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The first thing Liam sees when he wakes up is Zayn staring down at him. He laughs shyly and covers his face with his arms.
"What the fuck Zayn stop," Liam says with a small smile as he turns away.
"But you look so cute," Zayn says with a dreamy smile also making Liam laugh.
"No I don't; I just woke up. I probably look terrible," Liam says sleepily.
"I think you still look cute," Zayn shrugs.
"How are you feeling today?" Liam asks with a smile as he turns onto  his back and looks up at Zayn to change the subject.
"Oh I'm good. I threw up like 10 times last night, but now I feel totally fine," Zayn answers with a shrug.
     "Aw, that's terrible," Liam says and Zayn shrugs. "I'm doing laundry later today and you need to put these clothes in the pile because they smell so bad like alcohol," Liam says.
     "Okay," Zayn smiles as he rests his chin on Liam's chest.
     "I thought I was gonna die last night from breathing this in all night," Liam adds with a joking grin.
     "Sorry," Zayn apologizes guiltily.
     "It's alright. I made it," Liam tells him. "So I was thinking, since it's supposed t be really nice today, maybe we could take Watson for a walk and go to a park or something. If you want," Liam  suggests as he plays with a loose strand of Zayn's hair that stuck up at an awkward angle.
     "Yeah that'd be fun," Zayn agrees with a smile.


