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Louis parks his car on the side of the road and dies a little bit inside when he sees Liam sitting out on the front steps of his home. He looked like a he was a father who stayed up late at night waiting for his daughter to come home from a date. A date where she got very drunk and could possibly die from alcohol poisoning.
     Against his better judgement, Louis slowly gets out of his car to face the wrath of Liam.
    "Oh. Hello there, Liam. Beautiful night, huh? You know, I must say, You're looking very unusually handsome tonight. And is that a new jacket you're wearing? ," Louis greets as he tries to sound calm and casual.
"I've had this for 5 years," Liam comments dryly.
"Oh. I could hardly tell. I like it," Louis nods with a smile.
     "You know Louis, Zayn told me he was going out with you, but I wasn't aware it would be an all night thing," Liam says.   
      "Well it hasn't been.... ALL night....." Louis trails off nervously.
     "Louis it's almost 3 o'clock in the morning. What were you even doing that kept you out so late?" Liam questions.
     "Well you see..... That's a, uh, that's a funny story. You'll laugh," Louis assures him.
     "And where's Zayn?" Liam asks as he stands up and walks out to Louis's car.
     " yeah about that..." Louis trails off as he Slowly opens the passenger door.
     "Oh! There he is! See! Zaynie made it home all safe and sound. would you just look at that? Cute little guy," Louis rambles happily  as he stands in front of the door, blocking it from Liam's view.
     "And poor Zaynie. He just... He had so much fun but he just.....he got so tired all of a sudden and just.... fell asleep. Can you believe that?" Louis says with a nervous laugh.
     "He's not sleeping," Liam states to Louis's surprise.
     "No. No, he's asleep, mate," Louis assures him nervously as he rests his hand son his hips.
     "He doesn't need to sleep. Louis what did you do to him?" Liam demands.
     "Well... He is... Technically sleeping," Louis still insists as he fiddles nervously with his index finger, avoiding eye contact. The last thing he wanted to do was make Liam mad.
     "Louis Tomlinson, What did you do to him?" Liam repeats sternly. Louis sighs and finally surrenders.
     "Well... I wanted to do something fun with Zayn that he had never done before so I decided we could go out and.... You know... Have.... Have a few drinks or something you know. Have a good time, like with the lads, ya know," Louis explains quietly.
     "You took Zayn ladding!!??" Liam almost yells he was so angry.
      "No! No! We just went out for a couple drinks just the two of us. I swear, it wasn't gonna be anything more than that I swear!" Louis insists.
     "Just a few drinks?? Just a few drinks. Then how is Zayn just... Straight out trashed and passed out in your fucking car Louis?? Does that look like a few drinks to you Louis??" Liam demands as he gestures toward Zayn. At the mention of his name, Zayn lifts his head lazily and laughs a strange, wheezing giggle.
     "See! Look at that! He's not passed out. He's alright," Louis says with a relieved smile.
     "How could you be so irresponsible Louis!" Liam exclaims as he rests his fingers against his temple in an extremely agitated manner.
     "Look! I know you're upset! And I don't blame you! But I swear! I didn't know this would happen!! I just wanted to have a little fun! Literally he only had... Not even one drink. He had like 5 sips and he was just..... Gone. If I would've known he couldn't handle it I wouldn't have brought him! We would've gone somewhere else!" Louis explains earnestly. He decides to leave out the detail of exactly what Zayn  was drinking. Liam didn't need to know that much detail.....
     "Louis! He's not like us! He's different!" Liam says sadly.
      "What? He's an alien from some far off Galaxy, right?," Louis guesses with a smirk.
      "What?" Liam asks in surprise.
       "Yeh I know. He wouldn't stop talking about it the whole way here. The guys fucking insane. He also said he got hit by a car too...." Louis mutters with a smirk.
     "WHAT!!" Liam exclaims.
      "No! He didn't! I swear! It just barely missed him this time but... Shit..." Louis squeezes his eyes closed as he realizes he and said way to much at this point.
