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Zayn rolls over boredly and stares at Liam's lifeless body in the darkness.
   It was so funny and unusual that humans needed to sleep.... Spending 8 hours of their day in a comatose state hallucinating about their memories. Such a waste of precious time....
    But Zayn didn't mind when Liam slept. He found it enjoyable and interesting to watch.
Liam always looked so peaceful and relaxed.
Liam whimpers quietly in his sleep and slowly rolls over, clutching a pillow close to his chest. Zayn can't help but smile. He stares at Liam's strong back, following the line of his spine and outlining each muscle with his eyes. Did all humans look like this?  
Curiously, Zayn reaches out toward Liam and just barely, with the tips of his fingers, brushes Liam's smooth cool skin.
    "Zayn?" Liam mumbles tiredly. Zayn immediately pulls his hand away and stares at Liam's back, his wide eyes full of terror. He didn't know Liam was still awake. He had no idea. He thought he fell asleep hours ago.....
    Slowly, Liam pushes himself over so he faces Zayn and Zayn drops his eyes, unable to look at Liam any more.
    "What's happening?" Liam asks as he looks up at Zayn curiously.
    "Nothing," Zayn assures him.
    "Is something wrong?" Liam asks in concern.
     "Nothing," Zayn shrugs guiltily.
    "Zayn. You can tell me," Liam tells him.  Zayn stares down at his hands and scrunches up his face slightly in fear.
    "I-I touched you," Zayn finally admits in shame.
    "I know," Liam replies with a confused grin. "What did you want to tell me?" He asks.
    "I didn't do it because I wanted to tell you anything," Zayn informs him.
     "Why did you do it then?" Liam asks, propping himself up on his elbow.
      "I thought you were asleep," Zayn says. "But I-" Zayn starts then sighs, shaking his head. "I just.... I don't know why. I just wanted to touch you," Zayn finally admits.
    "Was it everything you thought it would be?" Liam asks jokingly, trying to make Zayn feel more comfortable. Zayn nods.
    "You're very ztrong," he compliments. Liam laughs slightly and smiles.
    "Liam why are you different from all the other humans?" Zayn asks.
    "I'm not different," Liam tells him.
    "Yes you are," Zayn states confidently. Liam looks at him in confusion. "I know you are."
   "Zayn what are you talking about?" Liam asks.
  "I hate people. But I- I lied earlier when I zaid I hated you because I don't hate you any more," Zayn tells him making Liam laugh.
    "Any more??" Liam repeats with a grin.
    "I used to," zayn admits.
    "Why doesn't that surprise me?" Liam says.
     "But you hated me too," Zayn points out in his defense.
      "I have never hated you!!" Liam states.
      "Yes you did! You said I was ztubborn!" Zayn reminds him.
    "You are stubborn! But that doesn't mean that I hate you," Liam tells him with a grin.
     "Oh. I thought it did...." Zayn trails off and Liam chuckles softly.
     "Well.... I'm glad you don't hate me any more," Liam tells him.
      "I don't. Now I get these weird feelings around you," Zayn admits in confusion.
     "What kind of feelings?" Liam questions.
      "It's ztrange and I can hardly explain it. I've never felt anything like this is and it's kinda zcary but like my stomach feels weird... Like.... How do you zay..... Like..... Bubbly?" Zayn says awkwardly. "But like yeah. I also sometimes get really zcared around you but I like being around you and I'm just.... happy and I don't know why," Zayn admits. "I've been trying to figure it out, but I can't," Zayn admits hopelessly.
    "People usually get those kinds of feelings when they're interested in somebody," Liam suggests, deep in thought. 
"Interested?" Zayn repeats, just becoming more confused. He didn't know what any of this meant!
    "Do you.... Do you find me attractive Zayn?" Liam finally asks quietly.
    "Yes," Zayn nods without hesitation. Liam laughs quietly and looks down at the blankets around himself. How could the most beautiful person in the whole world find plain, boring Liam attractive?
    "I've never felt this before," Zayn admits. "Where I come from, we don't really have feelings anything like this. Or really feelings at all..." Zayn admits with a grin.
     "No feelings?" Liam repeats in shock.
     "None," Zayn confirms. "Especially like this. We're never 'interested' in anyone," he adds.
    "Never?? Then how do Zaliens.... Actually, no. I don't need to know how Zaliens reproduce..." Liam trails off.
    Zayn just laughs nervously and smiles his adorable crooked grin, which just reassures Liam that he does not want to know that.
    But Liam was speechless. This was the first time Zayn had ever opened up about himself and where he was from to Liam and he wanted to learn everything he could. He was fascinated.
    "Do you miss your home?" Liam asks. Zayn shakes his head no.
    "I don't- I don't really want to go back," Zayn admits sadly.
   "Do you have to go back soon?" Liam asks.
    "They want me to," Zayn mutters grudgingly.
    "Oh..." Liam sighs disappointedly. 
     "But I'm not going," Zayn states.
   "Why not? Don't you miss your family? Your friends? Your old life?" Liam asks.
    "No," Zayn states with a slightly angered look then he sighs. " I like it here. I like being Zayn," he adds. "This life is zo much zimpler and it's zo different but zo much better and you're here," Zayn says.
      Liam smiles happily and notices Zayn's small hand resting on the bed. It seemed so lonely and empty.
     He reaches out carefully and slowly intertwines his fingers with Zayn's, something he's been wanting to do for days. Zayn looks up at him with a very perplexed expression.
    "What is this?" He wonders.
     "It's just.. Something people do when they find someone special that they really like. It's a way we show our affection," Liam answers with a timid smile.
    "Oh.... Okay," Zayn agrees with a nod. He smiles slightly but it slowly grows wider with realization.
   "Liam... Do you have those feelings for me too?" He asks with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.
   "Yeah. I do," Liam admits finally with a smile.

I've been waiting for this moment for sooooo long! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have ;)

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