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       "Liam, can I ask you a question?" Zayn wonders.
"Of course. You don't even have to ask me, just say it," Liam says as he looks up at Zayn.
"Does this look okay to wear?" Zayn asks shyly and Liam grins slightly as he looks at Zayn's outfit.
"Yeah. You look super cute. Why?" He asks curiously.
"Oh. I'm going out with Louis tonight and I wanna make sure I look okay," he explains.
"You're Going out with Louis?" Liam repeats. He wasn't too thrilled about the way Zayn phrased that statement.
"Yeah. He said I could hang out with him so I wouldn't be alone while you were buying dog food for Watson tonight," Zayn clarifies.
"Well that was thoughtful of him...." Liam mutters then sighs. "Actually... Yeah... It'll be good for you to be around someone beside me for a little bit. I think that'll be a lot of fun," Liam says as he forces a smile.
"You're not mad are you?" Zayn asks worriedly.
"No! Of course not!" Liam replies.
"Okay," Zayn nods with a relieved smile.
"Where are you and Louis going?" Liam wonders curiosity.
"I don't know. He just said I could hang out with him. He didn't really say much else...." Zayn admits.
"Well that's okay. You'll still have fun," Liam smiles with a nod.
"But wait... If I'm with Louis you'll be all alone," Zayn suddenly realizes.
"So?" Liam asks.
"I don't want you to be alone and sad and all by yourself!" Zayn tells him as he sits down sideways on Liam's lap with a sad pout as he looks up in to Liam's eyes.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm not gonna be sad. I can be alone for a little bit," Liam tells him with a smile as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind Zayn's ear.
"Are you sure?" Zayn asks.
"What do you think I did before you showed up? I was alone all the time! An hour or two won't kill me," Liam tells Zayn.
"But you weren't alone. You had Watson," Zayn reminds Liam with a smile.
"When Watson's around, you're never alone," Liam agrees. At the mention of his name, Watson runs into the room then jumps up on Liam, knocking Zayn onto the bed then licks Liam's face excitedly.
"Hey! Watson! Stop!! Get out of here!!" Liam says with a laugh as he shoves Watson off of himself.
Watson barks and climbs off of Liam and sits down on the bed next to Zayn.
"Watson!" Zayn says happily as he rests his head against the giant dogs shoulder.
"Just when I thought we finally got rid of him...." Liam mutters jokingly as he scratches
Watsons head making him pant happily.
    "Hey, he finally listened to you!" Zayn realizes.
      Suddenly, a loud knock distracts them and Watson jumps off the bed and runs to the front door.
"Oh! Louis's here!" Zayn says as he jumps up and follows Watson to the front door to let Louis in.
"Liam, I'm stealing your boyfriend for the night," Louis claims.
"Okay you can have him," Liam shrugs.
"Bye Liam. I love you soooo much! ," Zayn says with a smile as he wraps his arms around Liam then kisses His cheek a few times.
"Not as much as I love you, baby boy," Liam smiles as he quickly kisses Zayn's nose making him giggle.
"I'm gonna miss you," Liam says quietly as he slowly kisses Zayn's lips. Zayn sighs longingly and kisses Liam back, resting his hand on Liam's soft face.
"Hey, could I borrow your trash can real quick? I think I'm gonna throw up," Louis mutters dryly as he stands awkwardly by the door.
"Oh I can go get it for you," Zayn offers politely.
"You really don't have a firm understanding of what sarcasm is, do you?" Louis says and Zayn just smiles.
"He really doesn't," Liam whispers to Louis with a grin as Zayn kisses him one last time then walks up to Louis.
"Bye Liam!" He waves before walking out the door after his new friend. They walk down the street, going deeper into the heart of the small city.
"Louis where are we going?" Zayn wonders.
"You'll see but you'll love it and I'll bet my life Liam would never take you to a place like this. Good thing you got me to have a little fun with every once in a while, huh," Louis says with a grin as he nudges Zayn's arm. Zayn smiles and nods.
"Hey, we're almost there. We just gotta cross this road cuz it's on the other side of the street," Louis explains.
"Okay," Zayn shrugs as he steps out onto the busy street.
Louis screams as he sees a yellow taxi speeding down the street, right toward Zayn.
"Zayn!!!" Louis yells as the cab slams on its breaks, screeching to a stop just inches away from Zayn. Zayn doesn't move; he just stands motionless staring curiously at the cab.
"Get the fuck out of the road, fucking moron!" The old taxi driver leans out his window and yells angrily at Zayn.
     "Hey! Fuck you!" Louis yells back angrily as he grabs Zayn's shoulders.
