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Liam walks down a wooded path with Watson prodding along at his side, getting distracted every few seconds by a floating leaf or a squirrel scurrying by.
    They pass a lot of people on the road, most complementing on how great and beautiful a dog Watson is. They all want to stop and pet him, which Liam allows, even though he would rather keep walking. They go some time without seeing anyone until Liam glances ahead on the path and sees a young woman jogging in their direction.
"Hey, come here boy. Give her some room," Liam suggests as he pulls Watson closer to his side so the lady can pass by easily.
"Your dog's so cute!!" She states as he stops running to talk. She takes out her headphones and pauses her music, sticking her phone in the pocket of her jacket.
"Thanks," Liam accepts with a smile as he pets Watson's neck.
"Great Dane right?" She continues, resting her hands on her hips tiredly as she tries to control her raised breathing from running.
"Yeah," Liam confirms with a nod.
"Is it alright if I pet him?" She asks.
"Of course! He'd love that," Liam tells her as she bends down. Watson walks up to her and she gently pets him.
    "What's his name?" She asks, glancing up at Liam with a happy smile.
    "Watson," Liam answers for about the 14th  time today.
"Hi there Watson," she greets as he excitedly sniffs her and licks her arm. "Aren't you just the sweetest thing," she adds in a sweet voice a mother would use to talk to her baby. Watson wags is tail happily and sticks his tongue out.
"That's what he wants you to think," Liam mutters, making the lady laugh.
"No, you're such a sweet, good boy," she tells Watson as she plays with his droopy ears.
"No, he's actually a monster," Liam tells her with a slight grin. Watson turns to him and barks, then focuses back on the lady.
"Woooow!" Liam trails off sarcastically after a shocked laugh. "I think he fancies you much more than he does me," Liam adds jokingly.
     "I wouldn't say that," the woman assures him with a friendly laugh. Liam smiles slightly, and crosses his arms across his chest and nods, unsure what to say next.
    "I should probably go," the woman states as she stands up. "Thank you for stopping," she adds with a smile.
    "Oh, no problem at all," Liam assures her with a nod. "Watson here loves meeting new people," he says as he ruffles Watson's ears while Watson uses him as a support to lazily lean on.
    "What about you?" She asks with a slight grin.
     "Me?" Liam asks in surprise, suddenly feeling awkward in this conversation.
     "Don't you like meeting new people?" The woman asks with a curiously raised eye brow.
     "Uh yeah sometimes," Liam answers awkwardly with a quick shrug as he scratches at the back of his neck. The lady smiles and laughs lightly.
     "Alright well, I'll leave you too," she finally says. "It was nice meeting you."
    "You too," Liam agrees.
"Thank you so much," she smiles as she pulls her phone out again and readjusts her headphones. Liam smiles and waves to her as she continues jogging down the path.
"You just make friends everywhere you go, don't you?" Liam asks Watson as they continue down their road. When the path is clear of people, they continue walking.
    They walk on Until they come to a large pond in the middle of a beautiful clearing in the woods. Before Liam can stop him, Watson notices some ducks and geese floating on the water and immediately takes off, yanking the leash out of Liam's hands and dashing toward the water.
"Watson!! No!!" Liam cries frustratedly. Watson doesn't stop and runs into the dirty water without a second thought and is standing chest-deep in the muddy water, barking defensively at the geese that flew away to safety.
    Liam stands on the bank, yelling angrily at his dog who eventually gives up on the geese and walks back onto dry land, shaking the water off of his fur. When he is done, He looks up at Liam who stares back down at him with a disapproving frown.
    "Do you ever listen to anything I say?" Liam asks him as he picks the wet leash up again. "Come on. We should be going home," he tells Watson when he noticed the sun was beginning to descend in the sky and it was getting cooler. He had no idea how long they were gone but decided it would be good for them to go back soon. With his best friend at his side once again, Liam turns around and the man and his dog retrace their steps once again back to the apartment building.

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