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         Liam is surprised to see Louis standing out back behind the building by tall shady trees. He was completely hidden unless you were looking for him; that's why they chose this spot as a meeting place.
"Liam!!! Oh my god!! You made it!! I was getting worried! I Thought something might've happened to you!" Louis comments as Liam walks up to him. "And you found Zayn!!" He adds excitedly.
"Some things wrong with him and I don't know  what it is," Liam says worriedly as he bends down and carefully lays Zayn's limp body on the grassy ground. Zayn groans quietly as his head lulls to the side.
"Woah yeah.....he does NOT look good," Louis comments fearfully as he bends down next to Liam in front of Zayn.
"I don't know what they did to him," Liam admits in fear. "They said he had this one thing and they needed to get it from him. But I don't know what it was," Liam explains as he rests his hand on Zayn's cheek and stares at him longingly.
"Let's Find out," Louis suggests as he gently pulls Zayn's fingers apart from his clasped hands and rests his hands at his sides. Zayn moans and rolls his head to the other side, his eyebrows knit close together in pain.
"Sh, it's okay Zaynie. You're almost safe now. You're okay. It's just Louis. He won't hurt you. He's gonna try and help you, okay?," Liam tells him as he holds on tightly to one of Zayn's hands. Zayn shakes his head and whimpers softly.
"It's okay Zaynie. Just hang on," Liam whispers as he rests his fingers on Zayn's cold rigid hand. Slowly, Zayn closes his fingers around Liam's, holding on to him weakly. Liam gently squeezes back, trying to give Zayn some of his strength and assure him that everything was okay.
"Hope you don't mind cold fingers, mate," Louis says with a good natured smile as he leans over Zayn and unbuttons the long gray shirt he wore. His eyes widen and he gasps in horror at what he sees, covering his mouth with his hands dramatically.
"Liam. Don't look," Louis orders. But Liam can't help himself. He needed to know what was wrong.
His heart stops and he suddenly realizes why Zayn was in so much pain earlier.
      The skin on his chest had turned almost as white as snow which contrasted with the prominent black, tree branch-like veins that ran through his chest and heart, as if some sort of ink had been injected into his bloodstream. Each vein was clearly distinct and protruding from under his tight, translucent skin. It looked unhealthy and painful and anything but human.
     Liam almost screams in horror, but somehow remains silent. He slips his hand under Zayn's hairless head, carefully cradling it in his fingers and he notices something he had never noticed before on Zayn's body.
     Running  from the middle of his skull and down his neck to his back was a very thin fine cut that had recently been sewn back together.
      "We gotta go back in there," Liam states quietly as he stares down at Zayn.
      "Are you fucking insane?!" Louis demands in shock as he stares at Liam. "We barely made it out of there alive and now you want to go back?!" He questions in confusion.
     "Louis we have to," Liam insists.
       "That's the last place we want to go Liam!," Louis tells him
       "They can help him," Liam believes as he rests his hand against Zayn's face, staring longingly at his closed eyes.
      "They're the ones who did this to him in the first place! We can get help on our own," Louis proposes. 
      "Look at this! What Doctor is going to be able to fix this?!" Liam demands angrily as he stares down at Zayn's chest. How could they do this to him?!
      "I don't know Liam but we'll figure it out later. But we really need to go. Now," Louis says strongly as he checks his watch. "Harry's coming to pick us up. If we're not there, he's leaving us. Remember? He'll assume we're dead and just go home. And we'll be stuck here to end up just like him," Louis reminds Liam as he gestures toward Zayn.
     "Is that what you want?" Louis asks when Liam remains silent.
      "If it will save him, yes," Liam replies.
       "Liam!! They're not going to save him!! They're trying to kill him! They don't care about him! They want him dead!!" Louis yells, trying to get Liam to see his point.
      "Fine. If you're not going to help me any more, go back meet Harry and Niall. Go home. You've done more than enough. I mean it. Thank you for everything," Liam says earnestly.
     "You're not actually going back in there are you?" Louis questions.
     "I have to," Liam insists as he glances down at Zayn. "I won't live without him," he adds somberly. 
      "Well..... Good luck mate," Louis offers as he stands up. "I'll see if Harry can wait around a little longer for you," he adds as he quickly hugs Liam.
     "Just be careful alright?" Louis leads before disappearing to find Harry and Niall.
"Don't worry Zaynie. I'll find someone to help you," Liam promises as he glances back to Zayn. He turns to walk away, but hears Zayn faintly call his name.
      And Liam is knelt right by Zayn's side in an instant again.
       "Zayn look at me," Liam urges as he holds Zayn's face carefully in his hands. "Open those pretty eyes for me," Liam adds worriedly. gently, he pats Zayn's cheek and he slowly opens his eyes, just barely wide enough to see Liam.
     "Please.... Please Don't leave me," Zayn whimpers weakly as he reaches out toward Liam.
    "Sh... Zaynie....sh... It's okay," Liam says quietly as he gently holds Zayn's head in his hands. Zayn closes his eyes as Liam leans over him, carefully resting his forehead on Zayn's.
    "It's the only way you can get better," Liam tells him as he slowly kisses Zayn's cold pale lips making him groan softly.
     "I have to go," Liam adds regretfully as he looks back at the pain in Zayn's eyes.
     "Liam," he whines sadly with a longing look.
     "I'll be back soon okay? Don't worry. You'll be safe here while I'm gone," Liam says quietly then kisses Zayn again. Zayn sighs and nods slowly in understanding as he tries to kiss Liam back.
     "Just be careful;" Zayn pleads, looking up into Liam's eyes. Liam smiles slightly back at him.
    "I love you," Liam adds, kissing Zayn one last time, just in case anything would happen to him while he was gone.
    "I-" Zayn starts then pauses to catch his breath, growing even weaker by the second. Liam frowns sadly then let's his hand trail slopes down the sides of Zayn's face.
     "You'll be safe here. I promise," Liam tells him encouragingly as he slowly stands up.
"I won't ever let anything hurt you," Liam adds as he forces himself to turn his back and walk away, leaving Zayn weak, alone, and completely defenseless.

I've never realized how hard it is to type with cold fingers but it is really hard!!

And it's actually 40 degrees outside where I live and it's so cold already 😩

Out of curiosity, does it get cold in the fall where you guys live? Cuz it's already cold as butt here and I hate it

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