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Slowly, as if for the first time, Zayn opens his eyes.
The pounding in his head has faded and he feels warm and safe for some reason. He runs his hands along the smooth Surface of a blanket lying over his exhausted body.
    He opened his heavy eyelids but No matter how hard he focused, he can only make out blurry shapes and faint colors, which only adds to his confusion.
       Where the hell am I?
This place didn't seem like the cold white room he was trapped in for so long. He was comfortable. This place felt warm and safe for some reason that he just couldn't figure out.
Despite his difficulty seeing, his ears seemed to work perfectly. He picks up a familiar bark and laughs as he feels a cold, wet tongue licking at his face, dripping gross slobber onto his skin.
     "Hey! Ztop it! Ztop!!" Zayn mutters with a happy laugh as he weakly pushes A giant monster of a creature away from himself. The animal barks again and stands over Zayn, staring down at him happily, panting excitedly and his tail wagging enthusiastically.
     Zayn smiles and rests his hand against The sleek grey coat as his vision slowly comes into focus.
      "Hey mate," he says when he can finally see See clearly. He pets the dog's neck a few times then The giant dog barks and bounds out of the room in just a few large strides.
      The excitable dog returns moments later, followed by a tall, broad shouldered man with the largest smile on his handsomely bearded face.
     "You're awake..." He says in his gentle, comforting  voice.
      "Liam..." Zayn sighs longingly as suddenly it all comes back to him.  Liam kneels down next to Zayn and rests a hand on the side of his hollowed face, his thumb gently stroking over his cheek.
"Liam..." Zayn repeats in disbelief as he reaches up to touch Liam's large warm hand, as if he didn't believe he was actually real.
"Hey you," Liam whispers happily as he takes in Zayn's tired but still beautiful face. Zayn sighs and closes his eyes, leaning in to Liam's warm touch. This definitely was real.
     "How do you feel?" Liam asks, keeping his voice low as he runs his fingers through Zayn's short hair that was already starting to grow back.
     "Not good," Zayn mumbles.
     "what about your chest? Your heart? Your arms?" Liam worries, letting his hand trail gently down one of Zayn's arms.
     "Hurts," Zayn says.
      "Everything hurts?" Liam asks sadly and Zayn nods.
"Hopefully that'll go away soon," Liam comments.
"Here. Sit up for a bit," Liam says softly as he slowly helps Zayn get as high into a sitting position as he can manage.
      "Drink this. I think it helps with the pain," Liam suggest as he holds a small coffee mug toward Zayn who gladly accepts it.
      "There's an antidote mixed in there that I've been giving you in small doses every day," Liam explains.
     "You don't even want to know how hard it was to get that..." Liam adds making Zayn smile curiously as he slowly sips the warm coffee. When he's done, he hands the cup back to Liam who sets it aside
      "Can I?" Liam asks as he pulls lightly on the edge of the blanket tucked under Zayn's chin. Zayn nods and Liam carefully pulls back the heavy blanket and lifts up his shirt. Zayn immediately shivers from the cold he suddenly felt as his skin was exposed to the air.
     With careful eyes, Liam observes Zayn's upper body. He realizes that the poisonous black swelling had gone down even more and Zayn's skin was continuing to return to its normal healthy bronze color.
"Is it bad?" Zayn asks worriedly as he glances up at Liam's beautiful face.
"No it's actually pretty cool. Looks almost like a tattoo or something," Liam tells him with a reassuring smile that Zayn tries to return.
     "But don't worry. I have a feeling that You're gonna be okay," Liam assures him with a pleased smile as he pulls the blanket up over Zayn's chest again and tucks it around his Body comfortably to keep him nice and warm. "you get a little better every day," he adds.
"Liam, What happened to me after..." Zayn trails off hesitantly.
"What's the last thing you remember?" Liam asks.
      "I don't remember anything," Zayn admits.
       "That's probably a good thing..." Liam mutters.
"How did I get here? How am I still alive? Why?" Zayn asks. He didn't know what he was saying, but he needed answers.
"Harry had some theory of why it happened. He thought since your body was under so much stress and you were so weak that it had to completely shut down to preserve and protect you until you were strong enough again and it actually made a lot of sense. But then he started talking about.... Cosmic conscientiousness and communing with the stars and then I just ignored him," Liam explains and Zayn laughs quietly in amusement.
     "How long have I been here?" Zayn asks.
       "Only A couple days. Not too long but we've been taking good care of you," Liam answers as he carefully sits on the bed next to Zayn so he wouldn't disturb him. Zayn smiles and rests his hand on op of Liam's which was lying on the bed next to his thigh.
      "I missed you," Liam whispers, staring down at their tattooed hands that fit so perfectly together. "I was so worried," he adds.
       "You zaved me, didn't you?" Zayn asks as he glances up at Liam with a knowing smile.
       "I had some help..."Liam shrugs modestly. Zayn laughs and leans forward as far as his sore and tired body would allow. He lifts his head slightly, begging for a kiss. Liam grins and bends down, pressing his lips to Zayn's feeling that same warmth and comfort he always felt when he was with Zayn.
     "You're zo brave..." Zayn mutters as he runs his fingers softly through Liam's hair, letting them ghost gently over his strong jawline. Liam laughs and closes his eyes as he kisses Zayn, so thankful that he was still able to kiss his warm soft lips. He playfully kisses Zayn's nose then sits back on his chair again, leaning forward to rest a hand on Zayn's prominent cheek.
