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"What the hell are you doing here??" Liam asks in quiet surprise. Zayn glances up at him from the book he was reading with a confused look.
"You zaid I could zstay here," Zayn reminds him.
"For a little bit.... Yeah," Liam agrees with a nod. "sorry I'm just...a little surprised that you came back, is all. You know, since you kind of just... Disappeared in the middle of the night and all,"  Liam explains as he folds his arms across his chest. Zayn shrugs and looks back down at the book he was reading before. Liam watches him for a few seconds and decides he won't let him off easy this time.
   "How did you even get in here?" He asks.
    "The door?" Zayn tells him obviously.
    "I lock the door every time before I leave," Liam tells him in confusion. Zayn looks up at him with an innocent expression.
    "I don't know," Zayn mutters in reply.
   "It doesn't matter. I guess. Maybe I forgot to lock it before we left or something," Liam tells him. "But Where were you? What were you doing?" He wonders. Zayn doesn't answer, but continues flipping through the thin pages of his book. "If you're going to go sneaking around the city at night, you could at least tell someone so when you get kidnapped or murdered at least someone will know where you were," Liam tells him reasonably.
      "Kidnapped or murdered," Zayn repeats quietly to himself in skeptical amusement.
   "But seriously though. What were you doing?" Liam repeats again, even more curious than before. Zayn doesn't answer again.
    "This is getting really annoying you know. I'm not talking to you just to hear my own voice, mate,"Liam tells him. Zayn glances up at him then back down at the book in disinterest.
    "You don't talk much do you?" Liam asks.     
     "Meh," Zayn shrugs carelessly. Liam takes a large breath in, trying to hold himself together.
     "Okay. Okay. If that's your thing... Whatever. It doesn't matter. Just don't talk to me and continue to ignore me. Whatever," he says, trying to convince himself he wasn't mad.
    "You zaid I could zstay here. You didn't zsay I had to talk to you," Zayn mutters sassily. Liam raises his eyebrows in surprise.
    "Yes. That's true. Yes," Liam nods slowly. "But the least you could do is say SOMETHING or even nod so I don't feel like I'm just here talking to myself," Liam tells him.
   "If I wanted to I would. But I don't want to. Zo I won't," Zayn tells him flatly. Liam stares at him for a few seconds, at a loss for words.
    "Get off my table!" He finally tells Zayn, shooing him off his table. "I have chairs!! Seriously! I eat here!" Liam adds frustratedly
     Zayn groans frustratedly and rolls his eyes as he climbs off the table. He dramatically drops the book on the floor with a loud crash and sits down in front of it, crossing his legs in front of him and continues flipping through the pages. Liam watches him with a confused, unsure scowl.
    "And to answer your question, i came back for the dog," Zayn tells him, his words muffled lazily. He looks up and glances over at Watson who lay asleep in a curled up heap on the floor, snoring loudly. Liam grunts in amusement.
    "Not me. Just the dog?" He repeats.
    "Yeah," Zayn nods. "Don't really fancy you, mate," Zayn adds. Liam sighs.
    "At least you're honest," Liam mutters, looking on the bright side. "Hey Watson, you hear that mate?" Liam calls. Watson groans and lifts his big head, tiredly looking up at Liam. "I don't know what you did, but looks like you won over Zaynie's heart," Liam tells the tired dog who groans again and falls onto his side, stretching out across the floor.
    "So...." Liam trails off, turning his attention back to Zayn. "Are you actually going to stay here? Or should I expect this disappearing in the middle of the night again?" He asks.
    "Maybe," Zayn replies. "Not really quite sure yet," he adds honestly.
    "Guess we'll find out tonight then, huh?" Liam says.
    "Guess so," Zayn agrees.

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