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Liam: hey I'm outside ur place Haz
Harry: doors unlocked. Come on in :)

    Liam walks in to Harry's small nice house and sees the other 3 boys already there sitting on the couches in the lounge watching tv and eating chips and laughing about something.
"Hey Li! Glad to see you could finally make it!" Niall says with his huge laugh and smile.
     "What is this!? A fucking party?!" Liam asks sarcastically. For some reason, he was disgusted at how his friends were acting.  Zayn was gone and who knows what could be happening to him right now and these three idiots were just treating it like a normal Friday night with the lads watching a football (or soccer) game.
      "Calm down Payno! Relax! Have a drink!" Louis suggests in a carefree manner.
      "Relax? Have a drink??! Are you serious!! We need to find Zayn!!" Liam insists.
      "I forgot we were dealing with an overprotective boyfriend here," Louis mutters as he pats Liam's arm.
      Liam groans sadly and sits down on the couch next Louis who glances over at him.
    "Have a rough night Li?," Louis says with a huge toothy grin.
     "What?" Liam asks in confusion.
      "Let me guess. Severe Spider bite? Or maybe you discovered an allergic reaction to some new perfume?" Louis guesses, his grin only growing and Liam only growing more confused.
       "Maybe somebody punched him," Niall reasons with a laugh, catching on.
       "Liam you can't hide it from us," Louis says as he nudges Liam's arm.
       "I'm not hiding anything!!" Liam insists frustratedly.
       "Oh! I got it! Zayn's not an alien. He's actually a vampire!!" Niall says and Liam finally realizes what they were taking about. He rolls his eyes and pulls the collar of his jacket up to cover the dark love bites left behind on his neck.
       "What are you 5? We're all adults here," Liam mutters under his breath.
  "No Liam I'm six," Niall says then laughs.
       "You just want your little boy toy back for those long lonely nights," louis says, nudging Niall's arm jokingly.
     "No! Zayn's more than that!!" Liam insists and Louis just laughs.
     "You wouldn't understand...." Liam mutters.
     "Yeah and I hope I never understand what goes on when you and Zayn are alone," Louis says with a laugh.
     "Stop!!" Liam pleads.
      "Why? I never said it was a bad thing to be alone with Zayn...." Louis shrugs. "Even though he still hates me," he adds.
     "Louis! Stop saying his name!!" Liam insists sadly.
    "Hey guys leave the poor boy alone," Harry says defensively  as he wraps his arms around Liam comfortingly.
      "Bet he didn't say that to Zayn last night," Louis smirks and Liam finally starts crying again.
       "Aw! Louis! Look what you did!" Harry says sympathetically as he rubs Liam's back. Liam turns in to Harry and sobs into his chest clinging to Harry's jumper like a scared little kid.
"Damn. We gotta get Zaynie back I don't like seeing Liam like this," Louis says guiltily.
"Yeah me neither," Niall agrees
"Yeah we probably should get going soon anyway. All we need is my laptop and that bag over there. My uncle let me borrow his van so that's perfect," Harry says as he grabs a jacket off the table and some car keys.
      "A van?" Louis repeats in disgust. "There's no way i would EVER be caught riding in a fucking Van!!" He states proudly.
       "Good. Hopefully we don't get caught. Now Come on. I'll explain the plan on the way there," Harry says as he stands up and walks past Louis who rolls his eyes but follows them outside.
      "Liam how much do you love Zayn?" Harry asks after they had been driving for a little bit.
"He's my whole world. My life. Without him.... I'm nothing," Liam answers seriously.
"Well that was poetic...." Louis mutters with his trademark smirk.
"How far are you willing to go to save him?" Harry asks, ignoring Louis's snide comment.
"I'll do whatever it takes. I would die if it meant he could be safe," Liam declares earnestly.
"Oh. Wow. good. I guess no matter what happens, you'll succeed then," Harry says.
"Wait.... What are you saying?" Niall asks.
"There is a slight chance that one or all of us might not make it out of this...." Harry shares hesitantly.
"Woah woah woah. Hold up. Hold on," Louis interrupts. "Now I love Zayn. He's a great guy. Really just..... Great. But there's no way I'm gonna die for him. Liam can be the perfect romantic fairytale hero and die to save his dear princess in distress but I am not dying any time soon thanks," Louis states firmly.
"Louis it'll be okay. We're gonna be careful and do this professionally," Liam assures him.
"Oh yeah because you can just be a top secret spy just because you want to," Louis mutters.
"Louis we have a plan. Harry and I thought this through. We're not gonna die," Liam tells him. "We're just gonna get Zayn and get out and get home. Simple," Liam adds.
"Simple. Okay, well said tom cruise. Mr. Mission impossible," Louis mutters sassily.
"Damn somebody is savage today...." Niall comments with a laugh. "Looks like he brought his sassy pants along," Niall adds. His smiles fades when he sees Liam sitting against one of the Windows with his knees hugged tightly to his chest. He stares out the window at the passing world with the saddest expression and Niall can't help but feel bad for him.
      "Hey Liam. It'll be okay," Niall says as he rests his hand on Liam's arm comfortingly.
      "You don't know that," Liam mutters quietly.
