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A few hours later, one of Liam's nurses came back in and check up on him and take a final look at his head to be sure the bleeding stopped. As she removed his old bandages, Zayn reaches out for Liam's hand as a way of encouragement. Liam smiles slightly and squeezes Zayn's small hand reassuringly.
A few times, he would squeeze Zayn's hand any time he would wince from the nurse piling to hard on accident. She occasionally asked him if he was okay which Liam would smile and  always reply with a 'yes' in hopes to be let home. The nurse left for a few minutes, leaving Liam alone with Zayn.
She comes back soon later, holding a rather large needle in her hand. She explains that
"Before you leave, you're going to need a few shots. These should protect you from any disease or problems from your wound," she explains. Liam nods slightly and sets his jaw bravely. When Zayn sees the needle, his eyes grow huge in fear.
    "Liam. Hold my hand," Zayn says and Liam looks up at him with an amused grin.
     "I'm fine, Zaynie," Liam assures him.
     "Liam. Hold my hand," Zayn repeats sternly. Liam laughs and rolls his eyes.
    "I'm really fine I promise! It's just a little shot, it won't hurt me!" He insists but still intertwines his fingers with Zayn's, giving his hand a light squeeze.
The nurse rolls his sleeve up and presses the tip of the needle to his skin. Liam glances away and looks up at Zayn with a small smile and barely even feels when the needle pricks his    
      After getting dressed into his normal clothes, Liam signs the mandatory hospital form saying he was well enough to leave but would come back if he experienced any unusual behavior and with that he was free to go home.
"God I'm glad to get out of there," Liam says as he and Zayn walk outside, hand in hand.
"Why?" Zayn wonders curiously.
"You really think I didn't have better things to do today then sit in the hospital getting staples put in my head?!" Liam asks with a laugh.
"Yeah I guess so..." Zayn mutters with a grin. "Liam are you zure you're okay to be walking so soon?" Zayn asks worriedly.
"Yes Zayn. I'm totally fine," Liam tell him with a smile.
"Are you zure? I could get one of those wheel-y chairs and push you home," Zayn offers helpfully and Liam laughs.
"I'm fine! I swear! I'm okay!" Liam tells him as he leans over and kisses Zayn's cheek then his nose with a smile.
"If you zay zo. But if you pass out, I'm not gonna carry your ass home," Zayn informs him sassily and Liam laughs again.

"Liam does your head still hurt?" Zayn asks as they lay in bed that night.
"Yeah," Liam replies tiredly.
"I'm going to get you zome ice. They said it would help," Zayn says as he climbs out of bed. Before Liam can stop him, Zayn walks out of the room on his quest for ice.
"I couldn't find the ice so I just got zome ztrawberrie instead," Zayn admits when he returns, holding a small pack of frozen strawberries in his hands. "Is that okay?" He asks worriedly.
"Of course. It's perfect baby," Liam says with a small smile as he takes the pack from Zayn and holds it to his forehead.
"They also zaid you need to take these," Zayn says as he picks up a small pill bottle from Liam's bed side. He takes out 2 small pills and holds them out to Liam along with a small glass of water from the sink.
"Ew no. I hate pills." Liam says as he makes a disgusted face.
"You zhouldnt have zlipped in the zhower then, zhould you?" Zayn says with a smirk as he leans closer to Liam with the pills.
"It's not my fault we have a health hazard! We need a bathmat or something." Liam whines unhappily, swallowing the painkillers quickly. He looked up at Zayn with the best smile he could make at the moment.Zayn returns the smile and they soon get lost in each other eyes.
"You zhould probably get zome zleep now," Zayn says quietly as he runs his fingers carefully through Liam hair so he wouldn't hurt him. Liam closes his eyes and nods slowly. He loved that idea....
Zayn lies down on his side of the bed and turns the lamp off, letting the room get dark.
"Wait!! Don't go to sleep yet! ," Zayn insists suddenly. He kissed his boyfriend's nose and Liam opens his eyes drowsily, and presses the pack of frozen strawberries to his head.
"Are you still feeling dizzy?"Zayn asks and Liam shrugs.
"I guess a little," he admits.
"Well I need to change your bandages now. But don't worry. The nurse taught me the right way to do it. Hopefully I remember...." Zayn mutters as he starts to unbind the bandages.
"So if I die, I'm only gonna have you to blame," Liam replies as he smiles up at Zayn.
"Oh you're not gonna die;" Zayn assures him. "I'm gonna take good care of you, don't worry my precious little Lima bean," he adds with a huge smile.
"You've done a good job at it so far. I feel better already!" Liam says. "Hey, maybe you should be a nurse," Liam suggests jokingly.
"No way!" Zayn insists.
"Why not? You're doing a good job at taking care of me," Liam replies.
"That's because you're my Liam. I don't wanna take care of other people! And besides.... Hospitals are cold. And zcary," Zayn explains as he Sees the deep red swollen scar and the stitches holding Liam's forehead together.
"Aw, my poor Liam!" Zayn sighs sadly as he gently rests his hand on Liam's head and Liam laughs.
"Does your head still hurt?" Zayn asks worriedly.
"No, I'm okay now. It just hurts a little bit, but my own personal nurse is taking care of me, so I'll be alright," Liam says as he leans on Zayn's shoulder, grateful for the comfort. "Still have the headache though. Distract me?"
Zayn laughs and playfully pushes Liam away but Liam just hugs him tighter.
"I don't know....maybe we shouldn't do anything like that for a while," Zayn says quietly.
"Why not zee? You don't love me any more?" Liam assumes sadly and Zayn shakes his head frantically.
"No no that's not it! I don't want you to get hurt! Your head is already hurt enough!" Zayn explains.
"Fine. I see how it is. You care more about my health and safety then my own personal pleasures," Liam mutters with a grin. "But thank you," he adds as he leans back against Zayn's chest.
"For what?" Zayn wonders curiously.
"For all of this. For being the best boyfriend ever and taking such good care of me. For keeping me around even when I slip in the shower and make a complete fool of myself. I love you so much."
"I love you too," Zayn smiles so wide he thought he might break. "I love you."
"Now get zome zleep you crazy donut," Zayn adds as he kisses Liam's forehead.

The next morning (mid afternoon to some), Liam rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He stands up tiredly and hesitantly steps into the shower,  a little more careful than usual- the dull ache in his skull served as a grim reminder that he would probably never be able to take a shower easily again.
He expects to feel smooth porcelain under his feet, but instead parts of the floor had a rubbery texture, not quite what he remembered.
He glances down and sees about twenty little plastic duck stickers, the cartoon birds all wearing purple boots and sporting matching umbrellas. He runs his toes over the closest one- his foot didn't slide over it as he expected.
"They didn't have any bathmats at the ztore zo I had to improvise." He hears Zayn's voice explain from behind him. Liam looks up and smiles when he sees Zayn leaning against the bathroom doorway with a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
"I noticed," Liam says with a coy smile. "Well since I can't slip any more...." He trails off with a mischievous smirk.
"Are you saying  we re-try yesterday morning?" Zayn wonders and Liam nods.
"Li-am.... You just got out of the hospital," Zayn says in a motherly-concerned tone.
"I'll be fine Zaynie," Liam says.
"But Liam.... You're still in pain," Zayn tells him worriedly.
Liam takes Zayn's hands and leans in for a quick kiss. "Well then," he whispers his mouth just inches from Zayn's. "Distract me." He smirks as he pulls Zayn toward the shower.

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