"Come on Zayn!!" Louis instructs as he quickly crosses the road. The cab driver lays on the horn angrily at them again before speeding off again.
"Oh my god!! That was so fucking crazy!!" Louis gasps with a laugh Once they reached the other side safely. "You could have died!!!" He exclaims.
"That's actually not the first time something like that happened...." Zayn mutters.
"What??" Louis laughs in surprise.
"Yeah. But the other one didn't stop," Zayn adds as he scratches the back of his neck in remembrance.
"What the fuck!! You did not get hit by a car," Louis says in disbelief.
"Yea," Zayn shrugs.
"No!" Louis claims doubtfully. "Did it hurt?" Louis asks in surprise.
"I mean yeah.... A little bit," Zayn shrugs.
"How are you not dead right now??" Louis asks with another laugh. Zayn just shrugs and grins.
"God you're so fucking weird. I love it," Louis comments with a laugh and a grin. He thought Zayn was joking.... Zayn just smiles as he follows Louis down a slightly crowded city street.
     "Well. Here it is," Louis says with a smile as he leads Zayn into a small, dark building. Zayn looks around as his eyes adjust to the dimness. The place looked so old and shady and a stale repulsive smell Hung in the air and Zayn didn't like it. He couldn't shake the bad feeling he got from this strange place.....
     He follows Louis to the middle of the room where a long counter was. Louis leans against the countertop and awakes to an older man who was cleaning out a glass cup with a rag.
     "I'll take a Botanist please," Louis requests.
     "I'm gonna have to see some I.D first," the man says gruffly. Louis pulls a small card out of his pocket and shows it to the man who nods in approval.
    "What about your friend?" He asks, eyeing Zayn who steps back nervously.
     "Oh, he's old enough, he's just not having anything. Designated driver, if you know what I mean," Louis says with a smile and a nod as he slips the bar-tender a few extra bills. The man looks down at the money then quickly shoves it in his pocket then hands Louis a tall clear bottle.
     "Thanks," Louis says with a smile as he leads Zayn to far off corner to sit down and be away from everybody else.
    "How old are you anyway?" Louis wonders.
Zayn glances up at him with a clueless look.
     "Eh. I'm sure you're older than 21," Louis shrugs casually. "And if not.... Then who fucking cares. I won't tell anybody," Louis says as he unscrews the cap.
     "Here, try this," Louis insists. Zayn looks down at the glass in front of him then back up at Louis. "Go on. It's good," Louis insists persuasively with a smile.
     Slowly, Zayn picks up the bottle. He brings it to his nose to smell it and his face twists in to a sick, disgusted look.
   "Just try it!!" Louis repeats. Zayn takes a small sip then shakes his head and pushes the bottle away. He sticks his tongue out and glances around the room for something to take the awful taste away.
   "What's wrong Zaynie? You don't like it?" Louis asks disappointedly.
    "That's terrible...." Zayn says.
     "Yeah I guess it takes some getting used to," Louis shrugs.
      "What even is it?" Zayn wonders.
       "A botanist!" Louis explains.
       "What is that?" Zayn asks, even more confused.
      "Normally a person that studies plants. But this here is a high quality gin you just sampled," Louis explains proudly as he takes a sip form the bottle. Zayn watches him in disgust.
      "Why do you drink that?" Zayn asks.
       "it makes you feel good," Louis explains.
       "No it doesn't. It hurts to drink," Zayn explains.
      "True. But trust me. You drink some of this and you will be living like you've never lived before, mate," Louis says with a grin as he pushes the bottle toward Zayn again.
     Finally, Zayn's curiosity gets the best of him and he has to take another long sip. He forces himself to swallow the clear liquid and let's it burn his throat. It still tastes like burnt rubber and pine needles, But he would admit, he did start to feel a slightly warm, fuzzy feeling deep inside his chest.
     He takes another sip then smiles slightly.
     "Ah, see, now you're starting to like it," Louis realizes with a proud smirk.
     "It's good," Zayn admits as he takes another long drink.
     "Hey! I want some of that! Don't fucking drink it all! I paid good money for that!" Louis says as he reaches out to take the bottle from Zayn.
     Zayn pulls the bottle away from Louis then stops suddenly.
     "Hey, you alright mate?" Louis asks as Zayn stares at some far off point on the wall. Suddenly Zayn slumps over without another word and falls limply to the floor, the glass bottle shattering next to him.
     "Oh my god!! Zayn! Zayn! Are you alright! Zayn!" Louis gasps as he kneels down next to Zayn. He shakes Zayn's shoulders, trying to bring him back.
     "Oh fuck. I've killed him...." Louis mutters as he sits back in shock.

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