     "I couldn't just let you go that easily, you ztupid brownie," Liam tells Zayn jokingly with a mocking tone.
       "I don't like being made fun of, you squishy donut," Zayn smiles and pokes Liam's cheek for emphasis.
        "I am NOT squishy. It's muscle. How many times do I have to tell you?" Liam asks. He tries to sound upset but his smile was way to wide and he couldn't possibly be upset with Zayn.
       "Your cheeks are muscle?" Zayn asks as sassily as he can.
      "Hold on. Which kind of cheeks are we talking about here?" Liam asks boldly with a smirk.
     "Liam!" Zayn laughs and blushes slightly while Liam grins proudly.
       "You'll always be my Squish, though," Zayn says with an innocent smile as he leans back on his pillow. He closes his eyes happily and smiles as Liam's thumb gently strokes over his cheek.
     "You're so beautiful Zayn," Liam comments softly and Zayn smiles again.
Liam sits back in his chair and watches Zayn rest. He had always loved seeing Zayn sleep because he made the most adorable faces.
"Hey Zaynie," Liam says quietly.
"Hm?" Zayn says as he opens his eyes to look up at Liam.
"You uh.... You never gave me that blow job you promised the other night," Liam reminds him and Zayn laughs despite the burning pain in his chest.
"I'm sorry Lima Bean," he apologizes guiltily with a huge smile.
"It's alright. You were a little busy..." Liam trails off with a casual shrug. "But guess what," Liam says as he glances over his shoulder.
"I'm not sucking your dick right now Liam," Zayn says with closed eyes and Liam laughs.
"I'm not talking about that!" Liam tells him with a huge, slightly disappointed smile.
        "Well, Tell me. I can't guess," Zayn gives up as he opens his now-green eyes to look up at Liam.
         "I got a surprise for you. Well.... Maybe it's not a surprise. Maybe it's more of a punishment. I don't know," Liam says with a grin as his 3 best friends suddenly file into the bedroom, crowding around the bed, staring down at Zayn who smiles shyly up at them all. He wasn't in the best condition and he didn't really want people staring at him. But these were his friends so he guessed it was alright.
      "Hi guys," he greets quietly.
       "Glad to see ya finally woke up, sleepin beauty," Louis comments jokingly with a smile. Zayn laughs but clearly doesn't understand the reference.
     "It's a movie," Harry tells him.
      "We'll watch it some time. You'll love it," Niall assures him and Zayn nods.
     "What are you all doing here?"
Zayn wonders.
     "We wanted to see if you were getting better," Harry answers.
"And we saved you!" Niall tells him with a huge proud smile.
     "How?" Zayn wonders.
     "You don't remember?" Niall asks in disappointed shock.
      "He was practically dead the whole time idiot, remember??" Louis tells Niall sassily.
      "Oh yeah...." Niall remembers.
       "I remember some of it..." Zayn tells them with a nervous expression as his fingers tighten around Liam's hand as it all starts to come back to him.
      "It's okay Zaynie. You're safe here. You're okay. No ones going to hurt you," Liam tells him encouragingly as he carefully kisses Zayn's hand. Zayn nods and relaxes back into the bed, loosening his grip on Liam's arm.
     "But you're never gonna believe this," Niall starts excitedly.
     Zayn sits quietly and listens in amazement  as the 4 relay the whole story to him, sharing every little detail of how they were practically spies and broke into a government agency to save him and bring him back to life.
    "You did all of that...... For me?" Zayn asks when they had finally finished.
      "Course we did!" Niall confirms. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting here right now!" He adds.
       "But......Why did you do it?" Zayn wonders, his voice weak and confused. He didn't understand why someone would risk their life just to save someone else.
     "You're one of us now," Louis tells him as he sits on the bed next to Zayn.
      "We're practically brothers!" Niall adds with his happy smile.
      "We've got to look after each other," Harry says.
      "And we love you.... So, so fucking much," Liam adds with a huge smile as he rests his hand on Zayn's forearm, giving him a quick reassuring squeeze and a wink.
      "Yeah. Some of us love you a little too much. Big tough Liam here's got separation issues. He was actually crying like a little fucking baby when you were asleep. He didn't stop for 3 days straight either and we had to put up with him!" Louis interjects and everyone laughs but Liam who looks at Louis with an unimpressed frown.
     "I'm sorry that I was rationally concerned for Zayn's life, Louis!! It's called being in love," Liam replies defensively.
      "Aw, Liam's in loooooove," Niall mocks jokingly with a huge smile, repeating the phrase he said that one night at the restaraunt  when they first met Zayn. Even back then Niall knew Liam was head over heals, madly in love with Zayn, despite how many times Liam denied it. Their love for each other was so obvious. Even way back then.
      Zayn laughs happily and smiles up at each one of the  boys around him.
    And in this moment, he knows without a shadow of a doubt that he had found the 4 best friends a Zalien could ever ask for.

Hey remember me ;)
I thought that would be really funny to just leave the last chapter like that, but I realized it's just heartless and so cruel but I still tricked y'all pretty good though 😏
But I just couldn't actually leave off like that!! I won't live in a world where our precious Ziam can't be happy!!
I always planned a happy ending, but I just wanted to see what you would do if Zayn died.
I'm a terrible person.....
But thank you so much for reading

Please don't be too mad at me.... :)

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