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"Oh my god! Zayn!" Liam suddenly gasps, startling Zayn and he looks up at Liam with a look of worry on his face.
"What? What is it? What's wrong?" Zayn asks worriedly.
"How have i never realized this before?!" Liam asks, worrying Zayn even more.
"What? Liam what's happening?" Zayn demands cluelessly.
"How could I be so ignorant?? So stupid??" Liam demands of himself dramatically.
"Liam!" Zayn demands frustratedly. He needed to know what had got Liam so flustered all if a sudden.
"Zayn!" Liam gasps and pauses.. "You've grown a beard!" Liam states excitedly and Zayn's spirits fall disappointedly.
"I did?" Zayn wonders as he reaches up to touch his sharp, angular cheeks curiously. Unlike Liam, he had noticed but he never cared before. He didn't think it was that big a deal.....
"My little boy's becoming a man!" Liam sighs with a proud smile as he rests his hands on the outside of Zayn's hands, holding his face. Zayn laughs and looks up at Liam with a crooked smile.
"Do you like it?" Zayn asks.
"Do I like it??" Liam repeats in surprise. "Are you fucking serious?!" Liam demands. "It's the sexiest fucking thing I've ever seen! And just when I thought you couldn't even get any better....." Liam says with a grin as he stares at Zayn's face and Zayn smiles sheepishly.
"Mm.... So soft," Liam mutters as he gently strokes Zayn's face. Zayn stares back at him with the strangest, most confused face he can possibly make.
"Liam what the fuck," he trails off. "That is the creepiest thing you have ever zaid," he adds.
"Oh I'm sure I've said worse," Liam suggests as he closes his eyes and nuzzles the side of his face against Zayn's, hugging his neck tightly.
"Please ztop," Zayn requests as politely as he can and tries to push Liam off of him but doesn't accomplish anything so he just sighs frustratedly.
"Liam this is weird. Ztop," Zayn demands.
"No," Liam shakes his head.
"I fucking zwear I'm gonna hurt you," Zayn threatens.
"you couldn't do anything to me," Liam tells him playfully.
"Oh really? You want to test that?" Zayn challenges roughly.
"Okay," Liam shrugs. "You're to sweet and adorable to hurt anybody. Especially me," Liam tells him confidently.
"Yeah. Keep this up and that'll change real quick, bub," Zayn mutters unhappily and Liam just laughs.
"Ok Zaynie. If you say so," he says as he finally lets go of Zayn's neck. Zayn sighs in relief and Ungracefully clambers off the bed before Liam could do anything else to him.
      "You keep treating me like this and I might just shave this lovely beard off. It'll be gone forever in a matter of minutes and you'll never ever see it again," Zayn tells him sassily with a smirk.
      "No!" Liam gasps nervously. "Please. Anything but that, please!" He pleads. "Baby it looks so good. You look so good!!" Liam says longingly and Zayn just laughs with a sly smirk on his face.
      "What?" Liam asks with a grin.
       "What," Zayn replies back.
        "What's that look for?" Liam asks with a confused squishy smile.
      "What look?" Zayn replies innocently as his smirk grows to a grin and he looks away, staring into the far off corner of the room like he knew something Liam didn't know and he had no inclination to tell him.
       "That one!! That look! I don't like it ! It scares me!" Liam tells him.
        "Zayn!" Liam says with a laugh. Zayn just glances back at him out of the corner of his eyes, grunts in amusement, and looks away.
       "Zayn stop!! You're really scaring me!" Liam tells him longingly.
     "I really don't like when you do this," Liam adds as Zayn just stands silently with a smug grin on his beautiful face.
     "Why?" Zayn asks as he raises his eyebrows, glad he finally found a way to torment Liam.
     "Because. I have no clue what's going on in that head of yours and it scares me because I don't know what you're gonna do!!"
"You wanna know what I'm thinking about Liam?" Zayn asks devilishly.
      "I don't know...." Liam says quietly, still scared.
      "Well.... I'll tell you what I'm thinking," Zayn says.
       "Oh god...." Liam mutters nervously.
       "I really need to pee," Zayn finally says and Liam laughs.
      "What?" He asks with his huge dimply smile that lit up the whole world.
      "I need to fucking pee Liam and you weren't letting me do that because you wouldn't let me go!!" Zayn explains.