      "You're right....  I don't know that. But I know we're going to do everything we can.
And Zayn's strong. He can take care of himself," Niall adds and Liam nods, bravely trying to hold back tears again.
       "And Just think of how happy Zayn will be to see you again," Niall says with a smile.
Liam shrugs and doesn't say anything.
     "You don't think he'll be happy to see you?" Niall wonders in surprise.
     "I don't know. We kind of left of on a rough road," Liam admits.
    "No! Ziam was fighting?" Niall gasps in disappointment.
    "A while ago..... But it wasn't really fighting... Just... I yelled at him for something and he got upset and eventually we did make up but since then things just haven't felt the same between us. Like... We're still really happy but I just feel like he's different now," Liam explains sadly then shakes his head with a disappointed sigh. "I don't know. It's probably just me overthinking everything," he adds.
    "What happened?" Louis wonders curiously as he peeks his head up from behind the seat.
     "Louis! You Don't just ask that! If he wanted us to know, he would've told us," Niall says.
     "No it's okay," Liam shrugs. "I yelled at him because he had a joint in his pocket and I found it when I was doing laundry and..... he actually said that YOU gave it to him," Liam says as he looks up at Louis with an angry stare.
     "What?" Louis asks in shocked surprise.
      "No! Don't do this to me Louis! We both know of your 'habit '! And ironically it was the day after you and him went out and 'had a few drinks just to have a good time'. Remember that Louis??" Liam says unhappily.
     "Yeah I smoke but what makes you think I gave it him?" Louis wonders.
     "Zayn said you did. After I asked him 30 times. Seemed pretty committed to keeping it a secret though," Liam says, growing even more upset and suspicious.
      "Why would I do that Liam? That makes no fucking sense..... Do you have any idea how expensive that shit is? Why would I just give it away. For free?? And to him out of all people??" Louis reasons.
     Louis had a point.....
    "So if he didn't get it from you..... then where did Zayn get it from?" Liam asks disappointedly again.
    "Woah. Zaynie, keeping secrets. That is not a good move in any relationship..... Wonder what else he's hiding and won't ever tell you because he doesn't trust you enough to confess?" Niall comments, forcing his way into the conversation.
     "Wow Niall. Thanks," Liam mutters as he rests his chin on his hand and stares out the back window.
     "Hey, guys, stop it," Harry cuts in. "If you keep this up, they'll hear us before we even get in the building!" He adds as he finally pulls into a dark shady alley and parks the old Van
Just a few blocks away from where they needed to be.
The 4 best friends all gather in the back of the van, huddling around an old laptop.
"Okay. so. If my research is correct... Zayn should be in the labs which are in the west wing of the building over here," Harry shares as he points to the far side of the map on the screen.
"So you'll have to walk down these few blocks and you'll come across the building at the end of west 184 street. And you'll enter right here at entrance A and all you'll have to do is make your way through the offices, across these set of halls here, and down to the labs which should be under the main building," Harry explains.
"Sounds easy enough," Niall comments sarcastically but with an optimistic nod.
"Really, all we need to do is break in to a highly secured and guarded top secret government agency, steal back Liam's alien experiment boyfriend, and get out of there all in under an hour without being noticed by thousands of trained armed guards and security officers that wouldn't hesitate to kill us or throw us in jail if they saw us," Louis mutters.
"Exactly," Harry nods and Louis rolls his eyes. "And remember. He's in lab 42. Got it?"
"42. 42. Lab 42," Niall repeats to remember it better.
"And while you're doing all that, I'll be here disabling all cameras, alarms, and locks. It would be A shame too if all their systems and communications were to suddenly fail....." Harry tells them with a sly grin as he glances at his laptop.
"All right boys. It's now or never," Louis says as he opens the door to the van and they all climb out
The 3 of them walk casually down the dark streets until they come to a large white building surrounded in barbed wire. When no ones watching, They walk around it to one of the secret side entrances hidden by trees and underbrush, right where Harry said it would be.
"Ready?" Liam whispers as he turns back. Niall nods and Louis urged him forward.
"Go on then..." He mutters.
Liam sighs and takes a long, refreshing breath of fresh air. With a surge of bravery, he turns the handle and pushes the door, which opens without any problems. He sticks his head through to examine the building. Looking right then left and right again, he signals the area was clear and the 3 slip inside, closing the door silently behind themselves.

I'm just gonna apologize now because I feel like the next few chapters will be really boring because I'm not good at writing stuff like this but I feel bad cuz the other 3 boys haven't been in it much (which is why most of this chapter exists)
     but just hang on cuz I promise it will get better soon hopefully.
      Thanks for reading :)

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