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    "Alright we're here," Liam states as he parks his car under a large tree.
     "Liam where is here?" Zayn asks for about the millionth time.
     "Hope you're up for a bit of a walk," Liam says, ignoring Zayn's question.
     "I don't like walking. My tiny legs can't go that far and I'll probably just fall over any way," Zayn complains as he trudges behind Liam who walks to a little path through the woods.
     "Well I'm not carrying you. But You'll like this. It'll be worth it. I promise," Liam assures him again for the millionth time.
     Zayn groans and follows Liam for at least 20 minutes, neither of them talking much as they walk.
     Finally, they get to a nice clearing in the trees where a giant still-water lake rests. A large stream of water falls from a wall of rocks, slightly disturbing the still waters.
    "Is this a waterfall??!" Zayn wonders in amazement as he stares wide eyed as he forgets all about his pain and unhappiness.
    "Yeah," Liam nods. "But it's not as impressive as the pictures in your book," he admits apologetically. "Not many people know about this place," Liam continues.
     "How did you find it?" Zayn wonders.
      "My dad always brought me and my sisters here when we were younger," Liam explains. Zayn nods, looking deep in thought.
     "You have a family?" Liam wonders.
     "Yeah. Yeah," Zayn nods, not saying anything else about it.
     "But this is amazing!" Zayn sighs in wonder.
    "I mean.... How does it keep falling? Where does all the water come from? What makes it do that?" Zayn asks in amazement.
     "Uh..." Liam starts, unsure how to answer his questions. "Gravity?" He guesses. Zayn looks at him with a confused curious expression.
   "Oh, gravity's what holds us to the earth. It pulls everything down," Liam explains. Zayn's looks of confusion turn to surprise too.
    "How...?" He mutters.
     "The moon?" Liam says hesitantly. Somehow, Zayn looks even more confused and amazed, unable to process all this and understand how it could actually work.
     "Wow..." He finally sighs as he turns back to stare at the beautiful waterfall, just accepting it and not trying to understand how it happened.
     Liam smiles and watches Zayn. He was so innocent, so clueless and it was adorable.
     Slowly, Liam reaches out toward Zayn's hand resting on the railing of the bridge they were standing on. His fingertips were so close to touching Zayn's skin, but right at the last second, Zayn walks away, leaving Liam alone. Liam sighs in embarrassment and hangs his head.
    It was probably for the better any way....
    He looks and sees Zayn walking toward the lake in the clearing.
    "Erm.... What are you doing?" Liam asks in amusement as he watches Zayn walk into the water.
"Come on then. I'm not taking you home if you're soaking wet!" Liam calls out to him as he walks further into the lake.
     Liam groans and walks down into the shallow end of the lake, standing with his hands on his hips.
    "Come on Zayn, really?" Liam asks disappointedly. Zayn was now up to his waist in the water.
    "Come on Liam!" Zayn calls excitedly back to him, urging him to come into the water.
     "What are you even trying to do? You can't climb it! It's water!" Liam informs him then shakes his head and takes a step forward only to get his foot caught on a slippery rock. Unable to stop himself, he falls onto his side into the water with a painful groan as the rocks cut into his skin.
     "Liam!! Liam are you okay??" Zayn asks as he runs over to him and bends down to lean over Liam, a worried look on his face that was only inches from Liam's.
    "Yeah yeah I'm okay. Just slipped. Clumsy me," Liam says nervously as he pushes Zayn away from him and climbs out from under him.
Slowly, he sits up in the shallow surface and looks down at his body with a frustrated sigh. His clothes were soaking wet. The one thing he didn't want to happen.
     "I'm zorry Liam," Zayn apologizes guiltily as he sits down in the shallow water next to him.
     "Don't be. It's not your fault I don't know how to walk proper," Liam replies with a smile.
     "Maybe you zhould learn. I mean, you've had 22 years to practice, you zhould probably know how to walk by now...." Zayn replies sassily with a huge crooked smile.
     "Shut up," Liam tells him with a surprised laugh as he splashes a wall of water at Zayn who squeals and cowers, covering his face with his arms.
      "Oh you don't like that huh?" Liam says as he splashes Zayn again. "Afraid I might ruin your hair?" Liam adds tauntingly, dumping s handful of water on Zayn's head. Zayn laughs and tries to hide behind his arms and push Liam away.
     "Ztop it Liam!" He demands but Liam doesn't listen.
     "You're the one that wanted to come in the water in the first place!" Liam reminds him.
     "But I's cold!!!!" Zayn whines.
    Liam laughs and stands up. He reaches down to take Zayn's hands and helps pull him to his feet.
    "Careful, don't want you to fall over again," Zayn tells him jokingly with a smirk as they start to walk out of the lake.
    Liam gasps and shoves Zayn back into the water with a forceful push.
     "Ow!!" Zayn laughs and shakes the water from his hair. He slowly pulls his hair back away from his face and slicks it back, beaming up at Liam with mischief in his dark eyes.
    "And I'm not helping you stand up this time," Liam says as he folds his arms stubbornly.
     "I don't need your help," Zayn tells him proudly as he stands up all on his own. "I may not be human, but at least I can ztand  up on my own feet," Zayn continues as he walks out of the water.
    "You're never gonna let that go, are you...," Liam mutters.
     "No," Zayn agrees.
      "I'm think I liked you more when you didn't talk to me...." Liam mutters then laughs.
     "Well you better get used to it," Zayn tells him as he starts walking back down the path.

I don't know what this chapter is.... But it's kinda cute so it's okay :) thanks for reading!

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