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     "Hey, how's it going over here?" Liam asks as he glances over Zayn's shoulder curiously.
     "Oh great!! I'm like a natural pro at this," Zayn replies proudly as he stirs the brownie mix in the little bowl.
     "Oh you are now?" Liam asks with an amused laugh.
    "Well, do you think I could leave you alone for a little bit? I'm gonna go to our room really quick cuz I got some things I need to do, but I'll be right back," Liam says.
     "Oh don't worry about a thing! I got this. I don't even need you any more! Ztirring is my thing," Zayn tells him confidently. Liam laughs then walks out of the kitchen to his room for a few minutes to do whatever he needed to do.
     Suddenly, Liam hears a piercing scream that sounded like someone had just been stabbed in the other room. Without wasting a second, Liam drops everything and runs back into the kitchen and is up and by Zayn's side in just a few seconds, his heart pounding out of his chest.
       "Oh my god Zaynie what's wrong?! What happened?! Are you okay?!" Liam pleads in terror as he searches Zayn's body for any discomfort or injury.
     Unable to speak, Zayn holds his arm up for Liam to see. Squinting in confusion, Liam finally spots the source of the problem. On the tip of Zayn's finger ran a small, thin cut that was just barely bleeding a tiny drop of blood.
Zayn stares at it with terror in his wide brown eyes.
     "Liam..." He strains, fear eminent in his shaky voice.
     "It's alright Zaynie," Liam assures him, resting his hands on Zayn's shoulders supportively. "It's just a little scratch. You'll be alright. I promise," he adds. Zayn still looks doubtfully up at Liam then glances down at his hand.
     "Here, come with me," Liam instructs. Zayn quietly follows Liam down the hallway then into the bathroom.
     "What are we doing in here?" Zayn wonders as he looks around curiously.
     "Have a seat in my office. Dr. Liam will fix you up in no time," Liam says jokingly as he pats the sink counter. Zayn laughs nervously but hops up onto the counter and watches as Liam bends down to open the cabinet under the sink. He searches around for a few seconds until he finally pulls out a small box and a brown bottle.
     "Can I see your hand please, sir?" Liam requests with a smile. Zayn nods and holds his hand up for Liam to carefully take in his own.
     "We all bleed sometimes. It happens when our skin gets torn or cut. Nothing to worry about," Liam tells him encouragingly.
     "But why is this Inside me?" Zayn asks as he watches he blood slide off his finger.
     "It's blood. I won't get into the science of it, but it keeps you alive. Without it, you wouldn't live too long," Liam explains and Zayn nods.
     "Zo it's bad if it gets out?" Zayn asks in fascination.
      "Yeah. We want to try and keep as much blood as we can in your body," Liam says with a grin. "And this cut is so tiny that it should heal in no time. It's amazing what our bodies can do. You get hurt and it takes care of you and tries to get you back to normal. But we also can help speed that up a little bit," Liam says as he pours some of the bottle's clear liquid onto a cotton ball.
     "This is to clean everything out, so it might hurt a little bit," Liam explains as he dabs Zayn's wound with the cotton ball.
     "Liam that doesn't hurt at all. It's just cold.," Zayn shares boredly.
     "Well I thought I would try and warn you so you wouldn't freak out if it did hurt," Liam explains.
      Next, Liam sets the bottle down then takes out a little package. He unwraps it and takes out a small dinosaur band-aid to put on Zayn's finger. He leans forward and kisses Zayn's finger to help it heal faster with love.
     "There you go Zaynie. All better," Liam says, looking up at Zayn with a smile as he rests his hands on Zayn's thighs.
     "Thank you Liam," Zayn states in a grave, serious manner.
     "don't mention it. You gotta be more careful next time. But It's a good thing I got to you when I did, or Who knows what could have happened to you!" Liam replies and Zayn's eyes grow wide in fear.
     "I was joking! I didn't mean it!" Liam replies, suddenly regretting what he said.
     "Don't worry! You'll be okay!" Liam assures him.
"Promise?" Zayn says quietly as he rests his forehead against Liam's.
"Promise," Liam repeats with a grin as he leans forward and kisses Zayn lips encouragingly. Zayn smiles and happily kisses Liam back a few times 
    "Now.... I think we have brownies to finish making," Liam says with a grin as he helps Zayn off the counter.
"Oh yeah!" Zayn remembers excitedly; his eyes suddenly light up with that familiar excited sparkle as he completely forgets all about his injury.

Sorry if this is a little confusing. It was supposed to go in the last chapter while they were actually making the brownies but i forgot about it. And I wasn't going to post this part now because I was dumb and forgot to add it to the last chapter where it belongs, but I've been thinking about a scene like this for a long time and I think it's just so cute so I wanted to put it in the story somewhere :)

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