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  "Liaaaaaaam I'm bored," Zayn whines as he stumbles into the bedroom and sits down on the side of the bed where Liam was casually reclining and reading a book before bed.
"Hey Zaynie," Liam greets with a smile as he looks up at Zayn who stares back at him with a big smile without saying anything.
"You're too cute," Liam laughs and shakes his head, then turns his attention back to his book to keep reading. Zayn frowns unhappily then snuggles into Liam's side and rests his head on Liam's chest between his arms.
"Erm, Can I help you?" Liam asks with a suspiciously raised eyebrow as he looks back down at Zayn who shrugs innocently.
"I don't know," Zayn replies and Liam goes back to reading. Zayn sighs suddenly and Liam glances back down at him in confusion then back up to his book only for Zayn to sigh longingly again.
"Everything okay?" Liam asks.
"Yeah I guess so," Zayn nods but his voice sounded heavy and tired. Liam squints his eyes at him curiously but shrugs it off then keeps reading. Zayn takes in a large breath of air then slowly let's it out, groaning painfully.
"Okay What do you want Zayn?" Liam asks with an amused yet confused laugh as he sets his book down.
"Watson's ztill mad at me for zome reason and I'm lonely," Zayn finally admits.
"Well now you're with me so you're not lonely any more," Liam says with a smile.
"But I still feel lonely Lima," Zayn says.
"Am I not good enough company for you?" Liam asks jokingly.
"You're not noticing me," Zayn clarifies with a sad sigh.
"No I am noticing you," Liam assures him.
"Well it zeems like you're more interested in your ztupid book then you are in me," Zayn adds with a sad dramatic pout.
"Aw, baby, but it's really good," Liam tells him as he rests his hand on the outside of Zayn's arm.
"But I'm better," Zayn relies with a proud huff and Liam laughs guiltily.
"You're just the best... But I just.... I'm almost done with this chapter.... Then we can do whatever you want. I really want to finish this... I'm almost done I swear!," Liam says with a sweet, apologetic smile as he picks his book up again.
Zayn rolls his eyes but makes up his mind determinedly and kisses the heart-shaped birthmark on Liam's neck a few times.
"Ok seriously. What's up with you?" Liam asks as he closes his book and sits up, finally giving Zayn his full attention. "And I know this isn't about Watson," Liam tells him.
"I don't know. I just wanna do something with you," Zayn shrugs.
"Well.... You have my full, undivided attention now. Do with me whatever you want," Liam offers. Zayn smirks and stares down at him with a smug, sexy grin.
"Oh god...." Liam mutters worriedly.
Zayn laughs and bends down to quickly peck at Liam's nose then kisses his cheek.
Liam smiles and runs his fingers through Zayn's dark hair, just smiling up at him and getting lost in Zayn's beautiful sparkling brown eyes.
He was at a loss for words, but he didn't even need to say anything. The look of love and happiness on Zayn's face said it all.
Zayn smiles and rests his head on Liam's chest again and kisses his skin a few times. This time, Liam rests a hand on Zayn's head as he wraps his arms around Liam's waist a short time later.
"Ohmygodliam!!! There's a fucking zpider!!" Zayn shrieks suddenly as he jumps back and points at the window.  Liam lifts his head up and glances over his shoulder.
"Yeah. That's a pretty big one too," Liam comments as he watches the spider crawl slowly along the glass, spinning its web.
"Liam what are we gonna do with it?" Zayn asks quietly in a nervous whisper.
"I don't know," Liam replies in a whisper.
"Well we should do zomething," Zayn suggests.
"Why are we whispering?" Liam wonders as he glances up at Zayn.
"Zo the zpider won't here us," Zayn explains.
"What are you gonna do if it does hear you?" Liam asks.
"Panic!!" Zayn cries as he hides his face under the blanket as the spider gets closer and closer to them.
"Hey! No! Baby don't panic! It's just a little harmless spider," Liam says encouragingly as he pulls the blanket off of Zayn's head then laughs at Zayn's hair that now sticks up in every direction because of the static.
"You don't like spiders?" Liam assumes in surprise as he flattens Zayn's hair back down.
"Mnm," Zayn moans as he squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head.
"But I thought you loved all animals," Liam comments with an amused grin.
"I do! I just don't really like zpiders all that much. They're creepy," Zayn admits as he pulls a blanket up around his head again and wraps his arms around himself protectively.
     "That's very interesting..." Liam comments with a slight grin.
     "What?" Zayn asks in confusion.
