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     "Liam," Zayn says quietly in the darkness but Liam doesn't answer. With a frustrated sigh, Zayn pokes Liam's shoulder saying his name until he finally wakes up.
    "Zayn stop," Liam mumbles tiredly, still half asleep.
"Liam," Zayn repeats as he pokes Liam's shoulder.
"What do you want?" Liam groans.
      "I need to tell you zomething," Zayn says.
     "Now??" Liam wonders.
      "Yes. Now," Zayn agrees with a sharp nod.   
      "Why aren't you asleep?" Liam mutters tiredly into his pillow.
"I don't need to zleep," Zayn tells him. Liam laughs quietly.
"You don't need to sleep," he repeats skeptically.
"I don't," Zayn agrees. "I never have."
"Well you may not need to sleep, but I do," Liam tells him as he closes his eyes again.
"But Can I tell you zomething?" Zayn asks.
"You woke me up for it so yeah I guess," Liam groans as he rubs his sore eyes.
"You can't tell anyone. No one can know about this," Zayn tells him seriously.
"Oh okay I won't tell anybody," Liam replies jokingly with a grin. He notices the serious look on Zayn's face and his grin disappears.
"And you can't get mad either," Zayn adds.
"I promise I won't be mad at you. Just say what you want to say," Liam assures him.
"I zhouldnt be telling you this... But you deserve to know after everything I've put you through," Zayn explains.
"Do you remember the other day when I said I wasn't from around here?" Zayn asks.
"Yeah. Bradford right?" Liam remembers.
"No," Zayn shakes his head. "I lied," Zayn admits quietly. Liam looks at him with a mixed look of confusion and slight disappointment.
"I mean... I am from not around here but not Bradford. I don't even know what a Bradford is," Zayn says, unable to meet Liam's gaze.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not who you think I am. I'm not really even technically human," Zayn admits as he fiddles nervously with a blanket.
"You're joking right..." Liam says doubtfully.
"I'm telling you the truth," Zayn insists. "I'm not from this dimension of world but from another time and zpace," Zayn explains. "You don't have to believe me. But at least you know," he sighs sadly.
"So... You're like an alien," Liam finally says, piecing everything together. Zayn looks at him with a confused expression, his eyebrows knit close together.
"No," he says as he shakes his head.
"then what are you?" Liam asks.
"I'm a Zalien," Zayn tells him.
"And what exactly is a zalien...?" Liam wonders curiously.
"It's me," Zayn tells him. "Well.... Not like this," he adds. "I'm pretending to be a human zo I don't ztand out here," Zayn explains.
    He definitely chose the wrong body to fit in with. Zayn was so unnaturally beautiful he would stand out anywhere......
"What do you normally look like?" Liam asks.
"Erm..." Zayn sighs, scrunching up his face in deep thought. "It's not really something I can zay using your words that you would understand ," Zayn admits guiltily.
"That's alright," Liam assures him with a smile.  "You know. I actually believe all this," Liam says.
"You do?" Zayn wonders in surprise
"100%. Nothing about you makes sense, but you being some alien, a Zalien, sorry, actually makes a lot of sense," Liam explains.
"I mean when Harry first told me that you were an alien, I thought he was crazy but then the more I thought about it..." Liam trails off. Zayn's eyes grow wide and he stares at Liam nervously.
"He knows?" He stutters.
"No, no he doesn't know but he thinks he does. But he's always accusing people of things like that. He thought Niall was An actual cluricaun just because he's Irish," Liam explains with a laugh.
"A- a what?" Zayn questions in confusion.
"It's some strange elf creature that Harry believes exists," Liam explains.
"Oh," Zayn nods.
     Liam wouldn't let the co versatile die this soon. He wanted to learn as much as he could about who Zayn really was.
"So.... Why are you here, on earth?" Liam wonders curiously. .
"I don't know," Zayn shrugs.
"You don't know?" Liam replies in shock.
"I know, but I don't really want to Tell you," Zayn admits. "It's not very exciting." He adds.
"But A really important leader from my home was kidnapped and is believed to be here and they sent a lot of us here to search for her and bring her back," Zayn explains.
"So there's more of you?" Liam asks worriedly. Zayn nods.
"I don't know who they are or where they are, but we all have the same mission," he explains. A chill runs up Liam's spine. How could he know if anyone else he knew and trusted wasn't some creature from another time and place?
"So is that why you just leave at night?" Liam guesses.
"You weren't supposed to know about that..." Zayn mutters.
"It's hard not to notice when you just disappear then show up in the middle of the day, mate," Liam says. Zayn sighs and shakes his head
"Unbelievable..." Liam mutters in fascination as he tries to take all this in.
"The night that you found me was my first night here," Zayn continues. "I'm not really szupposed to have any contact or interaction with any of the humans but..." He pauses and grins slightly. "I really did a terrible job at following that order," he finishes with a quiet laugh.
"Is that why you didn't talk to me at all?" Liam wonders curiously.
"No. Yeah kind of. But You zcared me," Zayn admits with a guilty grin that makes Liam laugh.
"But I helped you!" Liam tells him.
"I know... But I've been told my whole life that humans are evil mean and ztupid... And do a lot of bad things. But you don't do all the bad things," Zayn says encouragingly.
"What bad things do I do??" Liam asks curiously with a laugh. Zayn just shrugs.
"you're a good human," Zayn tells him and Liam laughs again.
"Okay. You can go to zleep now," Zayn tells him.
"That's all you wanted to tell me??" Liam asks jokingly.
"Yeah," Zayn nods. Liam laughs. He didn't know if he would be able to sleep tonight after hearing that news....

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