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"Liam!!" He suddenly hears someone yell his name. Liam pauses in surprise and notices Niall standing at the end of the road and waving his arms frantically to get his attention.
     "What are you doing here?" Liam asks.
     "Coming to save your slow ass!" Niall answers smartly as he leads Liam down the road to a random dark alley where the other two boys were waiting.
"You waited for us?" Liam asks in surprise as Niall opens the door to the van.
"Of course. Louis told us you needed more time," Niall explains as Liam carefully lifts Zayn up. Together, Niall and Louis take Zayn's upper body and quickly pull him into the van while Liam pushes.
"Careful!! Be Carful with him!!" Liam insists frustratedly as they somehow get Zayn's body into the van without hurting him any further then he already was. Liam gently rests his love on the floor as Niall closes the door and they suddenly lurch into a jolt and start to drive away, getting as far away from this place as they can so they won't be found out.
      "Fuck I can't wait to get away from there..." Louis mutters as he lazily falls down in one of the seats.
    As Harry drives, Liam uncaps the antidote again and cradles Zayn's head in his lap, which pulls a small quiet moan from Zayn's lips. Liam parts Zayn's lips just slightly and pours some of the purple liquid into his mouth as Niall and Louis watch closely, hoping Zayn would soon come back to them.
     "C'mon Zaynie, mate. You got this," Louis encourages quietly as Liam forces his jaw open and pours a little more into his mouth.
     "Why isn't it working?" Niall asks worriedly.
      "He said it would work.... He said it would be enough," Liam mutters stressfully as he rests his hand under Zayn's head, cradling it carefully in his hands.
     "Maybe try a little more then," Louis offers helpfully. Maybe Louis was right. Maybe just a few drops wasn't enough and he needed all of it it to work properly and heal Zayn.
Liam lifts Zayn's head slightly and pours a little more into Zayn's mouth. The purple liquid slowly drips out of Zayn's mouth, sliding in a thin trail down his translucent white chin and Liam notices the black veins had started to crawl up Zayn's neck too and onto his jaw. They were quickly running out of time.
      Liam lifts Zayn's head, hoping gravity would at least force some of the antidote down Zayn's throat, since he clearly wasn't going to do it himself.
"Zayn please," Liam whispers, his voice cracking.
      "Maybe he needs all of it," Louis suggests, refusing to let go of what little hope there still was.
       "There's nothing left!! It's all gone Louis!" Liam replies frustratedly as he looks up at him hopelessly. Liam gently shakes Zayn's shoulders then pats his face but it was no use.
      Zayn wasn't responding and there was nothing else Liam could do to try and save him. He had done everything he could....
But it wasn't enough.
"Zayn?" Liam asks as he gently shakes Zayn's shoulder, trying to wake him up.
"Zayn...." Liam repeats, his breath coming in short uneven gasps.
      But there was no response.
     "No! Fuck... No please... This... No! This can't be happening!" Liam gasps in disbelief as the serum slowly drips from Zayn's cold, hollowed out  face, dropping in a thin trail down his chin. 
      "What did I do wrong?!" Liam asks. Guilt and regret finally set in, tearing away at his stomach and making him feel sick as fear grips at his throat, unabling him to breath.
"Don't do this to me!" Liam commands angrily as he stares down at Zayn.
"You didn't come here just to die!!" He yells at Zayn, expecting him to just wake up at any second like he always did. He was just asleep. Like in the early morning before Liam left for work. He would open his pretty brown eyes any second now and look at Liam with that big loving warm smile that only Zayn could give.  
        He would grab on to Liam's leg and not let go, begging Liam to stay home with him so he wouldn't be home alone and they could lay in bed and just Cuddle together all day. Cuddling was always Zayn's favorite......
      He would wake up any second now.
"Liam...." Niall says quietly, his tone dismal and somber and way too serious for Niall's usual cheerful, happy attitude.
     "It..... it didn't work ," Liam states in shock as he sits back on his knees looking forward with wide, empty eyes.
     "We tried the best we could mate," Louis reasons encouragingly with a small sad smile as he tries to be strong and fight back the tears in his cerulean eyes.
"No," Liam denies, unwilling to believe that he had somehow failed.
He stares down at Zayn's face and he knew there was nothing more he could do. Finally, With a loud, mournful cry, Liam wraps his arms around Zayn's middle and burries his face deep into Zayn's chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Maybe he was being to loud, but Liam couldn't hear the familiar rhythm of Zayn's heart beating in his chest.
     "Please.... Please I need you...." He whimpers, his voice cracking as he stares up at Zayn's emotionless blank face.
       Liam cries harder, sobbing like a child into Zayn's stiff rigid chest. He didn't care that his friends were watching him and he didn't care what they thought. He had emotions inside that he needed to get out. Everything he loved became everything he lost.
      Zayn was gone.
       Liam doesn't look up when he feels a hand rest gently on his shoulder. He squeezes his eyes shut tighter and only cries harder.
     "We tried everything we could Li..." Louis says quietly as he kneels over Liam, rubbing his back comfortingly. Liam sobs, gripping tightly to Zayn's shoulders, his arms wrapped tightly around his bony skeleton of a body.
"How could you do this to me? You said you'd be right next to me forever!" Liam tells Zayn.
      "What about Watson? What about Duckie!? What about me?! I promised them I'd bring you home! What am I gonna tell them now? You..... You Stupid donut," Liam says quietly when he had cried all his tears out. he had cried so hard that he couldn't cry any more and so he just lay on the floor feeling empty and distant with his head resting on Zayn's hard, empty chest. Nothing mattered any more.
The van was completely silent as each boy tries his hardest to comprehend this unbelievable horror. The only sound that could be heard was an occasional sniffle or cry from Liam.
      He had found Zayn. But he had no clue what to do now. He had never planned on getting this far.

The end

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