia pulled me into a hug, "I'm so excited for you. I can't wait until you're my sister."
My heart swelled at that and I hugged her back, thankful she could ease my nerves, "Me either." Pulling away, I grinned down at her. "Our secret, right, Sofi? No telling anyone."
"No telling anyone what?" She smirked.
"Atta girl," I chuckled, high-fiving her.
I heard Camila walking back upstairs and stuffed the box in my jacket pocket, smiling at her when she handed me a water. "Thanks, Camz."
"You're welcome," she glowed, wrapping an arm around my side and squeezing it affectionately.
"So, how long are you guys staying?" Sofia questioned.
"Just the weekend," her sister answered.
The youngest frowned. "It really sucks that you guys moved all the way to New York. We never see you anymore."
I could tell this upset Camila, knowing how much she missed them. "We hate the distance just as much as you do," she spoke.
"If that was true, you'd move back here."
Camila stayed silent, not knowing what to say but desperately wanting to let her know that wasn't true, so I stepped in. "Maybe you should come spend a few weeks with us. New York City is a lot different from Miami. I think you'd like it."
The girl on my side gave me a surprised look but Sofia grinned, "Maybe this Christmas. You do owe me a gift."
"I sure do," I laughed.
Sofia's phone rang and she looked down at it, reading a text she got before opening her mouth in shock. "I've got to go deal with this. Morgan just told me that Liam said he wasn't taking Sarah to the dance-he's taking Emily instead. Can you believe that?"
"No way!" I replied, not at all aware of who those people were.
"I know!" She glanced back at her phone and ran out of the room.
"What was that?" Camila asked me now that we were alone.
"Inviting Sofi to stay with us in New York."
"Is that..." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Was I not supposed to?"
"No, it's fine-I just... I'm surprised, that's all."
"I think I'd like it seeing you two together in the big city. My two favorite girls."
Camila wrapped her arms fully around my waist and I set my drink down on the table to do the same. "I'm still your ultimate favorite girl though, right?"
I pulled her closer, "Always."
Her eyes dropped down to my lips before she kissed me, drawing each one out as long as she could before the next. I didn't protest when her tongue found its way between my parting lips, the way it mingled with my own making my knees weak.
I knew I would never get tired of this-of holding her. Her body fit so perfectly with mine. It was as if everything had a place to be. The way her hand snaked up to rest in my hair, the way our lips moved as if we already could predict the other's actions, the way it felt to just be in the same room as her, my lungs breathing in her air... It was perfect.
We parted for air after a while and Camila rested her head on my shoulder, my hands slipping underneath her shirt to rub small circles on her back.
"I love you," she murmured.
I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you, too."
It was late when I decided to get out of bed to pass the time. I'd been laying awake for hours now and sleeping tonight didn't seem like something my body wanted to let me do.
After carefully extracting myself from underneath Camila, I rubbed my eyes. They were scratchy from exhaustion and it almost hurt to blink.
I carefully opened her bedroom door before slipping out of the room, making my way down the stairs while praying I didn't wake anyone up.
I walked toward the kitchen, reaching for the light switch when I heard, "Lauren?"
I jumped, startled, and turned around, seeing Sinu sitting at the dining room table. There was a dim reading lamp shining on her book, illuminating her face. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was awake."
She just chuckled, "It's okay, sweetie. Why don't you turn on the light and come sit?" She gestured to the chair next to her. I winced slightly when the light hit my eyes before obliging to Sinu's request and taking a seat next to her. "You still have trouble sleeping?"
"Oh," I said, surprised she remembered, "yeah. But it's not too bothersome."
The mother looked like she knew I was lying, but she didn't push it. "Camila tells me you're doing very well for yourself in New York."
"I guess so," I agreed politely. "I owe it all to her, though. Really. There's no way I'd be here without her." A small smile graced my lips, "She's the reason for everything good in my life. She's my biggest supporter and she always has been and I would be lost without her."
"I think she would say the same thing about you," Sinu replied.
"Oh, no. She has you and Alejandro to thank for that. I was just lucky to meet her, because if I didn't, I don't know where I'd be now-what my life would be like."
The older woman paused at that, her nervous expression catching my attention. "I heard about your mother."
I looked down at my hands, knowing that if I talked about this with Sinu it would leave me in tears. I'd managed to keep it together, but this conversation was bound to break me down.
She continued carefully, "Camila is lucky to have a family who loves and supports her, and I know you didn't have that growing up. I remember your father, Lauren. He did his best but..." she shook her head, dismissing the thought. "You deserved better than all of that."
I could feel it bubbling up. Years of bottled up emotions, just waiting to pour out of me. She didn't want me. She didn't want me.
