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Zayn slowly walks up to Liam's group of friends but stops next to Liam. He takes a step closer to him, hiding close behind his large frame. Liam notices how close Zayn was to his body and smiles slightly.
"You doing alright?" He asks quietly.
     "No," Zayn tells him. Liam could tell he was a little nervous so he wanted to help him out.
    "this is Harry and Louis," Liam introduces.
     "Hi what's your name?" Louis asks.
     "Zen," Zayn answers quietly.
     "Zen?" Louis wonders.
     "Zayn," Liam clarified.
     "Ooooooh...." Louis realizes.
"Hello..." Zayn says quietly with a awkward little wave.
"Hi. I've heard a lot about you," Harry comments with a short nod as he looks Zayn over from head to toe as if searching for something. Zayn looks up at him with a scared expression.
"Hey, it's okay, Zaynie. I told him about you today at work," Liam explains. "Remember that Harry? Remember what I told you?" Liam tells him, trying to remind him not to talk about his conspiracy theories that Liam didn't believe and didn't want to hear about and didn't want Zayn to hear.
"It was a lovely chat," Harry agrees.
"Oh...." Zayn says and relaxes a little.
"Well. I've heard nothing about you!" Louis interrupts with a friendly smile. "I'm Louis Tomlinson by the way," He says.
"He already zaid that," Zayn mutters frustratedly.
"Well look at you payin attention!" Louis comments with a grin as he playfully punches Zayn's arm. Zayn rubs his arm and takes a step away from Louis who was starting to scare him a little bit.
"Payne, party of 5," a waitress suddenly calls, interrupting their conversation.
"Hey!! Finally!! That's us!" Niall exclaims excitedly as they follow the waitress to their table that was next to an open window on the 2nd floor of the restaurant.
"Ay, lucky you. You get ta sit next ta me, mate," Louis says as he slides in to the only empty spot in the booth, right next to Zayn.
    "Great....." Zayn mutters with a less than excited grimace as Louis slides his arm around Zayn's shoulders in a friendly manner.
"Ya know.... I'm starting to get the feeling that you really don't like me at all," Louis comments openly.
"I don't," Zayn confirms as he scoots further away from Louis. Louis gasps in surprise.
"I was kinda joking," he tells Zayn.
"I wasn't," Zayn shrugs.
"He doesn't really like any one," Liam explains apologetically.
"Except for you...." Louis trails of.
"No. He Especially hates me. Right zee?" Liam says. Zayn looks over at him and nods in agreeance.
"He likes Watson though," Liam adds.
"Yeah he's cool," Zayn nods.
"Watson's my best mate," Niall chimes in.
"Don't worry. One day, you'll learn to love me," Louis assures Zayn with a grin.
"I really doubt that..." Zayn says quietly to himself as he picks up the menu in front of him and pretends to read it to ignore Louis.
    "Do you see anything you want to eat, Zayn?" Liam asks, looking up over his menu at Zayn who sat across from him. "I can buy it for you if you want," he offers politely.
    "No," Zayn shakes his head.
     "You're still not hungry?" Liam Asks. Zayn hadn't eaten in a few days and Liam was starting to get worried.
    "you should get the shrimp cavatappi," Harry suggests.
" It's amazing," Louis tells him. Zayn looks at him with a disapproving scowl and shakes his head in disinterest. "Alright. You're missin' out," Louis shrugs as he looks back down at his menu.
"You really are missin out Zaynie," Niall agrees encouragingly.
    "How about coffee? You like it when I make it. Is that okay?" Liam suggests.
    "Yeah," Zayn agrees thoughtlessly as he hides behind his menu.
"What's the matter mate? You can read can't ya?" Louis asks as he leans closer to Zayn again and stares at his menu curiously.
"What?" Zayn asks pulling away from Louis for the 10th time. "I can read!" Zayn tells him hesitantly.
"I was just wondering. You seem ta be havin some trouble here, mate. No need to get upset..." Louis assures him.
"Hey, Louis, give him some space...." Liam suggests, noticing how on edge Zayn was.
Zayn sighs and lays his head down on the table, covering it with his unfolded menu as a waiter comes to take their order. When he gets To Zayn, he just groans and doesn't lift his head up and doesn't say anything.
"He'll take coffee," Liam orders for him. Zayn Didn't even care about any of this. He just wanted to go home and have everyone leave him alone and stop talking to him.

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