When they finish their walk later that day, Liam let's Zayn off his leash so he can run around freely and play with the other dogs for a little while.
While he plays, Liam and Zayn sit down on the grass under a large shady tree to relax.
    Zayn picks up a small seed and holds it out toward a small bird that curiously sat by them. He rests his hand on the ground and the bird pecks at the seed, holding it in his beak as it hops onto Zayn's hand, holding on to his finger.
    "Liam look!!" Zayn says with a happy smile as he holds his hand up with the bird still standing on his finger.
     "Zayn that's amazing!!" Liam gasps in awe.
      "Here, you try," Zayn suggests as he gives Liam some seeds. Liam holds them in his hands and all of a sudden a dozen birds flock around him, fighting for the food.
      Liam screams in terror and covers his head with his arms.
"Get out of here, evil birds!!" Liam cries as he shoos them away. Zayn laughs as his own bird flies away too, nesting in the tree far above them.
     "That was the scariest thing that ever happened to me," Liam says and Zayn laughs again.
"Don't laugh at me!! I could have died!" Liam exclaims in shock.
"That was cute," Zayn says with a mischievous smile.
"Cute?? You now what, I'm gonna go play with Watson cuz he actually appreciates me!" Liam says dramatically as he stands up to throw at stick for Watson to chase.
When Watson grows tired of their game and runs away, Liam notices Zayn still sitting on the grass under the tall shady tree and Liam has no choice now but to join him.
     "Hey Zaynie," Liam greets.
      "Oh. Hi Liam," Zayn replies as he looks up at him.
      "Having fun over here all alone?" Liam asks with a joking grin.
      "Is alright," Zayn shrugs carelessly.
      "So then what's going on over here that's so fun?" Liam wonders as he sits down next to Zayn in the grass.
     "Nothing much," Zayn shrugs slowly as he plays with a few blades of the grass.
     "Well, I think I ditched Watson for a little bit. Hopefully he doesn't... Attack anybody while I'm not watching him. We both know how vicious he is," Liam says jokingly and Zayn laughs quietly.
     "But it was so funny. He found this tiny little terroir dog and they're best friends now. I was afraid he'd step on her, but it's so funny to watch them playing together because he's so big and she's so small," Liam continues. Zayn smiles slightly and nods.
     "Hey, you okay?" Liam asks in concern.
      "Yeah. Just thinking," Zayn replies.
      "Oh. And what does Zayn have to think about?" Liam wonders.
      "I don't know. Nothing that important," Zayn shrugs again. Liam nods and glances up just in time to see Watson trotting over towards them.
     "Oh no.... Get ready," Liam warns with a grin as Watson falls down lazily, laying across Zayn's legs. Zayn laughs and scratches Watsons tummy for him while he pants happily and rolls over.
     "I think he likes you more than me because he knows I would never do that for him," Liam says jokingly before Watson barks at him. "What?" Liam asks with a grin.
Suddenly Watson jumps up and runs away again, leaving them alone.
     "Hey, Zayn, lean closer to me," Liam says.
      "Why?" Zayn asks curiosity.
       "Just do it okay," Liam says. Zayn grins but leans over, resting the back of his head on Liam's shoulder.
     "Hello Liam," Zayn says as he stares up at the tree they were sitting under.
      "Hello Zayn," Liam replies with a grin as he pulls his phone out and holds it out in front of them.
     "What?? Woah!! What are you doing??" Zayn demands in curiosity.
      "I'm just taking a selfie. Relax Zee," Liam explains with a slight grin.
     "Why is my face on that screen??" Zayn asks in amazement as he sits up.
     "There's a camera here," Liam explains. Zayn's eyebrows knit together in confusion and he leans closer to Liam's phone to examine the camera.
     "Zayn..." Liam says as Zayn takes his phone from him in amazement. He turns it on its side, then flips it over in his hands, trying to make sense of it all.
     "What is this??" He asks in awe.
      "That's my phone and I would like it back please;" Liam says. Zayn sighs and hands it back to him.
       "How does this even work?? How does it know what we look like?? Does it have eyes? But where are they? Why am I moving? Am I trapped inside it!!" Zayn asks in fear.
      "I just wanna take a cute picture!" Liam claims longingly. "Stop moving and Just smile please!" He asks. Zayn sighs but smiles a small, crooked grin and Liam finally can take the selfie.
     "Aw see look at this. We're so cute," Liam says with a happy smile as he shows the picture  to Zayn who leans over Liam's shoulder to see it better.
     "That's so creepy....." Zayn mutters.
      "How? It's just you and me," Liam explains.
      "But we're like... Frozen in this box thing forever.... Why?" Zayn asks, still confused.
      "Because that's just what pictures do!" Liam explains with a grin. "Thy capture a moment forever," he adds.
     "That's weird...." Zayn mutters. "Why do you even need pictures?" Zayn wonders.
      "So you can look at them later and remember things better or if you really like things you can just take a picture of it and have that to look at," Liam explains.
      "Why can't you just remember things in your head or wrote them down or whatever?" Zayn asks.
      "Because people forget things a lot," Liam says hesitantly. "I don't know! It's just what we do! We take pictures of things!" He says.
      "That's so weird...." Zayn comments.
      "You know what? You're weird!!" Liam says making Zayn laugh as he takes another picture of him with his phone.
     "Ztop!!" Zayn laughs as he covers his face with his hands. "Ztop! Liam that's zo zcary!!" He claims as he tries to hide from Liam.
"But you're so beautiful and photogenic!!" Liam declares.
"I am not!!" Zayn claims.
"You don't know you're beautiful?" Liam asks in surprise.
"No! I do know!" Zayn declares.
"Then why won't you let me take pictures of you?" Liam questions with an amused smile.
"Because it's weird and scary!" Zayn answers as he pulls his hand away and leans in toward the camera, making a weird, Unattractively cute face.
     "Stop it!" Liam giggles then pushes Zayn's shoulder away playfully. Zayn falls over and lays on his side on the grass.
     "I'm not getting back up. I'm dead. Just leave me here for ever," Zayn shares  as he lays lifelessly on the ground. Liam sighs sadly and stands up, brushing the grass and dirt from his clothes.
     "Well That's too bad. I was just about ready to go home and make lunch...." Liam says sadly as he shakes his head. "Shame really. If Zayn were still alive, he would have loved to eat lunch. I miss him already. C'mon Watson let's go home now," Liam says as he turns to walk away.
    "Never mind. I'm back," Zayn says as he jumps up and jogs to catch up with Liam.
    "What's happning?" He asks with a grin. Liam laughs and intertwines his fingers with Zayn's and they walk home.

Today's my little sibling's 15th birthday!!! And in so excited because we're going to Wendy's for dinner to celebrate 😂 anyway thanks for reading :)

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