"Oh! Watch out!! Here comes the big fat hairy spider!!" Liam warns as he reaches his fingers out and wiggles them at Zayn. "Watch out! It's gonna tickle you!" Liam adds as he starts to tickle Zayn's shoulder.
"Liam!!" Zayn growls angrily as he jumps back and smacks Liam's hand away from him and Liam laughs.
"You don't want a pet spider?" Liam asks with a sly grin.
"No! Zpiders aren't pets!" Zayn states.
"What do you want me to do about it then?" Liam asks with a laugh as he looks up at Zayn.
"I don't know. I just don't want it in here," Zayn says, unsure.
"All right. I'll take care of it," Liam mutters as he stands up and picks up the hard-cover book from his bedside table and walks toward the window.
"Liam!!" Zayn suddenly gasps.
"What now?" Liam asks frustratedly as he stops and turns to face Zayn.
"What.... What are you doing?!" Zayn asks worriedly.
"I'm gonna kill the spider," Liam shrugs.
"No!!" Zayn gasps in disbelief. "You can't just...' Kill the zpider'!" He adds.
"Why? It's just a stupid tiny spider," Liam tells him boredly.
"Well you're just a ztupid tiny Liam," Zayn mutters sassily.
"Who are you calling tiny huh?" Liam asks in a threatening manner but with a grin.
"How would you like it if I just killed you?! Would you like that very much Liam? Would you like it if I killed you just because you were crawling up my window?!" Zayn reasons and Lima laughs.
"I would be a little confused at why I was crawling up a window," Liam admits with a goofy grin.
"Well imagine how the poor zpider would feel!" Zayn cries sympathetically.
"Well what would you like me to do with him then? Take him in the kitchen and build him a nice cozy house. Give him some spider pajamas too and a nice bed to sleep in?" Liam asks sarcastically. "Or maybe you'd rather him just sleep in bed with us," Liam adds.
    "No!" Zayn declines.
     "Well then what do you want me to do?" Liam repeats frustratedly.
"I don't know. Just take him outside. But don't hurt him!" Zayn insists. Liam sighs and rolls his eyes but scoops the spider onto the book.
"Be careful," Zayn adds quietly as he watches Liam carry the spider outside. He sets the spider in a bush then walks back inside.
"The problem has been taken care of. You can rest easy now," Liam announces when he walks back inside.
"Thank you so much Liam you're zo brave," Zayn says.
"You're welcome. I fucking swear the things I do for you," Liam mutters as he climbs back in to bed.
"Yeah but you love me so it's okay," Zayn says with an innocent smile as he wraps his arms around one of Liam's strong arms.
"Yeah I do love you," Liam agrees with a grin. "For some fuckin reason I have no idea why," he adds jokingly and Zayn giggles.
"Let's just hope it wasn't a girl spider and didn't have babies before it went outside," Liam says jokingly as he pulls the blanket over his shoulder and gets comfy. Zayn's eyes widen and he laughs nervously, glancing around the dark room.
"Good night babe," Liam adds with a grin as he leans over to kiss Zayn's cheek then curls up on his side.
"Liam!!" Zayn groans frustratedly and Liam laughs.
"Don't worry baby. I'll protect you from any spiders that come this way," Liam says encouragingly as he wraps his arms around Zayn protectively. Zayn smiles and nuzzles his head into Liam's chest, cuddling into his large, warm frame.
"Did you know that the average human swallows about 8 spiders a year while they're sleeping?" Liam suddenly states after a few quiet minutes.
"What?!" Zayn cries in scared disbelief.
"Or Maybe it was 8 spiders in a night... I'm not quite sure," Liam adds thoughtfully with a smirk.
"Thanks. I'm never gonna fucking sleep again you dick," Zayn mutters and Liam laughs
      "I'm just messing with ya baby," Liam says tiredly. "I actually think frogs eat spiders," Liam shares helpfully.
       "That's why you didn't want me to bring the frog home. You wanted all the zpiders to live here," Zayn realizes sarcastically.
      "No but that's why I made the frog live outside, not in here. So it wouldn't scare away our spider friends," Liam says jokingly.
       "Liam you're so cruel," Zayn says as he shakes his head disappointedly.

I think the next couple chapters are just going to be a bunch of random one shots about random things in the life of Ziam because I have al these ideas but they don't really fit in anywhere so I'm gonna make them fit in. And also I'm getting bored and lazy af  and this story is waaaaay longer than I thought it would be and its starting to get really sad. Like really though, what is this chapter? 😂 x
Thanks for reading all

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