      "Well you should probably stop staring at my beautiful face and go do that soon..." Liam suggests.
      "Well thank you for giving your permission to perform a basic human life function!!" Zayn replies sassily before leaving Liam alone to go to the bathroom for as long as he can to get away from Liam for a little bit.
Liam glances up at Zayn when he walks out of the bathroom and gives him a big, happy smile, fully displaying his dimpled cheeks as Zayn walks over to the bed.
"Hi Zaynie. Did you have a nice pee? You were in there quite a bit. Everything all right love?" Liam asks with an amused giggle and Zayn just glares at him in confusion.
      "Did you miss me?" Liam asks hopefully as he rests his chin on his hand and stares longingly at Zayn when he sits next to him.
"No," Zayn mutters crossly.
"Aw but I missed you!" Liam says with a sad pout. Zayn groans frustratedly as he rolls on to his back on the mattress.
"Fuck I can't ztay mad at you," Zayn admits hopelessly. "Not with you looking like that anyway," he adds as he looks away from Liam and up at the ceiling.
"Looking Like what?" Liam wonders.
"Like a.... Like a squishy puppy," Zayn answers as a devilish grin comes across his face.
"I am not squishy!!" Liam insists defensively as he crosses his arms across his chest stubbornly for effect. "It's muscle. Not squish," he declares quietly.
"No, you're squishy. Zee! Squish! Squish!" Zayn says happily as he pokes Liam's bare hips and stomach making him squirm away from his touch.
"Hey! Stop poking my sides!" Liam insists with a laugh.
"Ztop being zo zoft and squishy and I'll ztop!" Zayn reasons sassily and Liam laughs as Zayn pokes him a few more times in random places on his abdomen.
Suddenly, Liam grabs Zayn's wrists so he won't poke him any more and pins them tightly against Zayn's chest as he stares down at him victoriously.
"Liam Please don't tickle me," Zayn pleads quietly and Liam grins evilly.
"I wasn't even thinking about that before now...." He says and Zayn shakes his head sadly in fear of what was to come.
But Instead of torturing Zayn in the worst way by tickling him mercilessly, Liam leans over Zayn and kisses him, still holding on to his little wrists.
Zayn sighs in relief and gives himself over to Liam, immediately melting and smiling into the kiss.
      It starts off slow and meaningful, full of love and care until Liam gets a little crazy and picks up the pace while Zayn just laughs and tries to keep up with him.
"Liam ztop!" Zayn finally say with a laugh as he pulls away.
"Why? What's wrong?" Liam asks worriedly as he stares down at Zayn in fear.
"Nothing. I just need to breath, you doughnut!" Zayn tells him as he pushes Liam's face away jokingly while he pants to catch his breath.
"One more?" Liam asks hopefully with an inviting smile.
"One more?" Zayn repeats doubtfully, carefully assessing his options.
"Only one more kiss. I promise," Liam pleads.
"Hmmm...." Zayn trails off thoughtfully.
"I know you want to. Come on then.... Come on," Liam insists, staring down at Zayn's lips as he rests his fingers under Zayn's chin.
"You're zure. Just one more tiny little kiss?" Zayn asks.
"Just one more and we'll go to bed. Promise," Liam replies.
"No! Cuz then you'll just kiss me even more!!" Zayn laughs as he rests his hands on Liam's chest and smiles up at him.
"All night long," Liam adds in a sing-songy voice with a sly grin as he trails his hands down to Zayn's hip. He leans in for the last kiss but Zayn pulls away again.
"Come on. Stop being so stubborn now," Liam insists as Zayn grins up at him cheekily as he turns his head away, refusing to let Liam kiss him.
"Come on ...." Liam whines and Zayn finally lifts his head to kiss Liam's lips.
"I'm such a fool for you," Zayn whispers as he rests his forehead against Liam's and slips his hands over Liam's strong shoulders.
"I love it," Liam assures him quietly as he kisses Zayn's nose then cheek.
"You make me so happy," Zayn whispers lovingly as he lazily runs his fingers through Liam's limp brown hair.

     Can we just take a minute to appreciate Zayn's beard?? Because it's everything. Not even like the little scruffy thing but like.... A full out beard because it seriously kills me. And I hate it.

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