And I don't know exactly when I started crying but I knew it felt like I would never stop. "Why didn't she want me?"
Sinu pulled me in, wrapping her arms around me when I laid my head on her chest to muffle the sounds of my sobs. They only increased when I realized that this was the motherly affection I missed out on my whole life-the affection that was robbed from me.
"She missed out of you. You're perfect," she whispered. "Do you hear me? You're absolutely perfect."
And then we didn't talk. Sinu just rocked me back and forth, pausing only to wipe away my tears.
I wasn't sure how much time passed before I finally calmed down, the Cuban woman moving hair out of my face to place it behind my ear.
Suddenly, I felt embarrassed for my outburst and sat back up, wiping at my eyes, "I'm sorry-"
"Oh, don't you apologize," she interrupted. "I think that was long overdue, don't you?" I nodded and she rubbed my arm. "Anyone would be lucky to have you as their daughter, and I already consider you one of mine. I have three beautiful daughters and I'm proud of each one of them." I smiled a little and she returned it. "I want you to know that I love you like my own. I always have. You are a part of this family, Lauren. Alejandro loves having you around and Sofia thinks you're the greatest person to ever live." We chuckled. "You might not have a mom based on blood, but I'd be happy to take on that role any day."
"I'm really grateful to have you all in my life," I said. "To be honest, I was really nervous to come."
Sinu looked surprised, "Why?"
"I didn't know how you and Alejandro felt about me. I mean, I know I was over here a lot before we left for college but I haven't been back here for any holidays or anything... and I know I should've come but I just don't know how to act during those situations. I never spent holidays with my family. But it's no excuse. You and your family did a lot for me and the last thing I want is to come off as unappreciative." I shook my head at the thought. "Not to mention, I started dating Camila." My throat threatened to close up at the topic. "It was really hard for a long time. You've probably heard about most of it."
The short-haired woman shifted in her seat, "I have," she said.
I wasn't sure how to proceed, not wanting to bring up painful memories for the mother. I would imagine it wasn't exactly pleasant to listen to your daughter crying over the phone. I waited for her eyes to meet mine before I said, "I love her. I always have."
Sinu gave me a soft smile, "I know you do."
"I guess I was just worried that you and Alejandro wouldn't be okay with that, considering my... reputation."
"You know," she began, her eyes twinkling in amusement, "I had a reputation like that in my twenties, too."
I grinned, the information making me feel closer to her. "Is that so?"
Sinu nodded, chuckling lightly. "Your reputation doesn't define you. Alejandro and I are more than happy to see Camila in love with someone as great as you are."
A rush of relief flooded over me after hearing her words, the knowledge that they accepted me being with their daughter laying to rest most of my anxieties.
"Laur?" A groggy voice called out from behind me. Both Sinu and I looked over at the dining room threshold, seeing a squinty-eyed Camila staring at us. "Mom?"
The mother smiled, rising to her feet and kissing the top of my head briefly. "I'd better get back to bed." She passed Camila, bidding her a goodnight before leaving us alone.
The exhausted girl rubbed at her eyelids, walking over to stand next to me, "What are you doing out here?"
"I couldn't sleep," I replied. "Your mom and I talked for a little while."
"About what?" She yawned, taking her mother's previous seat next to me. Her eyes finally met mine and she seemed to fully wake up. "Have you been crying?"
"Oh," I said, "it was nothing."
"Lauren," she breathed, her hand taking mine. She looked scared as she scanned over every feature of my face, and it looked as if she stopped breathing in anticipation for my response.
"We talked about a lot of things. We talked about you and our relationship and about why I was nervous to come back here... and about my mom." Camila just stared at me, unsure of what to say. "I guess all of those bottled up emotions were just waiting for the opportunity to explode," I lightly chuckled, feeling some new tears form. "I know it's not my fault that she left, but it still feels like that sometimes. Like if I just did something different, if I was a better daughter..." I trailed off and Camila frowned, wiping some tears away. "It was weird growing up and being unwanted by... everyone. My mom left and my dad didn't have the time and I was just this huge burden. But then I remember meeting James," she winced, "and he... he wanted me. For the first time in fifteen years, someone wanted me around. And after that, everyone wanted me. They wanted to kiss me and hold me and touch me and sleep with me, so I let them... all just so I would feel important and needed, even if it was only for a few minutes. I guess I was just trying to prove to her that there were people in my life who didn't leave me the way she did; like if she ever showed up again, I would be standing there with tons of admirers who somehow validated my existence. And it wasn't until she did show up that I realized how pointless it was. She saw how much you loved me and she still didn't care. She still didn't want me. It felt like my whole life was a waste, like I'd been working so hard for something that would never happen, and I was so embarrassed to admit that. I was embarrassed that I failed." I took a deep breath, noticing Camila's eyes tearing up as well. "But then we came here and I remembered how loving your family is," I smiled, "and all of those terrible feelings don't feel as terrible anymore."
