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    "I had so much fun today. I'm so glad you brought me with you. I learned so much too. Hey, did you know that if you leave dough in the oven too long it turns black and gets all crispy?? Weird huh. But it still tastes all right. Harry doesn't like it though. He actually wanted to throw it out!! But I stopped him," Zayn shares with a happy smile. Liam just grunts in disinterest. "And it was zo cool too. Look! Harry even made me a name tag! So now I'm 'official' he called it. See look at that! It says Zayn. That's me. And I even drew a little flower under my name to make it perfect," Zayn adds.
     "That's great Zayn," Liam mutters, paying more attention to the road than to his excited boyfriend.
     "How was your day Liam?" Zayn asks with a smile.
    "fine," Liam mumbles.
     "Liam..." Zayn trails off.
      "What?" Liam asks gruffly.
       "are you okay?" Zayn asks worriedly.
      "I'm fine,"
        "You sure? You don't sound like your  normal happy self," Zayn tells him.
      "I said I was fine Zayn," Liam says, raising his voice slightly. Zayn shuts his mouth and knows he needed to be quiet. He sighs and props his chin against his hand and stares out the window at the world passing by outside. He couldn't wait until they got home. He missed Watson and his baby duckling friend.


     "Liam! Liam! Watson just did the funniest thing. You're never gonna believe it!" Zayn exclaims excitedly as he runs in to the kitchen from playing outside with Watson.
"Oh so you're actually gonna talk to me now," Liam mutters as he looks at some far off spot.
     "Of course! I always want to talk to you," Zayn tells him as he sits down at the small table across from Liam.
    "Not if Harry's around," Liam corrects him.
     "But I can still talk to you even if Harry is around," Zayn claims in confusion.
     "Apparently not because you barely said one word to me today. You were to worried about being right by Harry's side every second. You hardly even noticed I was there," Liam complains unhappily. Zayn stares at him curiously for a few seconds.
    "Liam...." He trails off. "Are you.... Jealous?"
Zayn wonders curiosly.
     "Yes Zayn! I am jealous!!" Liam admits.
      "Of Harry?" Zayn wonders.
       "Why?" Zayn asks innocently.
      "I brought you to work so I could hang out with you and have a good time! But no. I spent all day alone. By myself. Watching you and Harry who were laughing having a jolly grand time eating fucking.... Takeout and coffee and stupid.... Scones and drawing flowers on name tags!!" Liam explains frustratedly.
     "Those zcones were pretty good...." Zayn admits and Liam gasps in annoyance and shakes his head unhappily.
     "Liam he was teaching me how to make things," Zayn explains.
     "I could have taught you how to make things to you know. But of course I'm sure Harry could have taught much better anyway so you don't even need me any more...." Liam mutters unhappily.
    "But Liam Harry's just a friend," Zayn tells him.
"Just a friend huh?" Liam mutters unhappily.
"He understands me! And he knows a lot about me and he wants to be my friend I think," Zayn explains.
"And I don't understand you?" Liam asks.
"You do but it's not like I don't-" Zayn starts but is quickly interrupted by Liam, who wasn't even listening to him explain.
    "he started calling you Zaynie!" Liam points out, clearly upset.
     "So?" Zayn shrugs.
      "So??! That's a cute nickname. Particularly the one I call you!!" Liam explains.
      "He didn't mean anything by it," Zayn tells Liam quietly.
   "Maybe not. But I saw how you kept looking at each other," Liam says unhappily with a scowl. "I'm starting to think maybe you don't have a solid understanding of what it's like to be faithful to just one person," Liam mutters under his breath.
    "But Liam. We're friends now. I don't see what's the big deal," zayn admits.
     "You're unbelievable," Liam mutters before storming out of the kitchen.
     "Wait!! Liam! I will explain!" Zay says as he follows after him.
    "I don't want to hear it Zayn. go tell Harry," Liam insists as he walks into his bedroom, Slamming the door shut in Zayn's face. Zayn stands silently, staring at the door in disbelief. He looks down at Watson who shakes his head sadly.
"He just... He needs zome zpace. He'll be okay in a little bit," Zayn tells Watson with a nod. Zayn sighs and turns around to walk away and give Liam his space.
        How could he have been so stupid? How could he be so cruel and just ignore Liam like that??
Zayn walks outside sadly, knowing that Liam deserved to be upset with him, after everything Zayn did to him today.
Zayn sighs sadly and sits on the front steps, staring up at the stars. He watches the stars, deep in thought, until the sun comes up the next morning.
But no matter how much thinking he does, Zayn can't figure out what was wrong with himself. He felt something. A strange human emotion he had never felt before.
He didn't now how to describe it but he knew he didn't like it. It gnawed away at his heart and made him feel terrible and empty.
Maybe it was guilt and Remorse, was it?
    But whatever it was, he hated it.

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