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     "Liiiiiiiiaaaaaaammmmm," Zayn calls.
      "I know Zayn. I hear it. I know," Liam mutters sleepily as he reaches over Zayn and turns the obnoxious alarm clock off with a sigh.
     Tiredly he rolls over and smiles up at Zayn.
      "Hey," he greets.
       "Vas happnin?" Zayn asks with a crooked grin. Liam laughs and shakes his head as Zayn leans down for a quick good morning kiss. Liam smiles and rests his head on Zayn's chest and closes his eyes.
     "Mm, I gotta go soon," Liam shares as he slowly rolls over then stands up.
     "No!!" Zayn insists sternly.
     Liam yelps in surprise as Zayn  wraps his arms around Liam's waist and pulls him back to the bed, throwing him onto his back.
     Liam laughs and catches his breath as Zayn climbs on top of him, straddling his stomach.
     "Zaynie... Stop...." Liam commands, his cheeks immediately turning a bright shade of red as he realizes what was happening.
     "No!" Zayn declines sternly as he leans over Liam and grabs his wrists pinning them down to the mattress. Liam groans as he feels Zayn's weight shift on top of him. He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to focus and not be distracted by his all too familiar feelings.
     "Zayn... I'm being serious. Let me go," Liam commands with a quiet moan.
     "No!!" Zayn repeats. "You're not leaving me again!!" He commands.
      "That's not for you to decide!" Liam tells him desperately, trying to be rational. "I want to stay here with you. Honestly I do. But I.... I have to go to work," he explains, staring up at Zayn.
     Liam was much bigger and stronger than Zayn and he could have easily pushed Zayn off of himself, but he didn't really want to. This was kinda fun.....
     "Work? Why do you always have to go to work??" Zayn demands frustratedly, his face just inches away from Liam's.
     "I need money!" Liam tells him.
      "Why?" Zayn demands.
      "So I can live...." Liam tells him.
      "And that's more important then me??" Zayn asks raising an eyebrow expectantly.
      "Living?" Liam wonders in confusion.
       "No! Money!!" Zayn cries.
      "No! Of course that's not important! You know that," Liam tells him with a smile as he rests his hands on Zayn's hips. "But I need to survive somehow! And I'm not rich so I gotta work," Liam explains. Zayn sighs unhappily and rolls his eyes.
    "Wait! I got an idea!" Liam exclaims. "You could come with me!" He  suggests.
     "I can??" Zayn asks with a hopeful smile, his mood automatically changing.
      "Why not? It's a little busy first thing in the morning but after an hour the crowd usually dies out. I don't think my boss would care that much. I don't see why you couldn't come. Maybe you could even help us out," Liam suggests.
     "Yeah. That'd be fun," Zayn nods with a small pleased smile.
     "And you can see Harry," Liam adds.
     "Really?" Zayn asks.
      "Yeah. He's working today too," Liam says.
      "Do all humans work?" Zayn wonders.
      "Not all. But a lot do. 5 days a week," Liam tells him.
      "that sounds terrible," Zayn mutters.
      "It's not too bad," Liam assures him with a laugh. "Well lets get changed and we can get going,"Liam suggests as he quickly kisses Zayn's nose. Zayn smiles and finally climbs off of Liam and picks up some random clothes that were lying on the floor.
      "Woah oh my god Zayn.... Please.... Please don't take your pants off...." Liam begs as he turns his head away and closes his eyes.
      "But I need to get changed...? I wore these yesterday. I can't wear them again today!" Zayn tells Liam innocently with a confused frown.
     "Maybe you should go get changed in the bathroom...." Liam suggests as he hands Zayn his small pile of clothes.
     "Oh. Okay. Yeah," Zayn nods. "Bye Liam," he says as he leaves the room to get changed in the bathroom. When he was gone, Liam falls down on his bed and runs his fingers through his hair with a long loud sigh, trying not to think of what Zayn would look like naked.
     "I'm trying to be good...." Liam assures Watson who shakes his head with what looked a smirk on his face if dogs could have expressions.

     "You ready to go?" Liam asks with a smile when Zayn finally walks out of the bathroom.
      "I think so," Zayn replies as Liam looks him over from head to toe.
      "You look cute," he compliments with a smile.
     "Oh. Thanks," Zayn blushes slightly.
     Green was a good color on Zayn. Damnit Every color was a good color on Zayn....
     "C'mon," Liam says as he takes Zayn's hand in his own. They say good bye to Watson and walk outside to Liam's car.
"You're okay getting in my car now?" Liam asks with a slight grin as he remembers every other time Zayn got in a car.
"Yeah," Zayn nods as he sits down on the passenger seat, closing the door behind himself.
"You're not gonna freak out on me again?" Liam asks.
     "Oh no. I'll be good," Zayn assures him.
     "You like car rides now?" Liam asks.
      "Oh yeah. They're cool," Zayn shrugs.
       "Who knows. Maybe one day you could learn to drive," Liam suggests with a crazy look in his eyes. Zayn smiles nervously.
     "Yeah sure," he shrugs as he absentmindedly  starts to play with the buttons that lined the passenger side door.
     Zayn gasps in amazement as he clicks a button and the window slowly slides down until there was an open hole in the car door.
     "What??" Zayn asks in amazement. Liam laughs and is about to explain when Zayn sticks his head out the window.
     "What are you doing!!?" Liam asks in surprise. "Get back in here!" He says.
     "Liam!! You gotta try this!!" Zayn yells over the wind rushing at his face.
     "No!!" Liam says with a grin.
      "But it's so fun!! Ah It feels great!!" Zayn tells him.
     "You know Watson does that...." Liam mutters.
      "He's a genius," Zayn marvels.
       "And are you a dog now too?"Liam asks jokingly as he takes a quick glance over at Zayn.
     Zayn laughs and barks a few time then howls, craning his head up toward the sky.
      "Oh my god stop you're so embarrassing," Liam tells Zayn with an amused giggle.
     Zayn imitates a bark one last time then pulls his head back in to the car. Liam glances at him and can't help but fall into a fit of laughter.
     "What's so funny?" Zayn wonders.
       "Your hair!!" Liam replies with another laugh.
     "My new look..." Zayn says jokingly with a quirky smile as he looks at his crazy wind blown hair sticking up in every direction in the side mirror.
     "So attractive..." Liam adds with a grin.
     "Woah.... My zkin's all.....tingly now. It's like little zpiders are crawling up my arms..." Zayn shares as he examines his forearms curiously.
      "That's what you get for sticking your head out the window," Liam tells him.
      "Yeah," Zayn agrees. "But I'm gonna do it again," he tells Liam who laughs and shakes his head.
     "If that makes you happy..." Liam trails off with a smile at how adorable and dorky Zayn was.
    They walk in to the bakery just as it was starting to get crowded for the breakfast crowd.
     "Zayn? What are you doing here?" Harry asks curiously when he noticed them walk in.
     "Liam said I could come to work with him," Zayn answers as Liam hands him his very own white apron.
    "Yeah. It's 'bring your bored and lonely boyfriend to work' day," Liam adds jokingly.
     "Alright cool. C'mon Zayn. You can help me make scones," Harry nods with a grin.
     "Oh.... Alright," Zayn agrees as he clumsily ties his apron strings. The stubborn strings slowly unravel and Zayn just shrugs. Not bothering To try and tie them again, he joins Harry to make scones.

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