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Liam Payne picks up his bag of randomly assorted groceries off the counter and nods to the old kind man behind the counter, wishing him a good night. The man smiles and returns the notion as Liam turns to leave the store.
He walks outside into the crisp night time air of Wolverhampton, wishing he had brought his coat with him. The cold only urges him to move faster, pushing him forward so he can get to his car sooner.
He finally reaches his old beat-up rust bucket and fishes around in his pocket for the keys when he hears a commotion a short distance away, which catches his attention. He stops and looks down toward an alleyway between the shops and can hear shouting and cursing coming from the darkness.
He quickly opens the trunk of his car and sets his few bags in it, closing it after. He grabs his coat and slips it over his broad shoulders and heads toward the noise. It sounded like someone was in trouble and needed help.
As soon as Liam rounds the corner, he sees three large bulky shadows huddling around something, yelling profanities and hitting something. Liam could hear cries emanating from the center of the tight circle that the dark figures formed.
"Hey!!" Liam calls bravely into the night. The three men stop abusing their victim and all turn to face him. Liam couldn't see their faces, but he knew they weren't happy. "Leave him alone and go find something else to waste your time with!" He demands, standing his ground.
"Well if it ain't the hero here to save the day," one of the men marvels sarcastically in a thick, gruff accent.
"Guess that makes you the damsel in distress!" Another of the men tells the victim with a roaring laugh as he kicks at the small, defenseless heap on the ground, making it cry out in pain and hold itself tighter.
"Stop!! You're hurting him!" Liam informs them frustratedly. "Get out of here!" He adds one last time.
"And why should we listen to you, huh?" The largest man demands as he slowly walks up to Liam. Liam retreats backwards, only to find himself trapped against a brick wall. The man catches up to him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and holding him firmly in place, forcing his back into the wall's rough, jagged edges. Liam's eyes widen in fear.
He hadn't thought this through well enough.....
The other two men close in on each side of Liam with large wicked smiles on their ugly faces.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't bust in that pretty face of yours!" The large man holding Liam challenges him as he pulls his other arm back, ready to strike Liam at any time. Liam stutters nervously, desperately searching for a way out of this situation.
"Because you're on my property! Now get lost before I have the constable called on you!" An old, shaky voice interrupts. Each head turns to where the voice came from: an old man standing in the doorway of his shop, holding a broom calls out.
With grunts and curses, the man lets go of Liam, slamming his shoulders against the wall one last time before the trio turns, running away.
Liam groans in pain and rubs his shoulders comfortingly as the old man walks it to him.
"You all right son?" He asks worriedly.
"Yeah... Yeah... I'm fine," Liam assures him. "Thanks Paul," he adds.
"Don't mention it. You know what they always say: it's easy to commit a crime in the dark. Shed some light on it and it chases the dark away!" Paul tells him good naturedly. Liam laughs with an amused chuckle.
"What did they want from you anyway?" Paul wonders curiosity.
"Nothing from me..." Liam admits, turning toward the small shape that slumped on the floor. Slowly, he walks toward it.


If you're just reading this for first time, please keep reading more! The first couple chapters are really pointless and idk why they're even in here  but it gets better! I promise!!

But thank you for reading this :)

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