     "Here just.... You can have him..." Louis says as he struggles to pull Zayn's limp body out of the car before Liam got any madder (if that was even possible). Louis pushes Zayn toward Liam and Zayn stumbles forward until he bumps into Liam's side. Liam catches him and lifts Zayn into his strong arms so he wouldn't fall over in his drunken state.
    Zayn laughs again and curls up into a tight ball and rests his head against Liam's chest like a little kid. He reaches up and gently strokes Liam's beard with wide amazed eyes.
     "Squish," he mutters happily as he pokes Liam's birthmark then giggles. "Squish squish,"
He repeats as he pokes Liam's round cheeks then giggles again in amusement.
     "See.... He'll be alright," Louis says quietly.
      "He better be," Liam mutters unhappily as he pushes Zayn's hand away from his face. "But.... Thanks for bringing him home," Liam admits quietly.
     "Don't mention it. And again, Im so sorry. I didn't expect this to happen," Louis apologizes again.
     "Hey, it's alright. You didn't know. It was an honest mistake," Liam shrugs, deciding it was too early to fight. Liam smiles slightly and nods.
     "Well, it's pretty late. I probably should go home now," Louis says.
      "Yeah you probably should get home soon. Drive safe," Liam replies.
       "Hey I'm not that drunk," Louis declares jokingly with a smile as he gets in his car. He waves good bye before driving away.
      "C'mon Zaynie. Let's get you up to bed," Liam suggests quietly as he carries Zayn to their bedroom. Liam carefully lays Zayn's limp body on the bed then takes off his gin-soaked jacket and sets it aside to dry.
    Zayn moans and wraps his arms around his pillow, as a grimace twists his face and he groans again.
     "Maybe next time you shouldn't  let Louis talk you into doing stupid things like that," Liam says quietly as he sits down on the bedside next to Zayn.
     Zayn groans and closes his eyes, nodding in agreement.
     "He said it would be feel good," Zayn mumbles slowly, his words incredibly slurred together.
     "The joys of being a human who drinks alcohol. You get to experience a hangover now," Liam says with a slight grin.
     "don't like it," Zayn shakes his head.
      "Yeah. This one'll be pretty rough," Liam shares sadly as he rests his hand on the top of Zayn's hair. Zayn moans again and rolls over onto his side. "But it's okay. You're home now. I can take care of you and You can sleep," Liam says encouragingly.
     "Lim, my head hurts," Zayn mutters. Liam frowns sadly and slowly runs his hi fingers through Zayn's thick, dark hair, pulling it away from his beautiful face.
     "I know baby I know," Liam sighs. "Here. Drink this. It'll  help," Liam offers as he presses a small cup of water into Zayn's hands. He helps Zayn sit up and watches as he tries to drink but seems to have a problem finding his mouth. Some of the water spills into his shirt and he looks down at the stain disappointedly.
     "It's okay," Liam assures quietly as he helps guide the cup to Zayn's mouth for him to take a few small sips. When he's done he hands to cup back to Liam.
     "Just try and fall asleep now and I'll join you in a little bit, okay," Liam says as he runs his fingers through Zayn's hair again.
Zayn nods and closes his eyes. Soon, he falls asleep and lays on Liam's bed, breathing gently.
     "Good night Zayn," Liam whispers quietly with a smile. He is careful not to wake Zayn as he leans forward and gently kisses his forehead.
     "I love you Liam," Zayn mumbles tiredly in his sleep, his words still slurred together.
    "I love you forever," he adds, making Liam smile happily. he loved when Zayn said cute things like this, even if he was drunk.

When I was in 4th and 5th grade there was this kid in my class that was obsessed with number 44 for some reason and whenever anyone would say 44 he would say 44 in this weird voice and now whenever I see 44 I always think of him. So this chapter is dedicated to him even though I hope he never reads it.
Just thought you needed to know that.

Thanks so much for reading :) and yay!! Zayn isn't dead!!

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