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I stepped out of the hot LA sunshine into the air-conditioned Barnes and Nobel.  When I accepted the post-grad position in the Biology department of UCLA, I knew it would be hot in LA.  I thought being an Aussie girl I'd be prepared.  I was not.  Being in the city, the heat was oppressive, but on top of that, it was dry.  Humidity is awful, but I have never experienced the just moisture draining dryness of LA before.  

    I wandered up and down the aisles browsing the books and interesting games and toys they seemed to stock.  I love bookshops. I probably don't need any more books, but I honestly can't help myself. I guess for some people, books are always needed.  A display caught my eye.  It is a table full of leather-bound books with gilt edges, so I immediately gravitated towards it.  Another customer was browsing them, tall, with light brown hair and kind of a stupid looking beard that was mostly goatee but with stubble making up the mustache part.  He also looked like he spent a lot of time in the gym.  I have a quick nasty thought about him not being able to read and then mentally slap myself.  God, that was bitchy, Emily.  Don't think things like that about people just because they like to work out.  It's not like you don't spend time at the gym.

    I noticed they had a leather-bound copy of 'The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy'!  I picked it up and looked it over longingly.  It isn't as pretty as the other books, with its weird, round, green alien on the front, but I instantly fall in love.

    "Oh, that one is really good, right?  42 and all that?"  The guy next to me said.  I smile and look up, for the first time noticing his piercing blue eyes. 

    "Yeah," I laughed, turning the book over "It's my favourite series, but I probably shouldn't be buying it just because it looks fancy."

    "Oh, why not?  You have to treat yourself sometimes." He said grinning.  

    "Sometimes maybe,"  I laughed again "But not all the time." I didn't put the book down though.  Part of me thinks he probably has a point.  I look at the book he's holding.  It's a collection of Irish fairy and folk tails.  "That one looks nice too.  What stories does it have in it?"

    "I don't really know."  He replied "Nothing I really recognise. I was thinking about buying it for my sister.  She just announced she's pregnant.  I'm very excited about having a new niece or nephew.  I wanted to buy her a gift, and we're a part Irish family.  I thought it would be nice." 

    He held it up to show it to me like he wanted my opinion.  I reached over to take it, and our fingers touched briefly.  Something passed through us like electricity.  I've read people say things like that, but I have always scoffed.  The idea is ridiculous.  I look up at him to see if he felt it too, and he was staring at me, his mouth slightly open.  He went to say something but looked away.  I looked down at the book and opened it.  It did look lovely.  "I – I think it looks beautiful.'  I stammered. "I'm sure your sister will love it.'  

    "Thanks.  I'll think I'll get it."  He said taking the book back.  "By the way.  My names Chris."  He said holding his hand out and I shake it. 

    "Nice to meet you, Chris.  I'm Emily."

    I put the copy of 'The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy' down.  "Oh, you're not going to buy it?"  Chris asked, almost sounding disappointed.

    "No, I better not.  I haven't even lived in LA long.  I have a lot of household stuff I need to buy still.  I probably shouldn't be spending my money on books I already own."

    Chris started to fidget like he's considering something.  "Well, I probably should be going," I said.  I don't really actually have anywhere to go, and I am enjoying talking to him, but standing around chatting in a bookstore with strangers can only last so long.  

    "Wait a second,"  Chris said, picking the book back up.  I stopped and turn to look at him.  He was remarkably good looking.  Not normally my type, but the way he looks awkwardly holding the books out in front of him is quite cute.  "So this might sound a bit weird.  But hear me out."  He stopped for a second like he was building himself up.  "Would you mind if I bought you the book."  I went to interrupt, shaking my head "No, wait.  If we were at a bar now, I'd be buying you a drink, or at least offering to.  I mean I guess you could turn that down too.  But you know, it wouldn't be weird if I offered.   But we aren't in a bar, we're at a bookstore, so yeah, how about I buy you a book instead."

    I laughed.  The words had come out of him at a million miles an hour.  I don't think he could have acted 'awkward pick up in bookshop' if he tried to.  I wasn't sure about this though.  A book is not the same as a drink no matter what he said.  But at the same time ... 

    Then the idea hit me "Okay," I say, "But only if you then let me buy you coffee."

*    *    *    *    *

    We went together to pay for the book and then headed back into the sun to find somewhere to have coffee.  Chris assured me that while coffee, in general, was pretty bad in LA, there is at least one decent place near where we were.  He led me to a cute looking place with lots of wood and soft squashy looking sofas and we head inside and order some drinks and sit down.

    "So, I know you already told me you just moved to LA, but I could tell you weren't a local when you spoke.  I'm very observant." Chris joked as we waited for our order "So are you from England?  Is the heat a lot for you?"

    I laughed "No, not England.  Australia." I answered.  He immediately looked embarrassed.  

    "Oh no,"  He said, "Well then I guess you're used to the heat."

    "It's fine, you aren't the first person to think I'm English.  You won't be the last.  And not really. I mean, it does get very hot where I'm from.  But it's humid too.  This dry heat is weird to me.  But you don't totally sound local either.  Am I right?"

    "I've been here a while now.  But no, I'm from Boston originally."  He answered.  "I came here for work.  I'm an actor.  Is that why you're here?"

    Of course, he was an actor.  How could he not be?  "Well, I'm here for work,  but I'm not an actor.  I'm a scientist.  I have a job at UCLA."

    "Oh wow, really?"  He said sounding quite surprised.  I wondered if he was surprised because he thought I didn't look like a scientist or because he barely met any.

    "Yeah, zoology and conservation is my specialty."   I answered   "I'm going to be looking at the coyote numbers and behaviour while I'm here, mostly.  But also teaching."

    We talked for ages.  Coffee became lunch and we ended up spending most of the day together.  I found him very easy to be around.  At around four we decide we had better part ways. He asked for my number, which of course I gave him, and he walked me to my car.

    "So, I'll call you."  He said, standing slightly awkwardly by my car.  He ran his hands through his hair and looked down at his shoes. He was obviously working himself up to ask me something again. I reached up and touched his arm, running my hand along his bicep.  "Emily, I had a really nice day.  I quite like you."


    "Would you mind if I kiss you goodbye?"  His shyness was endearing. I wouldn't have thought he had any problem getting women to kiss him.

    "No, I don't mind."  I said, my breath catching.

    He leaned forward and our lips met. It was brief and gentle. But it ignited something in me.  My hand went to his face almost involuntarily, and he leaned into it. 

    We both sighed.  "I'll see you,"  he said eventually, stepping back and holding the car door open for me. I slid inside and started the car.  He closed the door and stepped away and I waved as I back the car up and drive away.

    "Oh my god, Emily.  What was that."  I said as I glanced up and watched him wave in my rear view mirror.

Part of Your World:A Chris Evans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now