"I'm really glad you shared all of that with me," she spoke softly.
"Me too," I answered truthfully.
Camila paused and the way she was looking at me made it harder to breathe. I'd never felt so much love. She had the trace of a smile on her face when she asked, "Can I kiss you?"
I grinned at the reference to our first kiss, "Okay."
She closed the distance in between us and I remember thinking that there was no way Heaven could be better than the way her lips felt on mine.
"Wake up!"
Camila groaned when the pillow I threw collided with her face and she covered her hands with her eyes to block out the light. "It's too early for this."
"It's one in the afternoon," I laughed, sitting next to her. "Time to rise and shine."
"It's not my fault you kept me up last night," she grumbled, turning over on her side and burying her face in the sheets. "Someone couldn't keep their hands to themselves."
I smirked at her bare back, remembering the heated affair from last night-muffled moans and giggles from clamped hands over mouths. "Yeah, and that someone was you! Now get up. I'm taking you somewhere."
She rolled over and looked up at me, "Where?"
"I guess you'll just have to get dressed and meet me downstairs to find out."
"Laur," she huffed.
"There will be food."
Camila sat up and stretched a little, "Be down in a second."
I simpered at her immediate response, nodding her way before I left the room to wait downstairs for her.
When I entered the living room, I sat down on the couch with the younger sister.
"Have you awoken the beast?" Sofia asked.
"I think so."
"So," she began, "it's happening today."
At first, I tried not to express any signs of nervousness, feigning nonchalance, but I knew there was no point. "I think I'm going to die."
"From what?" she nearly snorted.
"From... I don't know, fear?"
"Don't be afraid. She's going to say yes."
"What if she doesn't? It's kind of selfish to think she would want to spend her whole life with me. What if I'm not wife material?" I fretted, my head in my hands.
"What are you talking about?" Sofia asked, astonished. "Do you know who you are?"
"Yes," I mumbled.
"You're Lauren Jauregui," she said.
"I know."
"The one and only... Lauren... Jauregui," Sofia rose her voice. I looked over at her, amused. "Say it."
"I'm Lauren Jauregui."
"I'm Lauren Jauregui!"
"Yeah!" she yelled, standing on the couch. "The Lauren Jauregui. And you know what you want, don't you?"
"So you're gonna go out there today and take what you want!"
"Yeah!" I stood up to meet her height, my blood pumping.
"What's your name?" She screamed.
"Lauren Jauregui!"
"And what are you gonna do today?"
"Take what I want!"
"What are you two doing?" Sofia and I snapped our heads around to see Camila at the end of the stairs, her arms crossed over her torso.
"Nothing," Sofia shrugged, jumping off the couch and walking toward the stairs. "I have homework to do." Camila turned to look at me, confused, and Sofia sent me a reassuring thumbs up before she disappeared from my sight.
"What was that about?" Camila asked, crossing the room to stand next to me.
I avoided the question, grinning at her, "I think that's the fastest you've ever gotten dressed."
"I just threw on a shirt and some jeans. I didn't even shower, so I hope you aren't taking me somewhere fancy."
"No, we're just going to get you some lunch and..." I hid a smile, "then after that, it's a surprise."
"A surprise?"
I nodded.
"Well, luckily it's a Sunday. Everyone in Miami is too hungover from the night before to notice how rough I look without makeup."
"You don't look rough," I scoffed.
"Oh, coming from the world's cutest natural beauty, sure." The brunette huffed playfully, taking my hand. "So... I was promised food?"
I chuckled, my attention moving from the girl in front of me to Sinu and Alejandro who just entered the room.
"Are you two going somewhere?" Sinu asked.
"Yeah," Camila answered, "Lauren says it's a surprise."
They both looked delighted at the news, taking a seat together on the couch. "Have fun," said Sinu.
"Be safe," said Alejandro.
At their farewells, Camila practically dragged me to the car, making it well-known she was one hungry girl.
"Ah," Camila breathed in the air, "I can literally smell the scent of rejection and loneliness."
I gave her a look, "Come on, Camz. I'm trying to be romantic."
We had just eaten lunch at her favorite restaurant and I'd driven us back to our old high school. We were waiting outside of the gate, looking at the football field. She just giggled and we walked on the field, hand in hand.
"Is this legal?" she questioned.
I just shrugged. "I used to do this all of the time, but it was usually at night, after parties when I was drunk out of my mind."
Camila stopped, looking at me, "You were so much cooler than I was."
"I was not."
"Oh, right. I forgot that getting invited to all of the parties in high school means you're uncool. Makes sense," she joked. I rolled my eyes and she looked over my shoulder. "Hey," she nudged me, "remember those?"
I turned around to see the set of bleachers, a smile present on my face when I squeezed her hand in mine and began to stroll over there. "Come on."
When we reached the spot, just across from the concession stand where I first saw her, she gave up the whole 'I-Hated-High-School' mood.
This spot was everything to me. Sure, it wasn't monumental. But this was where I met her, where I had my first conversation with her... This was where we began.
We'd come so far since then. She was no longer some insecure teenager and I was no longer alone. We were grown up now, so why did it feel like I was sixteen again standing next to my best friend?
Camila let go of my hand and walked to stand right in front of the spot where we sat so many years ago, a glow about her. "This is..." she paused to wipe a tear away, "This is us, Laur."
I grabbed the ring box from my pocket, gripping it firmly in my fist. If I thought I was nervous before, I was wrong.
Camila turned around and hugged me tight, a quiet tearful laugh emitting from her mouth. When I pulled away, she just smiled at me, her brown eyes brimming with tears of cheerfulness. It was now or never. I could feel my heart beating.
"I fell in love with you right here," I breathed, unable to focus on anything but how beautiful she looked. "We were just teenagers then, but I loved you and I still do... and I will for the rest of my life. I never thought in a million years that I would end up with someone as incredible and as stunning as you. But here we are, and I am so grateful."
"Lauren," she put a hand to her chest, truly touched by my words.
"C'mon," I grinned, "let's sit."
We perched our backs against the bleachers, just like we did the first time, and she rested her hand on my knee. "We're really recreating the memory, huh? I'm crying and everything."
I nervously chuckled, feeling like if I moved, I'd fall apart. Camila, on the other hand, looked completely calm, the wind blowing wisps of hair out of her face. "Camila, I have to ask you something."
"About what?" she gave a closed-mouth smile.
I felt like I was going to pass out. My hands were shaking and I was praying she didn't see the box before I asked. "Sometimes when I look at you, I can't breathe. Like when I wake up next to you in the morning or when our eyes meet or when I see you wearing one of my t-shirts. It's like you invade every inch of my thoughts and my body has to shut down to process how much everything you do affects me. Sometimes when I look at you, I can breathe. Like when you hold my hand or when you wrap your arms around me or when you climb into my lap. I just feel so whole, like nothing can hurt me, like nothing is stronger than how happy you make me... Sometimes when I look at you, I don't know how to breathe. Like when you run your fingers up and down my spine or when your lips kiss my own or when you smile at me. You make my heart race at the same time you make it flutter. You take my breath away at the same time you breathe it back into me. You are my be-all and end-all; everything starts and ends with you." I felt her grasp my hand, her eyes looking at me with such affection and inhaled deeply before I opened up the box to reveal the ring, watching as she gaped. "I want to spend the rest of my life by your side, Camila. Will you marry me?"
"Marry you?" she repeated, shocked. A worried expression flitted across my face before she met my gaze, "I mean-yes," she breathed out a sob, jumping in my lap to embrace me. "Yes, yes, yes, yes."
I beamed at her response, shifting back to give her a quick kiss before my hands fumbled to slide the ring on her left hand.
"Oh, my God," she brought her free hand up to her mouth, looking at the new jewelry addition in shock.
"Do you like it?" I asked.
"Oh, Lauren," she laughed gleefully, her brown eyes boring into green. "It's beautiful." I wiped a few tears from her eyes and she sniffled, "I can't believe this."
"Did I surprise you?"
"Surprise me?" Camila rose her eyebrows, "Lauren, I never thought you would propose, especially to me. Especially today, when I haven't even showered yet or put on makeup. You must really like me, huh?"
I smiled at her, "I'd marry you no matter what you looked like. I'm just glad you said yes."
She looked at me in disbelief, "Did you think there was a chance of me saying no?"
"I was just a bit nervous, that's all." Camila giggled at me. "Don't laugh at me!" I whined, "I'm glad I don't have to worry about it anymore. I was desperate for some relief. You're officially my fiancé."
"Say that again."
"You are officially my fiancé."
Camila cupped my face, "Are you still desperate for some relief?" she murmured, attaching her lips to my neck.
I arched my head back, closing my eyes, "Maybe."
She kissed her way up to my jaw before she stopped, pulling away abruptly. "I'm sorry, I can't be sexy right now. I'm too excited. Come on, let's go tell everyone!" The brunette practically jumped up, bringing me with her, and she started running to the car.
A content laugh escaped my lips as I walked behind her.
Yeah, I thought, she was definitely The One.

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